Sunday, December 29, 2019
Why Does the Atmosphere Exert Pressure on the Earth
Except when the wind is blowing, youre probably unaware that air has mass and exerts pressure. Yet, if there were suddenly no pressure, your blood would boil and the air in your lungs would expand to pop your body like a balloon. Yet, why does air have pressure? Its a gas, so you might think it would expand out into space. Why does any gas have pressure? In a nutshell, its because molecules in the atmosphere have energy, so they interact and bounce off each other, and because they are bound by gravity to stay near each other. Take a closer look: How Air Pressure Works Air consists of a mixture of gases. The molecules of the gas have mass (although not much) and temperature. You could use the ideal gas law as one way to visualize pressure: PV nRT where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles (related to mass), R is a constant, and T is temperature. The volume is not infinite because the Earths gravity has enough pull on the molecules to hold them close to the planet. Some gases escape, like helium, but heavier gases like nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide are bound more tightly. Yes, some of these larger molecules still bleed off into space, but terrestrial processes both absorb gases (like the carbon cycle) and generate them (like evaporation of water from the oceans). Because there is a measurable temperature, the molecules of the atmosphere have energy. They vibrate and move around, bumping into other gas molecules. These collisions are mostly elastic, meaning the molecules bounce away more than they stick together. The bounce is a force. When it is applied over an area, like your skin or the Earths surface, it becomes pressure. How Much Is Atmospheric Pressure? Pressure depends on altitude, temperature, and weather (largely the amount of water vapor), so its not a constant. However, the average pressure of air under ordinary conditions at sea level is 14.7 lbs per square inch, 29.92 inches of mercury, or 1.01 Ãâ€" 105 pascals. Atmospheric pressure is only about half as much at 5 km altitude (about 3.1 miles). Why is pressure so much higher close to the Earths surface? Its because its really a measure of the weight of all the air pressing down at that point. If you are high in the atmosphere, there isnt much air above you to press down. At the Earths surface, the entire atmosphere is stacked above you. Even though gas molecules are very light and far apart, there are a lot of them!
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Stem Field Is No Stranger For Advancement And Innovation
The STEM field is no stranger to advancement and innovation. In a thriving age of technology and science, one could argue that the United States (and many countries throughout the world) have progressed a long way from the outdated technologies that were used in past decades. Yet, despite the vast progress made in the stem fields, the demographics of STEM workers are still highly outdated with its lack of racial and gender diversity. As a result of the growing number of jobs in STEM, organizations such as Black Girls Code are making steps to prepare minorities for these careers. The founder of Black Girls Code, Kimberly Bryant, experienced what she calls â€Å"cultural isolation†during her collegiate years and throughout her career as an electrical engineer. Bryant recalls seeing very few faces like her own and felt that there was a void in the STEM field that needed to be filled by the presence of black women. Bryant acknowledges that the lack of black females in STEM is not due to a lack of interest in the sciences, but is instead due to a lack of resources and lack of exposure provided to black girls during early education. She set out to meet this need and, thus, Black Girls Code was created. Black Girls Code is an organization focused on increasing the number of black girls in the STEM field. They do so by training black girls, ages 7 to 17, in the field of computer science, also known as coding. â€Å"By launching Black Girls Code,†stated Bryant, â€Å" I hope to provide young andShow MoreRelatedBasic Motives Behind Academic And Industrial Science1371 Words  | 6 Pagesfirm assets and increases profit, hence restraining researchers’ choice of projects (Aghion, Dewatripont Stein, 2008). Thus, management plays a vital role in ensuring the success and survival of a business while freedom in academia ensures the advancement of basic research. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry free essay sample
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry is considered one of the greatest lyrical poems of all time. In Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Walt Whitman uses connotative diction, prying questions, and critical reader engagement to convey a feeling of connection and unity of people through time. By using these certain rhetoric strategies, Whitman creates a piece of poetry that seems to be timeless. Whitman carefully chooses certain words and phrases that really highlight his intentions to connect himself and others readers throughout time. In part 2 of the poem, Walt chooses the words â€Å"simple†and â€Å"compact†to describe a â€Å"scheme†in which we are all â€Å"disintegrated†. These words, precise and carefully chosen, attribute to the great lyricism of the poem. A scheme that is simple is a scheme that we can all live by. And a compact, simple scheme connotes togetherness. Whitman continues to say we’re all disintegrated, but part of the scheme. Being disintegrated could also means we are all little pieces of the same body, or scheme Another simple rhetoric strategy imposed by Whitman to convey a sense of unity between he and the reader is reader engagement. We will write a custom essay sample on Crossing Brooklyn Ferry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Whitman involves and engages the ready by asking the reader questions, and relating to the reader. By effectively asking questions, Whitman suggest to readers from past and future times that maybe there is not much that separates them. â€Å"What is it then between us? What is the count of scores or hundreds of years between us? The use of these rhetoric strategies are just a few the devices that makes Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry†a timeless masterpiece. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry free essay sample Ferry is considered one of the greatest lyrical poems of all time. In Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Walt Whitman uses connotative diction, prying questions, and critical reader engagement to convey a feeling of connection and unity of people through time. By using these certain rhetoric strategies, Whitman creates a piece of poetry that seems to be timeless. Whitman carefully chooses certain words and phrases that really highlight his intentions to connect himself and others readers throughout time. In part 2 of the poem, Walt chooses the words â€Å"simple†and â€Å"compact†to describe a â€Å"scheme†in which we are all â€Å"disintegrated†. These words, precise and carefully chosen, attribute to the great lyricism of the poem. A scheme that is simple is a scheme that we can all live by. And a compact, simple scheme connotes togetherness. Whitman continues to say we’re all disintegrated, but part of the scheme. Being disintegrated could also means we are all little pieces of the same body, or scheme Another simple rhetoric strategy imposed by Whitman to convey a sense of unity between he and the reader is reader engagement. We will write a custom essay sample on Crossing Brooklyn Ferry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Whitman involves and engages the ready by asking the reader questions, and relating to the reader. By effectively asking questions, Whitman suggest to readers from past and future times that maybe there is not much that separates them. â€Å"What is it then between us? What is the count of scores or hundreds of years between us? The use of these rhetoric strategies are just a few the devices that makes Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry†a timeless masterpiece.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Parades as Effective Samples of Collective Behavior Essay Sample free essay sample
Numerous surveies have examined the proposition that corporate protests are greater at the intermediate degrees of political chances and lowest under full entree or utmost repression. The ground for such prevarications in the in the mode in which specific conditions favor the happening of corporate behaviour [ more specifically corporate action ] . Such conditions involve the handiness of â€Å"moderate political freedom. moderate repression. extreme but uncomplete repression†¦ . elect divisions. and political instability†( Williams 83 ) . In relation to this. it has been noted that the happening of corporate signifiers of action are well more prevailing in â€Å"elitist and autocratic†[ as opposed to democratic ] provinces ( Williams 855 ) . It has thereby been posited that the type of political system has a direct consequence on the happening and prevalence of such signifiers of corporate actions. In stead of this. this paper opts to show the correlativity betw een the signifiers of province [ characterized in footings of their most prevailing features ] in relation to the prevalence of corporate signifiers of action within a peculiar province. We will write a custom essay sample on Parades as Effective Samples of Collective Behavior Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such a treatment. nevertheless. necessitates the definition of the constructs that will be utilized in this paper. What follows is a treatment of these constructs. The construct of extreme importance in this treatment is that of corporate behaviour. John Lofland notes that corporate behaviour refers to the â€Å"emergent and extra-institutional societal signifiers and behavior†( 411 ) . Lofland notes that an apprehension of the construct necessitates the isolation of its signifiers and causes. specification of the procedures of its operation. designation of its maps or the effects it has for other societal signifiers and for participants. every bit good as the indicant of the schemes people employ toward and in the context of it ( 411 ) . In this sense. the nature of the corporate behaviour may be assessed in footings of the aforesaid standards. Corporate behaviour may thereby be perceived as the â€Å"maximum suspension of the attitude of mundane life†¦collectively combined with unvarying and maximum emotional rousing and universally adopted extraordinary activities†( Lofland 413-14 ) . The of import facet in the aforesaid construct of corporate behaviour lies in its happening during cases that enable the â€Å"maximum suspension of the attitude of mundane life†. Such a suspension may be perceived as the procedure of the reconsideration or creative activity of new signifiers of paradigms for understanding world. Evidence of this is evident in the two most prevailing signifiers of corporate behaviour: parades and protest. Forms of corporate behaviour chiefly distinguish in their methods of organisation. Such methods of organisation are apparent in the procedure of organisation of a peculiar societal group or a peculiar societal action. In stead of this. it is the mode of organisation. which differentiates parades from protests. Williams notes that protests. â€Å"refer to overt activities by dissenters against a province regime†( 83 ) . A protest may take the signifier of mass meetings. presentations. parades. work stoppages. requests and other signifiers of corporate action. Note that protests are characterized by the use of physical and symbolic methods that opts to assail a dominant system. Evidence of such is evident in the Infantada rebellion in Israel. protests in Czechoslovakia. and Germany. It is of import to observe that the aforesaid signifiers of protest by and large occur in populations that were under province coercion. Such conditions are thereby characterized by the repression o f single civil rights. As opposed to protest. parades. on the other manus. take the signifier of motions that â€Å"bring motions within the scope of conventional politics†( Tarrow 104 ) . In this sense. protest and parades differ in footings of their signifier every bit good as their maps. As protests tend to enable the development of emergent positions. parades on the other manus opt to reenforce dominant positions. The procedure of support nevertheless occurs every bit far as the suspension of belief [ as to the current perceptual experiences of world ] is still assessed with the usage of the foundations of the same beliefs thereby taking to the formation of round claims. Plants Cited Lofland. John. â€Å"Collective Behavior: The Elementary Forms. †Social Psychology: Sociological Perspective.Eds. Morris Rosenberg and Ralph Turner. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. 1990. Tarrow. Sidney.Power in Motion: Social Motions and Contentious Politicss.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1998. Williams. Robin.The War Within: Peopless and States in Conflict.London: Cornell University Press. 2003.
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