Sunday, May 31, 2020
Extracurricular Activity Suggestions for MBA Students
Most people who decide to pursue an MBA understand that business schools are looking for well-qualified candidates. Admissions officials want to know about a candidate’s academic accomplishments, professional life, and career goals. Extracurricular activities also play an important part of a business school application. Some activities for MBA students can highlight skills and talents a person can use in business school. Consider some extracurricular activities that can help an individual stand out in a crowd of business school applicants: Organizing a Fundraising Activity at Work Fundraising is one of the most rewarding extracurricular activities for MBA candidates. For example, a person can enlist the help of colleagues to organize an auction to raise money for a local homeless shelter, or a person may want to organize an employee challenge that brings some fun into the workplace and raises money for a local organization at the same time. Organizing any kind of fundraising activity at work highlights a person’s management and leadership skills. Plus, this sort of activity can raise a lot of money for a worthy cause in the community. Mentoring a Teenager Mentoring a young person is one of the most popular extracurricular activities for MBA applicants. A candidate dedicates a certain amount of hours each week to taking a preteen or teenager on outings in the community. Not surprisingly, a mentor can help build the confidence level of a young person. Also, a mentor is a constant source of encouragement and support in a child’s life a mentor can help with school work or even influence some big decisions made by the teen. Furthermore, a mentor can guide a teenager as they decide on a career path. Business school admissions officials recognize the time, dedication, and leadership it takes to mentor a young person. Studying a Musical Instrument An impressive list of MBA activities can also include playing a musical instrument. For example, a person may note that they have studied the clarinet for five years. This shows dedication to perfecting their skills on the clarinet. They may also note that they give free clarinet lessons to three high school students once a week. This reveals their ability to teach others and willingness to share their talents. This is an especially impressive extracurricular when a person has studied a musical instrument for several years. Coaching a Sports Team Many effective activities for MBA students are related to sports. For example, a person may coach a local baseball team made up of eight- and nine-year-olds, or a person may coach a track team made up of children with special needs. Participating in these types of extracurricular activities requires strong leadership and management skills. Once again, business school admissions officials will be all the more impressed if the candidate has coached a team for several years. Teaching a Class Many management activities for MBA students involve teaching a class. Teaching a GED class to adults is one way for an MBA candidate to show off their leadership skills. Other ideas include teaching a citizenship class, giving swimming lessons, or providing instruction to students who want to learn about business etiquette. Sharing a skill by teaching a class makes for a desirable quality in a business school applicant. Volunteer Work A candidate for business school may want to volunteer at a hospital, church, or community center. It’s best for a person to choose a volunteering opportunity that they are really passionate about. Someone who dedicates a few hours or more to volunteer work every week is showing a sense of maturity, responsibility, and concern about the community they live in. At Veritas Prep, our MBA admissions consultants are experts at providing tips and advice regarding management activities for MBA students. Our professional consultants have a wealth of practical experience with the business school admissions process. We know what the top business schools are looking for in potential students! Go online to fill out a free profile evaluation and get feedback on your pre-MBA activities as well as all of the other elements of your business school application. We use our knowledge and resources to help individuals craft an application that is sure to get the attention of business school admissions officials. Contact Veritas Prep today.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Cross Pollination Religious Customs And Material Culture
The cross-pollination religious customs and material culture in the Cuban Diaspora has provided a wealth of indigenous and assimilative sources (Gordon, 2014: 53), and this has afforded Mendive a rich abundance of inherited iconography of fauna, flora and otherworldly phenomena to consume and use in the process of creating his artworks. Mendive is able to animate the pantheon of Orishas, depicted as either interacting with or sometimes assimilating human postures and gestures. Such representations of the Santerà a cosmic beings investigate concepts of hybridity, â€Å"New Word†practices of syncretism, and notions of a perceived â€Å"combining†of different and seemingly contradictory beliefs through the â€Å"blending†of customs and traditions of different schools of thought and discourse (Turner, 2014). The earliest mention of syncretism appeared in the philosophy of Plutarch as â€Å"the act or system of blending, combining or reconciling inharmonious elements†¦ to forget dissensions and to unite in the face of common danger†(Showerman, 1910-11: 292-93). In ‘The Creation of Afro-Caribbean Religions and their Incorporation of Catholic Elements’ Bettina Schmidt maintains that syncretism is too simple a term to use in attempting to encapsulate the full meaning behind the creation process of Santerà a. According to her, it upholds the belief that the Cuban religion was formed by the sheer â€Å"mixing†of the dominant Catholicism doctrine with the suppressed religious practices of the Yoruba peopleShow MoreRelatedTattoos : a Permanent Mark on Pop Culture Essay6526 Words  | 27 Pagestattooing has varied from culture to culture and its place on the time line. But there are similarities that prevail form the earliest known tattoos to those being performed on people around the world today. Tattoos have always had an important role in ritual and tradition. In Borneo, women tattooed symbols on their forearm indicating their particular skill. If a woman wore a symbol indicating she was a skilled weaver, her status as prime marriageable material was increased. TattoosRead MoreOliberte Marketing Plan13181 Words  | 53 Pagesby providing job opportunities so as to radically change their lives. Olibertà © has a unique business model that greatly supports social and environmental well being of local African communities. Olibertà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s products are made from 100% natural raw materials and, to a large extend, processed by hand work. Their quality products are mainly distributed online and through general shoe stores,such as Urban Outfitters, American Rag and Aldo, etc. Price ranges from $130 to $180. Olibertà © uses their onlineRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesof either good or bad management practice. They are not intended to be a comprehensive collection of teaching material. They have been chosen (or speciï ¬ cally written) to provide readers with a core of cases which, together, cover most of the main issues in the text. As such, they should provide a useful backbone to a programme of study but could sensibly be supplemented by other material. We have provided a mixture of longer and shorter cases to increase the ï ¬â€šexibility for teachers. Combined withRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words  | 339 Pagesfor developing this cognitive ability. Associating: Where It Happens Innovative ideas ï ¬â€šourish at the intersection of diverse experience, whether it be others’ or our own. Throughout history, great ideas have emerged from these crossroads of culture and experience. Much like the twelve major streets of traffic converging on the accident-prone circular road surrounding the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the more diverse our crossroads of experience, the more likely a serendipitous synthesis of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of Republic Essay - 1365 Words
Philosophy is a Greek word meaning love of wisdom. Throughout Platos Republic, wisdom plays an important role. According to Plato, education is wisdom and all of our knowledge is not acquiring information, but remembering it from the past. He felt that wisdom is a skill that comes to us naturally as we are just removing the veil of ignorance. His search for the true meaning of justice leads to a discussion with his peers of education and what part it should play in the ideal state that they have developed. He feels everyone has to be willing to learn and have courage in order to acquire knowledge. Glaucon challenges Plato to praise justice as a good of that kind...because of its very self...and how injustice harms [them]†¦show more content†¦Justice is the three parts ruling your soul working under harmony. The function of appetite is to provide the necessities. Spirit and appetite only work together if reason rules. Moderation is an agreement that reason will rule, being immoderate is following your appetites, or denying yourself the extreme. Everyone has moderation, so that is why we give reason the rule. The economic class is ruled by passion, they do not have the ability to moderate their desire. They mistake what they see for reality, and do not have the wisdom to differentiate right from wrong. They are subject to mimesis, copying what they see. They think that they are knowledgeable and are ignorant to the truth. The people ruled by spirit or courage are dominated by loyalty. They desire protecting, and are courageous, and desire order. In terms of the auxiliary class, courage would not be gender specific as well Courage helps you recognize the value of reason but you need someone to tell you when to fight and not to fight. They are action-based individuals. They also do not know what is right, but think they do. Both of the lower two classes are not passive, the music and art is used to prepare the soul(psyche) to tame the sava ge and you need music to know what harmony is. The rest of the people are gold-souled, and are ruled by wisdom, one of theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Republic By Plato1111 Words  | 5 PagesHereafter, one finds themselves entering into the territory of the second metaphor enumerated by Plato in The Republic. The Image of the Line, once more is intended to give sustenance to the analyzation of goodness and is a direct relation to The Simile of the Sun. In this metaphor, Socrates describes a line which is to be unequally divided into four segments. The segments labeled A and B are to apportion for likenesses, or the visible realm. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflective Journal for Trauma Counseling †
Question: Discuss about theReflective Journal for Trauma Counseling. Answer: Introduction Counseling is an interesting career that was designed to help in improving the quality of human life. Counselors are great people in the society because they have been trusted by everyone. Many people, world over, rely on the services of counselors to address the challenges facing them on day-to-day basis. Personally, I joined the counseling profession because it is the most appealing to me. By joining the counseling profession, I knew that I would get an ample opportunity to serve all sorts of people. I knew that counseling would prepare me to be a professional who can make valuable contributions to the society. As a counselor, I do not only have to possess counseling skills. Instead, I should acquire important competencies such reflection. Reflection, if properly utilized, can enable a professional to carry out an objective self-critique to identify the strengths as well as weak areas that need to be improved. The purpose of this paper is to present an in-depth and critical reflect ion of the experiences acquired during the trauma counseling course. Reflection When I joined the counseling course, I knew the challenging task that would be ahead of me. I was aware that I would learn so many lessons that would prepare me to be a competent and dependable professional. The first important lesson I acquired is that counseling is a discipline which prepares experts to be useful people in the society. For a very long time, human beings have been subjected to lots of difficulties. The challenges faced by people can make them to experience a wide range of mental disorders such as anxiety, trauma, and depression. These are conditions that might be disastrous if not properly managed (Whiston Cinamon, 2015). Therefore, a counselor should be available to help people in coping up with the mental challenges that might be experienced during each and every time. The course was useful to be because it enabled me to learn the roles of a counselor. The most important role learnt is that a counselor is not an advisor, but an expert whose major role is to provide guidance to a client. When a client presents his or her problem, the counselor does not have to rush and provide advice on what to do (Sharf, 2016). This is what I had in mind before joining this course. However, after adequate induction from my tutors, I learnt that a counselor does a totally different job. This implies that the course was essential because it imparted important information that I had not known before. Knowledge is an important resource to anyone in the society (Leontjevas, et al., 2013). When experts are informed, they can be empowered to be active people who can positively impact on the society. The instructors should be commended for teaching us about the roles and responsibilities of a counselor. It is an important thing to do because such basic information can be e ssential in understanding the course and adequately preparing the counselors for the challenging tasks. During the course, I learnt that trauma is a very serious challenge that should be properly addressed. When a person has trauma, it does not mean that they can die (Otte, et al., 2015). However, it is a common mental health condition that can be properly handled if services like counseling are provided. This is a lesson that was taught to by my instructors. My interaction with the instructors gave me an opportunity to be familiar with the mental illnesses that have been troubling people in the society. I therefore agree that it was a commendable thing to do (Bogner, et al., 2016). No one should be left to succumb to mental illnesses like trauma because there are counseling services which can be of great help to them. When I complete my training, I will do my best to provide quality counseling services t my clients. The instructors taught us so well regarding this topic. The reason why we were taught these concepts is because they form the basis for counseling. They were appropriate b ecause each and every therapist should have adequate information regarding all the kinds of mental issues facing clients. During the course, I got an opportunity to learn that counseling is a tedious and challenging activity that should be handled professionally. For one to deliver satisfactory counseling services to a patient, one has to possess important skills such as communication. Communication is an important asset in counseling that should be given a due consideration at all times. Hence, when attending to a patient, a counselor has to be a good communicator (Harrington Long, 2013). One of the most significant communication skills that should be possessed during the counseling process is listening. A counselor should learn to critically listen to a client and give them enough time to express themselves. At the same time, a counselor should be respectful (Barlow, 2012). Meaning, he should treat the client with respect and the dignity that they deserve. If properly utilized, these skills can improve the quality of counseling services to the satisfaction of the client (Morse Salyers, 2012). These lessons were taught so well because the instructors were concerned about us. The instructor had to do a good job because they had expressed a concern to properly train us and provide essential skills that would prepare us to be effective counselors. The other important thing I would like to discuss in this reflection is the lessons I learnt on assessment. My lecturers taught me that a good counselor is one who can conduct a good assessment process for the clients. Whenever a client seeks for counseling services, the first thing to do is to assess the situation. Assessment should be done during the first encounter because it can help in creating a good relationship between the counselor and the client (Brunero Stein-Parbury, 2013). The assessment procedure was properly taught because the instructor informed us that it is a one-on-one engagement which must be done face-to-face. Therefore, for a client to deliver high quality assessment services, the counselor should have excellent interviewing skills. The course made me to know that a good interviewer is a person who can ask good questions and thoroughly interrogate the client right from the beginning up to the very end (Walsh Osipow, 2014). During the course, we got a chance to learn different strategies that can be used in the delivery of counseling services to the clients. The instructors taught us that the counselor should be a therapeutic practitioner who does everything within his capacity to create a good rapport with the client. To achieve, we learnt that a counselor should be effective in the use of cropping and interpersonal communication skills. When there is a close relationship between the parties, the counseling process can be successful as required (Fairman, Rowe, Hassmiller Shalala, 2011). The other important lesson learnt is that a counselor should be a flexible and diverse practitioner who is ready to serve people from all walks of life. Meaning, an ideal counselor is the one who tolerates, accepts, and appreciates other cultures no matter how different they might be. Each of these concepts was properly taught by the instructors. It therefore became easier for us to understand and master the concepts b ecause they are suitable for application during practice. The instructors appear to be experienced experts who have been engaged in the teaching process (Worlein, 2014). Apart from using appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies, the instructors took the necessary steps to ensure that the learning and teaching materials were appropriate for all the learners. Conclusion All in all, I would like to point out that the course was a good one. I appreciate the lecturers for doing a commendable job in providing us with all the information that we are supposed to know as counselors. The course gave me an opportunity to learn a lot of skills that I would not have known if at all I was not part of the learners. I got to affirm certain information that I had gathered before. At the same time, the course enabled me to learn new information that can be essential in my practice. The way in which the lessons were taught made the course to be interesting and enjoyable right from the start up to the very end. At the same time, the course content was appropriate and suitable for us as learners who are still in the process of gathering knowledge and developing the career. The learning materials and resources were also correct because they helped in aiding the teaching and learning process. However, one weakness I would like to highlight is that there are certain conc epts and themes which were not properly exploited during the course. Despite learning a lot of interesting things, I did not get to know everything that I was supposed to learn. For example, I did not fully understand the role of spirituality and religion in the delivery of counseling services. The instructors had mentioned that spirituality should always be considered as an aspect of counseling. These are the issues that should be clarified for me to be adequately informed. References Barlow, D. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology. New York: Oxford UniversityPress. Bogner, H.R., et al. (2016). Does a Depression Management Program Decrease Mortality in Older Adults with Specific Medical Conditions in Primary Care? An Exploratory Analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64(1), pp.126-131. Brunero, S Stein-Parbury, J. (2013). The effectiveness of clinical supervision in nursing: an evidenced based literature review, Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 8594. Fairman, J. A., Rowe, J. W., Hassmiller, S., Shalala, D. E. (2011). Broadening the scope of nursing practice. New England Journal of Medicine, 364(3), 193-196. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol19No02Man02 Harrington, T., Long, J. (2013). The history of interest inventories and career assessments in career counseling. The Career Development Quarterly, 61(1), 83-92. Leontjevas, R., et al (2013). A structural multidisciplinary approach to depression management in nursing-home residents: a multicentre, stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet, 381(9885), pp.2255-2264. Morse, G. Salyers, M. P. (2012). Burnout in mental health services: a review of the problem and its remediation. Adm Policy Mental Health. 39(5):341-52. doi: 10.1007/s10488-011- 0352-1. Otte, C., et al (2015). Cognitive function in older adults with major depression: Effects of mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation. Journal of psychiatric research, 69, pp.120-125. Sharf, R. S. (2016). Applying career development theory to counseling. New York: Cengage Learning. Walsh, W. B., Osipow, S. H. (2014). Career counseling: Contemporary topics in vocational psychology. New York: Routledge. Whiston, S. C., Cinamon, R. G. (2015). The workfamily interface: Integrating research and career counseling practice. The Career Development Quarterly, 63(1), 44-56. Worlein, J.M. (2014). Nonhuman primate models of depression: effects of early experience and stress. ILAR Journal, 55(2), pp.259-273.
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