Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Stem Field Is No Stranger For Advancement And Innovation
The STEM field is no stranger to advancement and innovation. In a thriving age of technology and science, one could argue that the United States (and many countries throughout the world) have progressed a long way from the outdated technologies that were used in past decades. Yet, despite the vast progress made in the stem fields, the demographics of STEM workers are still highly outdated with its lack of racial and gender diversity. As a result of the growing number of jobs in STEM, organizations such as Black Girls Code are making steps to prepare minorities for these careers. The founder of Black Girls Code, Kimberly Bryant, experienced what she calls â€Å"cultural isolation†during her collegiate years and throughout her career as an electrical engineer. Bryant recalls seeing very few faces like her own and felt that there was a void in the STEM field that needed to be filled by the presence of black women. Bryant acknowledges that the lack of black females in STEM is not due to a lack of interest in the sciences, but is instead due to a lack of resources and lack of exposure provided to black girls during early education. She set out to meet this need and, thus, Black Girls Code was created. Black Girls Code is an organization focused on increasing the number of black girls in the STEM field. They do so by training black girls, ages 7 to 17, in the field of computer science, also known as coding. â€Å"By launching Black Girls Code,†stated Bryant, â€Å" I hope to provide young andShow MoreRelatedBasic Motives Behind Academic And Industrial Science1371 Words  | 6 Pagesfirm assets and increases profit, hence restraining researchers’ choice of projects (Aghion, Dewatripont Stein, 2008). Thus, management plays a vital role in ensuring the success and survival of a business while freedom in academia ensures the advancement of basic research. 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