Wednesday, October 30, 2019
International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4
International marketing - Essay Example Coming up with novel, more competitive products and continuously improving its offer strengthens Asseco Group position while opening new market and client opportunities. As of January 2010 the Asseco Group employed over 8500 people. Asseco Poland SA is in the process of trying to introduce its Customer Care Integration and Operation system in to renowned big banks and financial institutions in the UK, but without much success at the moment (Bennett, & Blythe, 2002). This is a system that aims to integrate customer care operations of the bank in to the main functions of the bank –that is seamless integration. That is if a customer calls the bank, their calls will be automatically recognized by the system and routed to the proper area of the bank. Asseco Poland SA is interested in targeting the UK market, London in particular as it’s the number one financial center in the world, as there are a number of small and medium scale banks and financial institutions. It is aiming to target these medium and small scale banks and financial institutions in UK. Product placement strategy related opportunities. Company can place the product in well researched market segments like small and medium scale banks and financial institutions in cities such as London. The current UK legislation may have a negative impact due to increase in taxes. If taxes increase this increase may have to be passed down to the customer. Thus price of the product will increase. This will affect the business of the company. The threat of new software companies coming to the market is mitigated to a great extent by the fact that investing in the software industry is an expensive deal. Developing sophisticated software is expensive, thus this is a barrier against new companies entering the market. While many stakeholders – internal and external – would show an equally great amount of interest in the successful outcome of the event, there can
Monday, October 28, 2019
Earth in Greek mythology Essay Example for Free
Earth in Greek mythology Essay Greek Mythology will always be culturally relevant in our world. There is a great deal of Greek Mythology symbolism of Greek gods in today’s society. Greek Mythology will remain compatible to the ideas of society. â€Å".myths adaptability is limited by the fact that a myth must be culturally relevant†(OSU Greek Mythology) Many aspects of our culture involve and began from Greek myths. The solar system is, for the most part, also named after Greek gods, â€Å"with the exception of Earth, all of the planets in our solar system have names from Greek or Roman mythology†(Starchild NASA 1). There is also much symbolism of Greek gods and mythology in today’s society. Greek mythology is greatly reflected in advertising. Several examples are Nike, the goddess of victory, and the very popular sports company, Nike. Another popular advertisement is for the FTD flower delivery company. Their logo includes Hermes or Mercury, the messenger of the gods with winged feet. Apollo, the god of music, has a famous music hall in New York named after him, the Apollo Theater. There is also a magazine of the arts called Daedalus. Greek mythology is relatable to humans. Many of the heroes in Greek mythology are on a quest for truth. In today’s society, humans are still looking for truthful answers to their many questions. Myths explain things the people are believed to not understand. Creation stories in Greek mythology tell of how everything came to be, in their opinion. Many Creation stories include a Flood story, which leads Christians to have greater faith that it occurred. It is also important to study Greek mythology because it is part if history. There can be a lot learned about the Greek culture. Greek Mythology will always be relevant and relatable to the people in this world.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
Hard work is the stepping stone for success Since my childhood I used to believe in hardwork and I have been a keen observer and am well known for probing new avenues, always enthusiastic and ready with a chain of questions. Having been brought up in a strong and secure family, i have been blessed to have parents who instilled me with good values and principles. Education was always given first priority and there was no compromise for it. My parents’ support motivated me to reach my goals. Right from my school days, i always enjoy studying biology and mathametics. At the school level though exposed to only major concepts of biology, the terms like cell, genes, dna, protein intrigued me a lot. I used to question myself as to how could these molecules/components, though very small in size, could perform heavy load of work in a well -planned manner and that too within a fraction of second. From my childhood iam interested in studying biology.I love to read books on life sciences and the natural process that occur in nature ,I used to experiments in my home on seed by seeing their different stages of growth by cultivating them in sand .Throughout my school i had excelled in academics by being in top 10 of my entire class.. Also in the state level engineering entrance examination i secured 86.4%. At that time the field of biotechnology field was new to my country and made many remarkable achievements. The passion towards biological sciences made me to take btech in biotech nology in jntua collage of engineering in pulivendula which is an government university. In college i have been exposed to many fields of study like biochemistry, cell biology, micro biology, molecular biology, genetics, genetic engineering, protein engineering, enz... ...or students and also doing some research work which we will be getting from research scholars and writing articles/papers are my responsibilities During my working period I have also submitted another research paper on â€Å"Insilico assessment of factor xa inhibitors by docking studies†which is under review.Iam planning plusing more papers which are under processs. I believe that i have all the qualities of a good researcher. I learnt many things from both my victories and failures.. I can accept both criticism and praise with a positive attitude. I feel that graduate study at your university will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful to you if i am given the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance at your institution and am able to justify your faith in me.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essays --
Introduction The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published that the tourism industry has experienced continued growth and diversification to become one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world for the past six decades. For many economies, tourism has become a key driver for socio-economic progress. It has generated an estimated gross output of US $3.5 trillion and the figure is expected to increase to US $7.0 trillion by 2011 (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2009). The future of the tourism industry is bright as the World Tourism Organization (WTO) forecasts that an estimated one billions tourists will be traveling around the world by the year 2010. The expansion and growth of tourism has contributed to the development of the developed countries as well as less developed counties. Moreover, the economic potential of tourism in less developed countries has been identified as an important contributing factor to global tourism growth (Palmer 2002; Honey 1999; Ashley & Reo 1998; Mowforth & Munt 1998). Malaysia, tourism is the second largest contributor to the economy next to the manufacturing sector. Malaysia’s efforts in developing and promoting its tourism products have produced impressive r esults. In year 2008, there were 22.05 million of tourist arrivals with total receipts of RM49.6 billion (USD13.4 billion). This amount represents an increase of 5.5% in tourist arrivals and an increase of 7.6% in revenue compared with year 2007. These increases are notable given difficulties and challenging environment with the global economic slowdown and the increase of oil prices in year 2008. The first quarter of 2009 showed a positive growth of 2.2% in tourist arrivals compared to the cor... ...budget and cost selection. 1.6.2 minor contribution A good quality of website with DSS system can use so many different field and promotion. This study don not only solve the current problems faced by the home stay Malaysia but it is can also be a generalized to other similar applications . thus it may help in overcoming the related problems faced by the other organizations in similar environment . Examples are such as in educational site, big industries, corporate office, large banking and firm stay. This study is hoped to be served as a guidance or reference for the similar field of future study. Outline of the paper Chapter two discusses the previous studies of homestay program with DSS system and its solutions. It reviews on literature which is relevant in the area of general homestay program. the discussions on similar works in multidimensional site.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fair Weather Friends
The majority of us have friends, the friends we have known since childhood, the friends we would do anything for; the friend that would do anything for us. Most of us have friends that are for specific situations, the friends we party with, the friend who will help us paint our house; the friend we can call at two in the morning because we just got dumped. Our lives might not be complete without our friends. I would bet money, large sums in fact; that we all have at least one fair weather friend.We can always count on the fair weather friend to be right by our side at the best of times. When we go on that first date, and it ends up being a double date for â€Å"security†purposes; we can count on our fair weather friend being there showing their full support. When we have an extra ticket to whatever sporting event it may be, we need not look any further than our fair weather friend. Who will be the first to arrive at our house on Super bowl Sunday or game seven of the NBA play offs?Our trustworthy fair weather friend of course! When we need a friend that will drink the most drinks, and eat the most food at our social events, we can just call our fair weather friend. If good times are to be had, our fair weather friend will not disappoint us. While our true friends will be there through thick and thin, our fair weather friend will avoid us like a plague in times of crisis. Our true friends will give us that shoulder to cry on, they will tell us the truth whether it hurts our feelings or not.Our fair weather friend will not show up until there is fun to be had. It is probably safe to say that a good number of our â€Å"real†friends are mutual friends; we might notice that no one else in our circle really associates with our fair weather friend unless we are involved. When we encounter the occasional financial hardship, our trustworthy fair weather friend is not ever able to help, however if they need some money we may the first person they ask. If t here is any situation, of any importance, we should not call our fair weather friend.They always have reasons why they cannot help us at this particular time, but they will be there for us the next time. 3 As time goes on we may notice ourselves putting more and more distance between us and our fair weather friend. We start to see them for the opportunist that that they are,and, we may find that spending time around them now requires a concentrated effort on our part. From time to time we may still invite them along for some miscellaneous event, because after all they do know how to have fun.When we are bored and just need someone to have idle chit-chat with there is a chance that they can still get a call. But, if there is a situation of any real consequence; that requires a real friend, we will find ourselves scrolling past their name in the address book of our cell phone. At some point and time in the relationship, our fair weather friend will end up like that one toy that was ou r favorite as a child; they will be put on the shelf. We will give up the flashing lights and amusing sounds for something that is truly engaging.The object that once entertained our shallow senses will be replaced by one that satisfies needs that are more in depth. Even though we will call upon our fair weather friend less and less, when they have an opportunity to use us to their advantage, they will continue to seek us out without hesitation. Because even if they feel the relationship changing, they will not want to give up their â€Å"true friend†, the one they could count on to be there through thick and thin; the one they could always borrow money from and take their time paying it back.The one their life would not be complete without. The fair weather friend has a very short shelf life; they often wonder why they cannot keep friends. They do not realize that a friendship is a two way street. They wonder why, with them being such a good friend, that their calls are no l onger answered, why their messages are no longer returned. They can always find fault with the other person to explain why this always happens to them. What they cannot, and will not ever understand, is why they always end up with fair weather friends.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Analysis of Melancholy Hussar as an Unhappy Tale Essay Example
Analysis of Melancholy Hussar as an Unhappy Tale Essay Example Analysis of Melancholy Hussar as an Unhappy Tale Essay Analysis of Melancholy Hussar as an Unhappy Tale Essay What makes The Melancholy Hussar such as a Sad and Unhappy Tale The short story of the Melancholy Hussar is such a sad and unhappy tale because the events that go on within the story are all very sad. The readers hopes go up and down all the way through the tale. As you read the story the author Thomas Hardy makes the reader feel very sad and unhappy, by the way he brings realism to the story. The time at which the story is set also makes it sad because the rules of society make it much harder for the young girl Phyllis who is the main character, to have a relationship with a man that she really loved rather than someone whom her father considered to be the right person for her. Also the constant rising and dashing of hope for the future bring over the feeling of despair. This story has a lot of bitter irony about some of the events that make it sad and unhappy, an example of this is when Hardy uses coincidence, bad luck, fate, and chance to the story. Phyllis is always on a roller coaster going backwards and forwards, going from happy to sad. One way in which Hardy makes the reader think that the story is real is by describing the scenery at which the story is set and the time it was set in. Thomas Hardy starts the story by saying Phyllis told me with her own lips, this makes the story have realism. Hardy also says that this is a story he could never forget. Hardy presents the story to us as if he is telling the story directly to the reader. At the beginning of the story, Hardy makes the story seem real, he does this by saying, here is the place, when he says this it makes you feel as if you are really there and he is showing that particular place to you. Another example of hardy reading directly to the reader is at the end of the story when the two soldiers Matthaus Tina and Christoph are executed, Hardy writes the inscription of what is written on their gravestone. This makes you feel very sad and that you are really there experiencing what is going on. We are told that the soldiers uniform was strange epaulettes, queer cocked hats, breeches, gaiters, and ponderous cartridge box and buckled shoes. Another example of realism is when Hardy talks about the dates and ages, this gives it realism for example she was then an old lady of seventy five and her auditor a lad of fifteen. At the start of the story Phyllis presents herself to be very unhappy. Phyllis is very lonely; she lives alone with her father whose hobby is trimming the box-tree borders to the plot. She is so lonely that every noise she hears her imagination thinks it is a visitor, for example like the brushing skirt of a visitor was heard on the doorstep it proved t it proved to be a scudding leaf. She is also thinking that she is seeing things, like when she imagined that she could see someone at the end of the gate at dusk, was actually a yew bush. Thomas Hardy used light and dark imagery such as her social condition was twilight and her father was darkness. Hardy raises the hopes of the reader when Humphrey Gould proposes to her and is accepted; now there are hopes for Phylliss life to get better. But Humphrey Gould has to go away, one year passes and still no Humphrey Gould, all she gets are some letters, which are really very cool. Now the readers hopes for Phyllis drop. The next event in the story is when Phyllis meets Matthaus Tina. She meets him out of pure coincidence when she is at the bottom of her garden, as she describes it a solitary figure walking along the path, this of course was Matthaus Tina (a German Hussar). A few days later Phyllis decides she will go back and see if Matthaus Tina was there again and he was. They began to talk and they touched hands. In those days this was considered to be a really big step. At this point the reader hopes that Phyllis will be happy now she has met someone whom she really likes. The third time that Phyllis meets Matthaus, he is there for a very long time and when he returns to his camp he gets his stripes taken away from and he does not she that there is any point in staying so he asks Phyllis to run away with him. He asks to go back to Germany with him to live with his mum in Saarbruck. Phyllis really wants to go because her father had realised that she had been seeing one of the German hussars and said she must go and stay with her aunt, which she really did not want to do. At this point the reader has hopes for a good future for Phyllis. The attitudes of the time do not help towards her decision because she is engaged to someone else which is considered to be wrong, she is seeing a solider this is wrong because he is socially beneath her and she is risking her good name and reputation. But she decides to go. At this point in the story just as she is going to be happy, Humphrey Gould comes back. Phyllis thinks he is coming back to be with her, so she decides not to go with Matthaus Tina. Phyllis overhears a conversation between Humphrey Gould and a friend. He said, Have you got the present safe? he replied, Yes. This makes Phyllis think he has come back to be with her and is giving her the present to say sorry. At this point for short while the readers hopes go up but they are soon to be dropped. Humphrey Gould has not come back to be with her he has come back to say he has married someone else and that there relationship is over. Now Phylliss life is going downhill, she has lost Humphrey Gould and most of all Matthaus Tina who she really loves. The readers hopes go right down because Phyllis has lost everything she was ever happy with and is now worse than what she was at the beginning because she had there hopes of happiness and it has been snatched away from her. Just as the reader thinks nothing else could go wrong. She was as in her garden again just like she was when she met Matthaus Tina. Phyllis looked over the wall and could see two coffins, which lay empty on the ground. Then she saw that it was Matthaus Tina and his friend Christoph who were the two men to be executed they were then executed and the colonel of the regiment said turn them out and the coffins were taken away. Just as this happened Phyllis fell from the wall and no one had noticed but she was found, but did not recover consciousness until a few days after. At this very last point in the story nothing could of made Phyllis even unhappier but to have seen, Matthaus Tina and Christoph be executed. There was a very sad ending to the story. Phyllis had lived until she was 87 years old and she still had not told anyone else the story. She told the story to Thomas Hardy when she was very old, she remembered every little detail. When Phyllis was alive she always attended the graves of Matthaus Tina and Christoph when they grew over. The very last sentence in the story was Phyllis lies near; this says she is still on her own and very lonely and worst of all she is not buried next to Matthaus Tina. The conditions of that time made it hard for Phyllis to have a relationship with someone other than who her father said. This story is made by the twists of fate and coincidence all contribute to making this a very sad story.
Monday, October 21, 2019
In Regards To
In Regards To In Regards To In Regards To By Maeve Maddox A web search for â€Å"in regards to†brings up 680 million links, thousands of which lead to articles telling readers that â€Å"in regards to†is nonstandard English. Apparently quite a few English speakers have managed to avoid reading any of them. Nonstandard â€Å"in regards to†continues to spread, and not just on blogs and in comments written by the educationally challenged. Here are some examples from sites that aspire to some sort of professional expertise: Elasticity of Ridership In Regards to Transit Fare and Service Changes headline over an article ICA President McLean Changes Tune in Regards to CCE headline at The Chronicle of Chiropractic Nitrogen Inversion in regards to Stereochemistry title of study guide at McDonalds in regards to globalization and business change title of an essay offered at a UK site The phrase â€Å"in regard to†means â€Å"about, regarding, concerning.†Speakers who put an â€Å"s†on regard in â€Å"in regard to†and â€Å"with regard to†are perhaps confusing these phrases with â€Å"as regards†: As regards your question concerning the membership of the Universal House BBC policy as regards interviewers/journalists and their relationship with government officials In the expressions â€Å"in regard to†and â€Å"with regard to,†regard is a noun; in the expression â€Å"as regards,†regards is a verb. The noun regard does take the plural in certain other idioms. For example, Give my regards to your parents. Best regards, Sam Speakers who find it difficult to remember to omit the â€Å"s†can avoid nonstandard â€Å"in regards to†and â€Å"with regards to†by using regarding in their place. Related post: In Regard to Your Letter Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Used To vs. Use ToHow to Punctuate Introductory Phrases
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Understanding Either … Or and Neither … Nor
Understanding Either †¦ Or and Neither †¦ Nor Understanding â€Å"Either Or†and â€Å"Neither Nor†Understanding â€Å"Either Or†and â€Å"Neither Nor†By Ali Hale If you’re presenting two alternatives, you’ll often use an â€Å"either or†or a â€Å"neither nor†construction. Here’s how those work: You can choose either cereal or toast for your breakfast. My friend’s car is neither green nor brown. Either is used in the affirmative sense, when you’re presenting possibilities that are both true or valid. Neither is used in the negative sense, when you’re presenting things that aren’t true or valid. So far, so straightforward – but you might have some questions about using â€Å"either or†and â€Å"neither nor†correctly. What About â€Å"Neither Or†? You may well have come across sentences like these: I’m neither angry or upset. This isn’t grammatically correct. The sentence should be rewritten as I’m neither angry nor upset. However, using â€Å"neither nor†can sound unduly formal or even a little archaic. If you want to avoid that, consider rewriting the sentence (e.g. â€Å"I’m not angry and I’m not upset.†) Can You Use â€Å"Either Or †and â€Å"Neither Nor†With More That Two Items? You might wonder whether sentences like these are permissible: She will have to choose either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. There is neither bread, milk, nor jam. Grammarians differ on this point, but there’s a long history of both â€Å"either or†and â€Å"neither nor†being used for three or more items. If you’re writing for a particularly formal publication, though, you might want to stick to just two items when you’re using â€Å"either or†or â€Å"neither nor†. Some Additional Rules for â€Å"Either Or† and â€Å"Neither Nor†It can be tricky to figure out verb agreement when you’re using these constructions. Here’s what you need to know: Use a Singular Verb if Both Elements Are Singular If the alternatives presented are both singular, then use a singular verb, like this: Either James or Mary has hidden the sweets. Neither the van nor the car is fast enough. Use a Plural Verb if One (or Both) Elements Are Plural If one or both of the alternatives are plural, use a plural verb: Either the boys or the girls have hidden the sweets. Neither the van nor the cars are fast enough. Omit â€Å"Either†But Not â€Å"Neither†It often makes sense to have a sentence without the word â€Å"either†, such as: James or Mary has hidden the sweets. The boys or the girls have hidden the sweets. However, you can’t omit â€Å"neither†from a sentence – the â€Å"nor†can’t stand on its own. Here are some quick rules of thumb to remember about â€Å"either or†and â€Å"neither nor†: The word either should never be paired with The word neither should never be paired with You can only use nor in a sentence if there’s a neither (Some people say that â€Å"not nor†is also a valid construction, but it’s safer to stick with â€Å"neither†). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should KnowTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonWhen to use "an"
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The American Revolution - Essay Example Freedom is one of the basic rights of every person in every nation and is among the longest standing aspirations of the west (McDonald and Hoffmann 143). It is essential to one’s growth as it allows a person to exercise his privileges. However, there was a time in the history that this basic right was suppressed by foreign nations who wanted to enlarge their territories by conquering undiscovered lands. Oppression was their method in order to get by force lands that they want. People resisted their oppression for years, until they woke up one day realizing the importance of liberty. The United States of America nowadays exercises their freedom to the fullest. These liberties are guaranteed by their Constitution through their Bill of Rights (Shain 166). These rights, now enjoyed by the people of America, are the product of years of battle for independence and self-preservation. It is noteworthy to revisit the past and know how difficult it was for the people who shed their lives and blood to get the gift of liberty. Americans nowadays are special because they exercise their freedom to the fullest extent. With the help of the American government, the rights of people are being upheld and afforded protection from any oppression. They are now harvesting the gifts of the bloody American Revolution. This paper will briefly discuss the American Revolution and how they won battle which freed its people and its nation from the oppression of the British. It will also expound on how American people are special for having the gift of independence as quoted by Wood in his book The American Revolution. American Revolution It is worth remembering the past. It is a humble experience to realize what the Americans before did to have free country today. What they planted many years ago was the seed of courage and independence which the Americans nowadays reaped. They fought well not just to reprise from foreign oppression, but to assert their longing for independence. With that, Americans inherited a free nation. For 150 years, the Americans were able to resist the British rule. The American Revolution did not abruptly start. Different events which are cumulative in nature, lead to the eruption of the said war (Burg 3). It involves the global conflicts which affected Europe, Asia and North A merica (Lancaster and Plumb 7). The war broke out on 1754, when the French and American troops clashed in Pennsylvania causing the latter loss. Consequently, France and Great Britain declared war against North America. Americans grew mad upon the imposition of taxes because they knew that such imposts were discriminately applied. This policy was questioned by the Americans for being unconscionable and iniquitous (Bonwick 3). Because of this battle, the isolated groups came together as one. The States formed allies with one another to combat the predicament they were currently facing. These charters, through their meetings, were able to come up with liberal ideas that set the standard of today’s independent United States of America (Lancaster and Plumb Introduction). After the ruthless war and blood shed by the people of the America, George Washington and some of advocates aspired for total independence. Independence on the ways they are going to run the country, and that the people will be able to exercise their natural and moral rights without foreign influence. This means that the people of America may be afforded their full rights and shall be given a safeguard against those who oppressed them. On 2nd of July 1776, the United States of America is declared independent – a free nation. Consequently, Thomas Jefferson, one of the countries prominent statesmen, drafted the declaration of
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Avant Garde Movement in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Avant Garde Movement in Russia - Essay Example Natalia Goncharova on the other hand also played a role in the avant garde movement in Russia in that she was influenced to paint by the fact that the folk art of Russia to her seemed to primitive, she therefore together with her husband worked to organize the donkey tail art exhibition which led to the strengthening of this movement. Kazimir Malevich also contributed to the avant garde movement of Russia whereby he exhibited in many exhibitions which included the donkey tail exhibition which was organized by Natalia Goncharova. The paper also recognises the role played by religious icons paintings in the development of the avant garde movement, the religious painters only painted for the purpose of the church and only the church processed these icons, however after some years this changed and the people started owning these icons, paintings were also produced which were non religious in form and this contributed to the development of the avant garde movement. Kazimir Malevich was born in the year 1878 until his de... ious icons in Moscow, this is how he began icon painting, in the year 1906 he began studying painting at the Rerberg studio, whose purpose was to help him to join the Moscow college of painting. Kazimir Malevich was considered an important member of the avant garde movement in Russia. The avant garde paintings were meant to be those that enlightened the viewers of these paintings, Malevich created ant German propaganda and he also wrote slogans on paintings that were drawn by other painters. Natalia Goncharova: Natalia Goncharova was born in the year 1881 and dies in the year 1962, she was an avant garde artist in Russia and she was the wife of a poet named Alexander Pushkin. She undertook her art studies in the academy of art in Moscow; she organized the Donkey tail exhibition of 1912. Wassily Kandinsky: Wassily Kandinsky was born in 1866 and dies in the year 1944, he was a painter, an art theorist and a print maker, he was one famous painter in that he was credited for painting the first abstract work that is considered modern. He joined the University of Moscow where he studied economics and law, he started painting art the age of 30 and in 1896 he joined the Munich school of fine art, he is considered an avant garde painting member. Role of Russian Orthodox Icons on the Avant-Garde movement in Russia: The role of Wassily Kandinsky: Wassily Kandinsky painting did not emphasis any human figure, his paintings included a painting known as old Russia, this painting had the view of peasants and the nobles before the wall of a town, this painting was highly colourful and fanciful, the other painting was the riding couple painting of the year 1907, this painting depicted a man and a woman riding a horse, the man held the woman with tenderness, his use of colour
Comparison of Two In-Home Child Care Programs Essay
Comparison of Two In-Home Child Care Programs - Essay Example Generalized reading and alphabet reinforcement was grounded in the small volume of teaching methods used here. Most business was word-of-mouth referrals, though it was properly licensed. The second in-home program was operated by Veronica Peters also in Corona, California. (ADD PHONE AND ADDRESS HERE). This service, Marona DayCare, was instrumentally larger than Beck’s in-home program, offering services for up to ten children with specialized assistance. The provider maintained a Bachelor’s Degree in childhood education, similarly the same as one of her most reputable assistants. Parents paid considerably more for this service than Beck’s program since it reinforced fundamentals of early childhood learning and offered extended service hours. The majority of clients hailed from management or executive level positions, thus expecting higher levels of service and competency. Only observational research occurred at both in-home services and there was no direct interv ention during regular operating hours. Program Development in Both Services Beck’s program, despite its limitations, did maintain generalized knowledge regarding childhood development. However, the majority of this learning was founded on what would likely be considered early university lessons associated primarily with social learning theory. Beck identified her efforts to impose social learning theory as a means to gain positive behavioral control and also facilitate learning effectively. Social learning theory suggests that learning occurs as a result of role modeling in which children learn based on whether observed behavior of a reference individual is rewarded or punished (Neubert et al., 2009). Even though Cassandra Beck did not maintain the credentials of a qualified instructor as part of her daycare program, the interview results identified that it was a goal of the program to ensure that well-adjusted peers in the group were highlighted publicly and identified for p ersonalized rewards based on affirmation of positive attitudes and social abilities. Beck was rather proud of this structure and felt it had significant results on reducing egocentric behavior, commonly found in children of the late preoperational stage of development as suggested by Jean Piaget (Huitt & Hummel, 2003). Otherwise, this rather unstructured program consisted of circle time activities commonly found in kindergarten and preschool classrooms to facilitate better social learning with the children. Reading and basic comprehension of alphabet characters was facilitated by Beck in order to promote more group-oriented involvement. Otherwise, her role was much like that of a supervisor similar to that of a caring grandparent. Because of the credentials available with Veronica Peters at Marona DayCare, teaching was a regular part of the system and was directed for pre-school-aged children as well as students in elementary age. Two of these students were recipients of in-home lea rning provided by qualified parents and did not attend regular elementary school classrooms. Thus, there was a diverse mix of students at Marona DayCare. Peters believed in the vitality of visual learning, using graphs, visual images and reinforcement techniques for self-esteem development. This concept is supported by Robson (2006) who identifies that having the opportunity to display their unique work
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Tourist typologies, motivation & decision making Essay
Tourist typologies, motivation & decision making - Essay Example Moreover, this particular industry provides a major source of employment for a large volume of labour force all over the world, further contributing towards the reduction of unemployment rate within the global sector. In the contemporary context, the industry has experienced noteworthy changes, which further depicted a major developmental aspect for the sector (Dann 2002). However, it will be crucial to mention that tourism is entirely dependent on the approaches of the people. Notably, people travel from one place to other with various purposes including education, leisure activities and business purposes among others. All these people are collectively termed as tourists. Specially mentioning, decisions of tourists to visit any particular country are directly influenced by certain key factors including hospitality, attractions and costs among others (Chon, Pizam and Yoel 2012; Pearce 2005). As earlier mentioned, there are various purposes owing to which people travel from one place to other. Contextually, based upon those purposes, nature, characteristics and behaviours, tourists are categorised into various forms. According to Cohen, there are four typologies of tourists that include Organised mass tourist, Individual mass tourist, Explorer and Drifter. While, as per the study of Plog, typologies of tourists include allocentric, mid-centric and psychocentric. These have been described in detail hereunder. These types of tourists are deemed to be least adventurous owing to the aspect that they prefer to remain in their comfort zone or environment. They are highly driven by what they are being supplied by the tourism industry. They consider various aspects such as location of the sites and environment while choosing their destinations to visit (Ryan, 2002). There sorts of tourists are quite organised in nature and their preference of choosing any particular destination directly
Northern Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Northern Ecology - Essay Example The lack of vegetation is also due to cold winds that characterize the region. This results in a unique ecological system inhabited by exclusive organisms adapted for survival under such conditions. The climatic condition is, therefore, an integral aspect of the ecosystem that influences the distriburtion, population, and diversity of the organisms inhabiting such ecologies (Krupnik 12). The arctic tundra extends in the regions of Russia, Canada, and Iceland. Despite the harsh climatic conditions, the arctic tundra is an enabling environment for the survival of a number of plants and animals, which, therefore, create an effective ecosystem. Apart from the boreal forests, the region is inhabited with such unique animals as polar bear, arctic wolf, and fox. The animals have learnt the necessary skills to enable them survive the harsh winters and the long nights most of which last for months. The conditions are not favorable for most organisms. However, these animals among other organis ms in the region have developed specific features to ensure that they survive in the climatic conditions. The fact that they have inhabited the regions for several years alludes to the development of adaptive features, which make the subsequent generations better prepared to live in the ecosystem. Just as in any other ecosystem, the animals relate and interact freely, thereby, constructing food chains and webs, which sustain the survival of all the animals. The most common herbivores in the ecosystem are arctic hare, caribous, and lemming among others. Such animals survive on the scanty vegetation in the region (Sperry 75). It includes such a vegetation as the leaves of the undergrowth of the boreal forest among any other rare plant. To survive under some of the worst climatic conditions in the region, most of the animals get into a period of reduced metabolic activities. During hibernation, the body consumes a decreased amount of energy, and the animals, therefore, does not eat sin ce their bodies require a small amount of energy capable only of carrying out the basic metabolic processes such as breathing (Bruemmer 45). Through hibernation, therefore, the animals survive under the harsh climatic conditions and the lengthened night hours most of which consist of reduced metabolic activities. The animals make themselves sleep for months. This is an adaptive trait for most of the animals since the period is normally long and characterized by unfavorable ecological factors. No organism would, therefore, survive this period, a factor that substantiates the need for the long spell of sleep, the time within which the natural climatic factors change until they make a complete loop. They, therefore, begin to favor the increased activity in the ecosystem as the animals take the chance to hunt for food and to find mates, thereby, continuing the lineage of the species of the particular organisms. In the food chain, the herbivores provide food to an assortment of predators who employ a number of tactics to obtain food. This results in a survival of the fittest, the situation in which the predators try to obtain the scarce food while the prey also tries to evade the attack from their predators and, therefore, survive. Polar bears are among some of the most conspicuous predators in the ecosystem. They are carnivores and must kill other animals for survival. The animals are huge and are the most predominant in the ecosystem. They have a number of survival adaptations, which make their
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tourist typologies, motivation & decision making Essay
Tourist typologies, motivation & decision making - Essay Example Moreover, this particular industry provides a major source of employment for a large volume of labour force all over the world, further contributing towards the reduction of unemployment rate within the global sector. In the contemporary context, the industry has experienced noteworthy changes, which further depicted a major developmental aspect for the sector (Dann 2002). However, it will be crucial to mention that tourism is entirely dependent on the approaches of the people. Notably, people travel from one place to other with various purposes including education, leisure activities and business purposes among others. All these people are collectively termed as tourists. Specially mentioning, decisions of tourists to visit any particular country are directly influenced by certain key factors including hospitality, attractions and costs among others (Chon, Pizam and Yoel 2012; Pearce 2005). As earlier mentioned, there are various purposes owing to which people travel from one place to other. Contextually, based upon those purposes, nature, characteristics and behaviours, tourists are categorised into various forms. According to Cohen, there are four typologies of tourists that include Organised mass tourist, Individual mass tourist, Explorer and Drifter. While, as per the study of Plog, typologies of tourists include allocentric, mid-centric and psychocentric. These have been described in detail hereunder. These types of tourists are deemed to be least adventurous owing to the aspect that they prefer to remain in their comfort zone or environment. They are highly driven by what they are being supplied by the tourism industry. They consider various aspects such as location of the sites and environment while choosing their destinations to visit (Ryan, 2002). There sorts of tourists are quite organised in nature and their preference of choosing any particular destination directly
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Issues Associated with Modern Slavery in the UK Essay
Issues Associated with Modern Slavery in the UK - Essay Example ..9 Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................11 Bibliography †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 Issues Associated with Modern Slavery in the UK Abstract Even in the modern era, many people all over the world are considered property by the industries they are employed by. These people are forced into labor while they are stripped from their basic human rights. Modernized human slavery includes human trafficking, bonded slavery and child labor among other examples. The institutions controlling human slavery are so strong that despite the efforts of many government bodies and NGOs they are still at large. Though such actions make the organizations enjoy low costs and high profitability because of l ower than normal wages they pay to these enslaved people, still this abomination can cause a strain on the social structure of any country. People loose their self respect and the society suffers the strain of low morality. We, as human beings, owe our society to participate in the government efforts so that we can get rid of this atrocity. Introduction Slavery can be defined as a situation where people are considered property by their employers and are therefore forced into labor and deprived from their basic human rights. In today’s world modern slavery exits in many forms which includes human trafficking, child labor and bonded slavery to name a few (See figure 1 in Appendix A). In the past two years it is estimated that roughly around 1,500 cases of slavery and human trafficking have been reported to the British police. The article ‘Modern Slavery in the United Kingdom’ highlights that there are three elements ‘of the exploitative relationship which con stitute slavery’. These are severe economic exploitation, the lack of a basic human rights framework and the control of one person over another by the prospect or reality of violence. Of the 12.3 million people enslaved in the world today, roughly 360,000 are approximated to be present in well industrialized countries, while the remaining 250,000 – 270,000 are expected to be locked in forced labor in less industrialized areas. As slavery is an illegal act executed by organized mafia, employing clandestine methods, its exact numbers will always vary from estimated studies (Craig 2007; Craig et al 2007; Engerman et al 2001). This report focuses on slavery in the UK, which includes all forms of bonded & forced labor. The approach adopted is one of a qualitative analysis across various industries within the UK, with statistics included where appropriate. Main Findings The most common form of modern day slavery is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual or forced labor. However, human trafficking is not always easy to identify as a case of modern day slavery as it may be disguised as any of a variety of other offenses. In 2007, the Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre (CEOP) conducted a study in the UK which resulted in the exposure of 330 suspected & confirmed cases of trafficked children in the country. Of these 183 went missing from social services care. This study concluded that there is a dire lack of awareness of trafficking among those involved with child & teen labor (Yorkshire Post 2007). Many councils
What Race and Ethnicity Means Essay Example for Free
What Race and Ethnicity Means Essay When I hear the word â€Å"race†, the first thing that I think of is a person’s skin color, facial features and the texture of their hair. Although I am colorblind, I can’t help but to think of this when I hear the word race. This is due to the fact that the majority of the time when we fill out an application or any paperwork of importance the question of race is raised. I’m not sure why it matters, your experience and education seems more important to me. It seems as if some people still want to separate us depending on the color of our skin. Being that there’s so many races mixing, there’s no such thing as a pure race. Race seems to be unimportant to me. Ethnicity is a word that I prefer and enjoy when speaking of culture. Ethnicity makes me think of everybody’s struggle dating back from their ancestors to the present. Where did your ancestors originate? Where did you come from? Ethnicity is ones background and cultural differences. For example just because I am considered black doesn’t mean that I am from Africa; which means that I will be considered an African American. I thought for years that I was an African American till an African man that I was friends with broke it down to me and gave me some knowledge to read. He is considered an African American because he’s from Africa and now resides in America. I am considered to be a black American because I’m from America. This is weird being that my ancestors were American Indians. Your ethnicity is the group that others place you. I do have my personal opinion on all of this and why America still tries to identify us by race. Since my opinion was asked I felt the need to tell the truth on how I feel. Race and ethnicity are important in America because some people in the government still strives for division and don’t want us to come together as one. It seems as if the government gets more powerful when we separate ourselves from each other. If we all were to come together I feel as if they would consider us as a threat.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Perspectives on leadership
Perspectives on leadership Perspectives on leadership Importance of leadership The quality of leadership is one of the most important factors in determining the success and survival of groups and organization. Often effective leadership compensates for lack of equipment and resources. Leadership is not necessarily just about possessing certain traits or using a particular style although these are sometimes important. Its more about recognizing a goal and being able to influence and motivate a group towards the achievement of that goal. ABOVE COPIED FROM SHACKLETON, BUSINESS LEADERSHIP, P. 5 Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organization of which they are members. Leadership is the ability of a person to set examples for others and lead from the front. Its an attribute that influences the environment around us. In theory leadership it shelf could not be carried out it had to be practiced. In the opinion of employees leadership is that which advances the organization goals while taking care of employees well being. There are two very important components of effective leadership. One is belief and confidence in leadership which is an indicator of employee satisfaction in the organization. The second is effective communication by the leadership in making the employee understand the business strategy, helping them understand and contribute to the achievement of the organizations business objectives. ABOVE COPIED WORD FOR WORD FROM Leadership inspires the followers makes them to want to try harder and set higher goals for themselves. There are various theories on leadership. According to trait theory certain personality traits may lead people spontaneously into leadership roles. ABOVE SENTENCE COPIED FROM People are born with inherited traits and some of these traits are particularly suited to leadership. People who are good leaders have the right combination of traits. Traits critical to leaders are: adaptable to situations, alert to social environment, cooperative, decisive, energetic, dominant (desire to influence others), self-confident, persistent, tolerant of stress. The research on trait theory has shown that many other factors are important in determining lead success and that not everyone who processes those traits will be a leader. While the traits may provide people with the potential for leadership is the capacity to create a vision and implement it that turns the potential into reality. ABOVE COPIED FROM SHACLETON, BUSINESS LEADERSHIP, P. 9 Traits do matter and research in psychology is beginning to show which ones are the most important. Limitations of trait theory are that leadership traits are numerous and have different patterns. For example an approach to leadership in the manufacturing industry succeeds does not mean it would succeed in the aviation industry of the same country. A crisis or an important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership, qualities in an ordinary person; this is the Great Event theory. ABOVE COPIED FROM The Contingency theory states that there is no best way of leadership and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others. The optimal leadership style is contingent upon various internal and external constraints. The most widely accepted theory today is the Transformational leadership which states that leadership skills can be mastered by people who wish to become leaders. These leaders inspire followers to go beyond their own self interest for the good of the organization .They make people to move towards a shared vision, they shared information with the employees giving them knowledge power. This style is appropriate when a new direction is needed in the company. This style also increases efficiency by giving decision making power to the front line employees and also allows the leader to use rewards and recognize behavior that will improve the work place. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementation of plants and motivating people. The three major styles of leadership are: †¢ Authoritarian or autocratic †¢ Participative or democratic †¢ Delegative or free reign Usually good leaders use all three styles with one of them dominant but leaders tend to use only one style. Authoritarian This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want to be done and how they want it accomplished by getting the advice or feedback of their employees. This style can be used in conditions when you have all the information to solve the problem and you done have enough time and your employees are well motivated. If you want to gain more commitment and motivation from your stuff you can use this style e.g. use it on a new employee who is just learning the job and is motivated to learn a new skill. Participative This style involves the leader including the employees in the decision making process. However the leader takes the final decision. Using this style is not a sign of weakness rather its a sign of strength that your employees will appreciate. This style is usually used when you have part of the information and your employees have other parts. By having knowledgeable and skillful employees is of mutual benefit because it allows employees to become and feel part of the team and leader to make better decisions. Delegative In this style the leader allows the employees to take the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. As a leader you set priorities and delegate certain tasks. You can use this style when you fully trust your employees and have confidence in the people underneath you. There is a difference in ways leaders approach their employees. Positive leaders use rewards to motivate them. Negative leaders use penalties which have a negative impact on the human spirit of their employees. They believe that by frightening everyone will result in higher productivity but they achieve the opposite. The morale of the employees falls and this leads to lower productivity. Resent approaches of leadership Attribution theory This theory explains how individuals understand events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior and also explains the difference in level of motivation between higher and lower achievers. According to this theory high achievers are willing to take on challenges and have faith in their abilities. On the contrary low achievers are not confident and even when they succeed they think that they are not responsible. Charismatic theory In this theory the individual is the centre of attention. This theory is more like derivation of Great Man theory the followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. Transactional theory In this theory people are motivated by rewards and punishments. Social systems work best with a clear chain of command. The leader exercises bureaucratic authority .The basic objective here is task completion. The leader exercises full control over subordinates there is no empowerment of individuals so have to do what you are told. Conclusion All these theories have been followed over the years. Every theory had its positive and negative aspects. There is not one theory that can be followed completely. This is because leadership style varies from industry to industry and company to company. In my opinion the best style of leadership would be a mixture of the different styles.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Karl Marx - Capitalist Alienation Essay -- Socialism Communism Labor
A century and a half ago, Karl Marx established a theory that today is known as the backbone to modern socialism and communism. Marx viewed the early capitalism of his own day as inherently exploitive. At the core of capitalist production is what is considered surplus value, the value left over after the producer (in Marx’s case, factory owner) had paid the fixed costs of production such as raw materials, machinery, overhead and wages. The left over amount was kept as profit, a profit that Marx saw that was earned from the sweat of the labor. Derived from his idea of surplus value was that of alienation. Marx gave an economic interpretation to alienation. People were alienated from their own labor; their work was appropriated by someone else and the work itself was compulsory, not creative; the cause was capitalism, and the cure was socialism. Marx believed that modern labor is an evolution of something that began centuries ago and encompassing everything from slave states to European feudalism right on up to today’s version of commercial capitalism; which, completed or perfected the capitalist technique of worker alienation. Marx is correct in saying that capitalism exploits the working class, and that working under capitalism is in fact â€Å"alienating†.      Worker alienation became an effective tool by which the capitalist could separate themselves from the laborers of their nations. The separation, however, was more to show a capitalist’s class status rather than having...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Adversity and What We Gain From It :: Personal Narratives Sports Medicine Essays
Adversity and What We Gain From It In all parts of life there are periods of adversity that we must face, the real challenge however, is what and how we gain from conquering those trials. There have been many times that I have been faced with adversity, it has happened in all aspects of my life at one time or another. Whether it is dealing with the ups and downs of hockey or balancing the pressure that comes with an elite hockey schedule and high school, there are always obstacles. Some of these challenges can bring about positive effects that influence the path of one’s life. In one such experience of mine, the amount of adversity was not near as great as the positive out come that came from my experience. It happened when I was thirteen, I suffered a hockey injury that helped me to realize the area I wanted to study and hopefully have career in. The time it took me to rehabilitate my shoulder was a time of great learning for me but it also came with a great deal of adversity. It was an injury that sidelined me for weeks while at the same time pushed me on my way to a new work ethic and a new enthusiasm for learning. When I was in grade seven, I was playing my second year of peewee hockey and playing for my junior high school team as well. The junior high league allowed checking and the peewee league did not. Because of this I was not accustomed to the new aspect of hockey brought on by checking. I was injured in an intense game against our rival junior high, which was filled with plenty of checking. I was on the receiving end of a brutal check from behind which is something not permitted in any league, the player that hit me received a penalty and a game expulsion. I tried to continue playing but it was no use, I was barely able to raise my arm. I ended up in the hospital where the doctor informed me that I had severely dislocated my left shoulder and would have to miss up to three weeks of play. I had never been forced to miss hockey because of an injury before and it was the worst news I had ever heard. The time I missed from hockey was one of the most difficult periods I had been through up t o that point.
Against School essay
Rhetoric and Composition 1020 18 September 2012 Ask any student in public high school what they like and dislike about school. Odds are, they will say that what they enjoy most about school is the social interactions it allows them to take part in, and what they dislike about school is the classes. John Taylor Gatto, in â€Å"Against School: How Public Education Cripples our Kids, and Why,†discusses the reasons for such boredom in an in depth manner. Most of the time, nowadays, it is not the amount of work that they have developed a disliking for, it is the time that being in class wastes.Sitting in a class doing busy work is not something that interests people. The problem with schooling in this day in age, is that many of the students attending public schools are not being challenged and brought to their full potential. Teachers get bored of teaching and students get bored of doing work that is not going to benefit them in any way after they graduate high school. John Taylo r Gatto gives a brief summary of the history of schooling and a suggestion that, in order to better our children academically, teachers need to urge their students to take on the work that may seem more â€Å"grown up. Schooling first started taking off in the United States between 1905 and 1915. American adapted its idea of public schooling from the Prussians, much like other parts of its culture. John Taylor Gatto states that the three reasons schooling came about was â€Å"to make good people, to make good citizens, and to make each person his or her personal best. †In all reality, however, Gatto says that the worst thing taken from the Prussians was the schooling system. John Taylor Gatto brings about the question of â€Å"why is forced school necessary? The â€Å"six classes a day, five days a week, nine months out of the year. †He proves his point by saying that â€Å"two million homeschool students turned out just fine, along with many other names that Amer icans can recognize such as: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. †Gatto states that forced schooling only enforces a deadly routine. He also argues that while most people associate the term â€Å"success†with â€Å"schooling†there are many people who are just as successful as the next who have not had as much schooling as expected.He probes the questions: â€Å"why, then, do Americans confuse education with just such a system? What exactly is the purpose of our public schools? †John Taylor Gatto explains that we â€Å"so eagerly have adopted one of the very worst aspects of Prussian culture: an educational system deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizensâ€â€all in order to render the populace â€Å"manageable. †While schooling is provided to enhance the intellects, it really is only designed to create mediocre ones.Parents and students should not have to go through the schooling proccess if it is not going to push them to be their absolute best. Without the proper schooling, it is harder for anyone to begin a career. Gatto explains that teachers do not guide their students to reach their full potential, but rather just give them the information to reach it. Whether they choose to strive for excellence is their choice, but teachers in this century do not push them towards their goals. Ultimately, teachers need to care more about their students futures and academic success.Next, John Taylor Gatto introduces the logistics of public schooling and the actual purpose of forced schooling in six basic functions. These functions are â€Å"the adjustive or adaptive function†which establishes reactions to authority. Teachers have the ability to teach their children to do anything, whether that is to learn or to do reckless things. Children look up to the teachers because they know that they are superior to them, therefore they react and respond to everything they say and do. It is difficult for parents to send their children to school because they are putting their trust in adults they have never met.Within forced schooling, it is likely that students and teachers disagree, and even more likely that a parent will intervene when they do not feel as if the teacher is responding adequately to the students needs. The second function is the â€Å"integrating†function. The schooling system is the definition of conformity. Children come to school everyday at the same time and preform almost identical basic functions in each classroom. They are taught when to talk, when to learn, when to eat, when to socialize, and they all listen and do what they are told and what is normal for them.Students see how other people are acting to certain situations, and then mimic those actions to blend in with the rest of the school. The  "diagnostic and directive†function deals with social roles. During their schooling, children realize what role they play and where they fit in socially. Specifically, high school is the institution where students realize the kind of people they are and what groups they will belong to, what friends they will have, and what everyone else will think of them. The â€Å"differentiating†function sorts the students according to their role and they are only taught as far as they can be as a group and no further.Gatto states here that this undermines the purpose of pushing students to their personal best. The â€Å"selective†function is exactly what it sounds like – selection, like Darwinism. If a student falls short of academic expectations, they receive poor grades and other punishments. The purpose of school is to enrich the students minds, and if they cannot do what is expected of them, they do not receive the benefits of those who do. The final function is the â€Å"propaedeutic†function. This function states that ultimately some of the students who attend school for the full twelve years will cary out the roles of authority some day.Ultimately what John Taylor Gatto argues throughout this essay, is the idea that boredom derives from the source. If a student is bored, it is because he or she is not doing anything the excite themselves, and same goes for the teachers. He suggests that in order to improve the lives of both, teachers need to introduce harder materials to the students. Not only will it keep them occupied and far from boredom, it will encourage them to reach beyond what is easy. Work Cited Gatto, John Taylor. â€Å"Against School: How Public Education Cripples our Kids, and Why. †Harper’s Magazine. Sep. 2003: 33-38. Print.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Why Obama Won the 2012 Election
Why Obama won the 2012 Election The American elections of 2012 was very competitive between the Democrat candidate Barrack Obama, who was the president then, and Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate. The campaigns and presidential debates were quite heated and as has been earlier mentioned, it was tight for each of them as polls clearly indicated that both Obama and Romney had more or less an equally high chance of winning the presidential elections.Demographics played a significant part in seeing Obama take the day. The groups of people that actually made the difference include groups of young women, African Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans. Some of the states in which Obama won include New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Maryland, Wyoming, Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Maine, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon, New Hampshire, Vermont, Pennsylvania, California, Washington DC and Rhode Island (Sherman, 2012).President Barack Obama significantly overcame a bad economy, a fractured poli tical landscape, high unemployment which gave him a great advantage over his challenger. When it comes to the states, it is seen that Obama took a number of key battlegrounds sates. As has been earlier pointed out, the Northeastern states remained loyal to Obama’s column by significant margins. In addition to this, he took no less than six of the nine swing states including Ohio. In the end, the fifty one year old president had more than the two hundred and seventy votes that would guarantee him a win.It is interesting to note that the New Jersey electorate, even with the major challenge of the Hurricane Sandy, showed their faith in the president emphasize and in addition to this, just to emphasize their solidarity for the Democrats, reelected Robert Menendez the Senator. He defeated the Republican Joe Kyrillos quite easily (Heavey, 2012). In my opinion, one of the major reasons why Obama won the 2012 presidential elections is that he had a unique campaigning strategy. It is seen that Barack Obama displayed great skill in micro-targeting voters, strategic planning, messaging, and raising funds to boost his campaign.Obama also got into the challenge with in-built advantages . Obama’s family remained increasingly popular, with Michelle Obama having succeeded in portraying a positive image of Obama’s administration. His appeal to a wide public caused him to be the preferred candidate over Romney. The federal government’s bailout of Chrysler and General Motors as well as Barrack’s union support was essential in winning the election. This was seen particularly in Ohion where out of every eight persons, one has a job in the auto industry.Across the upper Midwest from Ohio to Pennsylvania to Wisconsin to Michigan, the operations of the union’s voter turn out to a significant extent supplemented the efforts of Obama. Obama also used social media effectively to win the election. Analysts have states that Barack Obama campaign m ission was to involve people through empowerment. It is also said that his was the very first political campaign in history to ultimately harness the real power of social media to garner support spread the word and get people engaged and involved.Barack’s campaign succeeded in reaching five million supporters on fifteen different social networks during the campaign period (Heavey, 2012). He used social media to establish energy of participation as well as a sense of purpose in their supporters. He used the social media as the vehicle to connected real people in real time and enthusiasm as well as providing an easy and accessible platform to demonstrate their support for change through President Obama. There are important lessons which can be drawn from the 2012 American elections.For any presidential candidate, or political aspirant for that mat matter, it is crucially important to lay focus on the individual. People felt connected to Obama on an individual basis because he m anaged to think of one American as opposed to American citizens as a group. He focused on the teacher, health official, mother, child in his campaigns. Another significant lesson is the importance of authenticity. Because of his connection with people through thw social web, Obama managed to prove his authenticity to the voters.In his Facebook page for instance he indicated his favorite music, movies, interests and kept his followers updated on his campaign. It made him real and authentic. Every single bit of support ultimately counts. Obama acknowledged that everyone, despite their backgrounds or income, is equally important in driving the wheels of change. This is the attitude that ought to be carried along in political bids and campaigns (Sherman, 2012). A huge margin win was unexpected because as the results trickled in, Barack and Romney were hot on each other’s heels.This was clear right from the onset of the presidential debates that preceded the elections, where both parties gave a considerably good show. The impact of social media as has been earlier mentioned was profound. This was not expected because other previous political campaigns had not to a large extent been influenced by this technology. All the same, when Romney conceded to defeat, it was clear for Americans that it was quite difficult to make predictions as to who would take the day as both candidates had equally strong support from the American citizens (Heavey, 2012).References Obama wins 2012 presidential election, defeats Romney in tight race | NJ. com. (n. d. ). New Jersey Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather – NJ. com. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://www. nj. com/politics/index. ssf/2012/ Heavey, S. (n. d. ). Obama win shows demographic shifts working against Republicans| Reuters. Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuters. com. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2012/11/08/us-usa-campaign-diver sity-new-idUSBRE8A70QK20121108
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
News Program Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
News Program Analysis - Research Paper Example This will include and analysis of this students findings. How are the three different forms of coverage portrayed and how the segment framed with regard to the presentation and the bias? X- Reports the floods in the south are historic this May 19, 2011. It crested at 57.1 feet Thursday, and the weather service predicts the crest will hold through at least Saturday morning in Vicksburg. The flood also claimed the first victim in the state. Vicksburg resident Walter Cook, who died after pulled from floodwaters, according to the Warren County coroner, who said Thursday it is not clear how Cook results in them. For some, the cresting floodwaters, which damaged hundreds of homes and displaced 2,000 Vicksburg residents, was cause for relief. For others, it was a reason to celebrate. Y reports VIDALIA, La. - Natchez, Mississippi occupies a prominent bluff overlooking the big river. Tourist attractions, the city is well off and mostly dries, reports CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds. Just across the water, in the lowlands, lies Vidalia, Louisiana. A, working class town, is on the edge of a ruinous flood. At least 300 people are out of work and riverfront businesses there are out of commission. The convention center, the hotel, hospital, and medical building are inches from inundation and losing as much as $1 million a month. The flooding on the Mississippi River is sure to cost billions of dollars in damage and lost business and diverting floodwaters away from New Orleans may not reduce the cost of this disaster by much. How much will the flooding cost the southern-flooded areas and the rest of the U.S.? CBS News business and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis said on "The Early Show" Tuesday that the area affected by flooding is very significant to the national economy because of its gasoline resources. Z reports, Eddie Simmons relieved to hear that the Mississippi River crested slightly lower than expected north of him in Vicksburg LA, confident his house woul d survive the flooding that is plaguing many states. Simmons, a retired logger, is recovering from hip-replacement surgery and can barely leave his bed. Despite water swamping his front yard and creeping beneath his house in Port Gibson, he has decided to ride it out. "It's God's work. You have to deal with him. You can run to high ground, but if God wants to come there, he can come there. You might as well stay put, he said". The Mississippi River crested at more than 14 feet above flood stage in Vicksburg on Thursday, slightly lower than expected, easing worries about water potentially spilling over a nearby levee and inundating thousands more acres of farmland. Still, officials warned that the flood was by no means over. The river expected to stay at its crest for several days before beginning a long, slow retreat. It could remain above flood stage until mid-June. Television stories are subjective or objective, informal or formal to represent the TV story reporting a certain appr oach. The definition of objective and subjective: Objective/formal this statement is completely unbiased. The speaker’s previous experiences or tastes have nothing to do with the report. It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations. Subjective/informal the character of the speaker or writer colors this statement. It often has a basis in reality, but reflects the perspective through with the speaker views reality. It cannot be verified using concrete facts and numbers. We use our examples listed above, X appears to have an objective point of view. This
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
A mini-version of a possible chapter of literature review for a Dissertation
A mini-version of a possible chapter of literature review for a proposal - Dissertation Example In this regard, current scholarly literatures agree that there is an important correlation between the teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and attitudes vis-a-vis inquiry based teaching methodology In this chapter, the research methodology that has been adopted in the entire course of the research was presented. In addition, the justification for the selected research methodology, the research approach, research philosophy adopted some ethical concerns and other significant facets clarifying the research methodology for the study. This was done in order to provide a clear frame in which the information and the data used in answering the questions of the research were gathered. In addition, it established the steps taken to achieve the purposes of the study In this regard, the purposes of this research are first, to determine and establish the correlation between teachers’ perception, beliefs and attitudes and inquiry–based teaching methodology. Second, the study aims to identify the factors affecting and influencing the correlation between teachers’ perception, beliefs, and attitudes and inquiry–based teaching methodology. ... 1. What is the relationship between the teachers’ perception of Science and inquiry-based teaching methodology? H.0. There is no relationship between the teachers’ perception of science and inquiry-based teaching methodology. 2. What is the relationship between the teachers’ beliefs regarding Science and inquiry based teaching methodology? H.0. There is no relationship between teachers’ beliefs regarding Science and inquiry-based teaching methodology. 3. What is the relationship between the teachers’ attitude towards Science and inquiry- based teaching methodology? H.0. There is no relationship between teachers’ attitude towards Science and inquiry-based teaching methodology. In order to clarify further these three main questions, some sub-questions will also be addressed. These are (1) what is perception? (2) What is the meaning of beliefs? (3) What is attitude? All of these questions were asked within the context of Science as formal subjec t in school. It is deemed necessary to ask these questions as these concepts connote broad definitions and scope. As such, as a form of limitation, the focus of understanding perception, beliefs and attitude were geared in connection with teaching Science as formal subject in elementary. These questions were developed to â€Å"give direction to the study, limit the scope of the investigation, and provide a device for evaluating progress and satisfactory completion†(Hatch, 2002, p. 41). Research Design Research design is the overall structure that guides the entire research endeavor. It provides the framework in which the conduct of the research is patterned. The above schema presents the design that has been followed in the conduct of the research. For the study,
Monday, October 7, 2019
Enron Corporation Scandal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Enron Corporation Scandal - Research Paper Example The Enron Corporation was founded in the year 1985 and was one of the leading companies offering services in electricity, communications, natural gas and pulp and paper industries. The financial performance of Enron Corporation had also been uniquely impressive before its collapse in 2001 where its annual revenues showed an increase of $9 billion to over $ 100 billion from year 1995 to 2000. However at the end of year 2001 it was brought to attention and revealed that the company’s reported financial condition was sustained mainly because of the systematic, institutionalized and creative plan of accounting fraud. It has been reported by Thomas (2002), that the shares of Enron Corporation dropped from $90 per share in the mid of year 2000 to nearly less than $1 per share by the end of year 2001, this drastic decrease in the stock price of the company caused shareholders a loss of $11 billion. Thus Enron Corporation revised its financial statements for the past five years declar ing a loss of $586 million only. In the December of 2001, Enron fell to bankruptcy. Also with the revelation of Enron Scandal in 2001, Arthur Andersen, one of the biggest audit and accountancy partnerships also dissolved. Enron undoubtedly was the biggest audit failure but this company that was famous in the world, also became famous for its so sudden collapse (Li, 2010). The scandal of the Enron Corporation is one of the most notorious scandals of the American corporations. It is commonly believed by economists, historians and analysts that the case of Enron is undoubtedly a case of White Collar Crime. The term White Collar Crime is used as a phrase when various interrelated and overlapping areas of law including the misappropriation, securities law, fraud, bankruptcy, money laundering, financial frauds, corruption, tax frauds, cybercrime, government frauds, bribery etc happen or occur. Hence white collar crime is not a discipline that is autonomous rather it is interdisciplinary t hat tends to combine individuals and professionals from various professions and disciplines which may include auditors, accountants, law enforcement, investigators and attorneys ( Gill & Scott, 2008). In view of the white collar crime Enron Corporation which was a big name in the corporate sector and was of one of those corporations that were seen to be practicing price stability, merchant bank selling and hedging of funds. However the later discovery of this information that Enron was nothing less than a giant fraud changed the course of it. The nature of fraud at the company was both classic as well as modern frauds. The charges of White Collar Crime include: 1. Involved in Ponzi Schemes The company was engaged in the Ponzi scheme, whereby the top executives of the company that were in charge of running the company became rich at the expense of its employees and the investors. This all was happening with the support of Arthur Anderson, an accounting firm – which further disclosed that the main business of Enron Corporation was selling of stocks, which was the main profit generating source for the company (Pontell). 2. Involved in Hype and Dump Manipulation Schemes Similarly Enron was also involved in the hype and dump manipulation schemes, whereby it greatly inflated its stock prices
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Investments in Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Investments in Information Technology - Essay Example Heinrich and Simchi-Levi (2005) answer the question whether IT investments really pay off: "The answer is yes-only if solid business processes are in place." Thus, the success of any IT strategy is highly dependent on the integration of business processes within the organization and its various supply chain factors. Information technology strategies are directly linked to the company's supply chain. As the supply chain is composed of stakeholders who are directly related to the operations of the company, the installation of IT software and tool will have an impact on them. In return, the organization bottom line will also benefit or be harmed by any IT strategy in place. Investments in IT generate a lot of advantages in a company's supply chain. However, this is only true with the premise that the appropriate level of business process is in place. As the study of Heinrich and Simchi-Levi proves, information technology goes hand in hand business process maturity in increasing the efficiency and profitability of business organization. Investment in IT without integrating the supply chain by sharing the data in internal and external stakeholders will render useless.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Creativity in the class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Creativity in the class - Essay Example Even before the students could fully settle down, the lecturer had already started speaking through the microphone. On the other hand, the students only concentrated on the lecturer after a warning that what he was speaking about could be part of an exam question (Boyer 82). Essentially, Boyer’s article talks about the inefficiencies in the education system especially at the University and College level. I totally agree with what he has pointed out in the article. As a matter of fact, it is the attitude of most of the professors towards their work that has contributed greatly to lowering student’s interests in learning activities. To begin with, it is unfortunate that a good number of the university professors are not passionate about their work. They are only doing it for the sake of occupation and to earn a living. For example, Boyer notes a statement whereby a faculty member says that attaining a class attendance of .666 is a great success. Another member complained that students can hardly concentrate for a long span unless one sings or dances for them. This member clearly shows her disinterest in helping students. She arrogantly concludes that â€Å"she won’t do that†(Boyer 83). ... Nowadays, it is not a shock for a lecturer to enter a lecture room, open a textbook, read out what is in that textbook to the students, and finally walk out when the time elapses. As a student, one is left wondering if that is what learning actually involves. Another reason that has contributed to education inefficiency at the university level is lack of commitment from lecturers in engaging the students in active discussions. For example, Boyer notes a discouraging comment from one professor who said that he liked the passivity of the students. The professor asserted that, â€Å"with these students, not everything has to be proven†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (Boyer 83)†This attitude ends up discouraging even the curious students. As already hinted above, it is unfortunate that some professors look forward to the end of the lessons rather than engaging students in active discussions. As soon as the lecture ends, it is almost impossible to track down the whereabouts of these professors as t hey do not have time for discussing with their students. As the end of it all is that the students end up losing interest in that subject. Also, it is unfortunate that the system of education puts much emphasis on grades rather than the knowledge acquired by the students. Whereas the lecturers may be quick to blame the students for their interest in only passing exams, the fact is that it is only those students who score good grades that end up being rewarded. In addition, the period for learning is normally little to allow a student to carry out extensive research. Most student who decide to read extensively end up performing poorly in the exams. This is because passing exams requires a strategy that Boyers refers to as â€Å"beating the system†. All students desire to pass
Friday, October 4, 2019
Madly desirous for glory Essay Example for Free
Madly desirous for glory Essay In the second letter Walton writes about his progress to Archangel. In the letter he describes his crew. Waltons description of his ships master suggests that he is the embodiment of goodness. He frequently applauds the courage of his lieutenant. The lieutenant is madly desirous for glory. In this letter the theme of alienation arises. Like Victor, Waltons ambitions isolate him from his family and friends: But it is a still greater evil to me that I am self educated. Shelleys choice of words are designed to anticipate Victors need of a friend. It does this by implying that Walton is annoyed that he had no one to teach him, and that he had no companions. The third letter that Walton sends simply expresses confidence in his quest: I write a few lines in haste to say that I am safe and well advanced on my voyage. Shelley may have decided to add a short letter to show that Walton maybe playing down the dangers of his voyage. He finishes the letter by saying: Heaven bless my beloved sister. This clearly shows that Walton is a caring person. The fourth letter is when Walton catches a glimpse of the creature. The crew take Victor on board. Walton believes that he has found a friend in Victor, and confides his ambition. This letter emphasises the admiration and affection that Victor inspires in Walton, who sees great nobility in this divine wanderer. In some ways Walton can be seen as a double to Victor Frankenstein. Walton rebels against his fathers decision for him to not go to sea. This is very similar to Frankensteins father, who dismissed Victors interests in science. Walton decides against the life of ease, he explains that My life might have been passed in ease and luxury, he explains, but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my way. Shelley has added this to show a relationship between Victor and Walton. This shows that they have similar characteristics, and desire the same things from life. The fact that Walton is introduced before Frankenstein may show that Shelley was preparing the reader for Victors desire for knowledge. Although the two characters can be related to each other, they also have significant differences. Walton is not quite so alienated as Victor. Rather then rejecting companionship, Walton longs for an intimate friend to share his hopes and dreams. To add to this point, Walton is also is not so isolated in his search for knowledge, whereas Victor, whose midnight labours and secret toil keep him completely secluded. The fact that Walton had a crew around him prevented him from falling into the trap of Victors individualism. The first chapter begins in an embedded narrative, with Victor telling his story to Walton. Victor begins his story by describing his early life in Geneva, his tranquil domestic life and the young orphan Elizabeth, who becomes part of the household. Victors interest in science eventually takes him to university at Inglostadt. His experiments lead him to the discovery of a secret life force. He constructs a human form out of dead tissue and brings it to life. Horrified by his actions, Victor abandons the creature. One of the main themes portrayed by Shelley in this novel is that of birth and creation. When Victor gave life to the creature, he usurps the role of God. Victor imagines how, A new species would bless me as its creator and source No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs. This shows that Victors main crime is not what he had done, but what he failed to do. He failed to father his creation. Victor is an isolated individual. However, unlike Walton, Frankensteins isolation is self imposed. It is also ironic in the sense that Victor rejects his family and friends, whilst this is simply what the creature longs for. Victor claims that the rejection of his family is necessary in order to continue the quest for the secret life. Alienation is a key factor in this novel. Victor chooses to isolate himself from others, whereas the creatures isolation is imposed upon him, due to Victor abandoning him, and people being generally scared of his appearance. However the creature does desire companionship, and he says that he becomes violent when he realises that he will never have this, I am malicious because I am miserable. This shows that the creature is humane in the sense that all he wants is a companion, much like any human. So the fact that the creature only becomes malicious because I am miserable represents that people become monstrous when the are isolated, and rejected from so ciety. When Victor creates the creature, he is flooded with a huge feeling of anti-climax. Victor repulses the creature on first sight. He refers to the creature as the wretch and is horrifies by the thing that he has given life to. This shows that Victor is only concerned with physical appearance. This shows intolerance of imperfection and a flaw in Victors character. Victor rejects the creation; this is like a father rejecting his child. When the creature came to life Victor may have realised the enormity of the monstrous deeds that he had committed. The passage in the novel shows Victor to be a monster, as he does not even try to understand the monsters cries for help. He has forsaken any duties he is expected to perform as a father. When the creature awoke from his sleep he convulsed. When Victor awakes from his sleep, his muscles also convulse. This could be one of the first signs that the creature is a double of Victor. Victor even describes the monster as my own spirit let loose from the grave forced to destroy all that was dear to me Victor has given a clear expression of the notion that he and the creature may be doubles, with the creature acting out Victors own aggressions. Shelleys description of the creature is full of pathos. The first things that the creature desires are love and affection, as all newborn things want. However, Victor denies him this. When Victor awakes from his dream, he finds the creature reaching out a hand towards him. Victor rejects this appeal for help from the creature. This passage from the novel may parody The creation of man by Michelangelo, which shows God stretching out his hand to give life to Adam. The analogy of this is that Victor is playing God and that the creature is Adam. Another parody is the story of Prometheus, who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to the people on earth. The analogy of this is that Victor has stolen the power of life from the Gods and given it to the people. This is the reason for the book has the subtitle The modern Prometheus. Victor may be seen as monstrous in this passage, as he is usurping the role of woman, which goes against the laws of nature.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Electronic Voting Technology Politics Essay
The Electronic Voting Technology Politics Essay Electronic voting (also known as e-voting) is a term encompassing several different types of voting, embracing both electronic means of casting a vote and electronic means of counting votes. An electronic voting (E-Voting) system is a voting system in which the election data is recorded, stored and processed primarily as digital information. Electronic voting technology can include remote internet voting system, optical scan voting systems and specialized voting kiosk [1]. Sanjay et al (May 2011) also define e-voting as any system where voters cast their vote using an electronic system instead of paper ballot. Sanjay further explained that this electronic vote which is stored digitally is transferred from voting system to a counting system [11]. E-Voting can be seen as a better form of voting as it eliminates several drawbacks in the traditional voting system. But Randolph C (2004) explain that even though e-voting system plays important part in the general election process, there are several other important factors that will contribute to the overall success of an election and this include processes, people and technology[17]. The current method of voting during general elections in Ghana is through paper base voting which comes with a lot of problems ranging from delay in voting resulting in long queues, spoilt votes due to wrong thumb-printing and delay in declaring results. Ghana has held eight (8) successful presidential elections after independence, but always issue of vote rigging and the credibility of the results becomes an issue[13][30]. These concerns arise from the fact that people dont have trust in the current paper base voting system. The current paper base system is perceived to give room for manipulation of votes by officials at various polling stations and also at the collation centers [13]. Also other issues faced with paper-based voting in Ghana are the perception of political opponents stuffing the ballot boxes with already voted ballot papers, and delay in counting after vote has ended. These concerns are the main initiator for the investigation into a possible electronic voting system implementation for subsequent elections in Ghana. Electronic voting if well designed and tested will try to alleviate these problems and perceptions, and reduce or do away completely with spoilt votes which in most cases, the percentage of spoilt ballot papers are more that the percentage received by some of the Presidential candidates[38]. E-Voting has been attracting a lot of interest in the country and has been a subject for discussion in various media during the past years. The interest of E-Voting is spreading across many sectors of the society, notably University and Polytechnic institutions where SRC elections are mostly conducted electronically through Electronic Voting System. As stated in Aviel D. Rubin February 27, 2004 report, elections allows the citizen to select their people who they deem fit to represent them. Naturally, the integrity of the election process is fundamental to the integrity of democracy itself. He further stated that any system that is design for election must be a system that can withstand any attack, and also must be a system which the voters can accept and the various candidates can accept the election results without any dispute [2]. But most often elections are being manipulated in order to influence their outcome. The design of a good voting system, whether electronic or using traditional paper ballots must satisfy a number of sometimes competing criteria. The anonymity of a voters ballot must be preserved, both to guarantee the voters safety when voting against a malevolent candidate, and to guarantee that voters have no evidence that proves which candidates received their votes. The voting system must also be tamper-resistant to prevent a wide range of attacks, including ballot stuffing by voters and incorrect tallying by insiders. The main aim of the research is to investigate and come out with the most feasible and acceptable electronic voting system and improve upon the current design for national elections in Ghana taking into consideration our current ICT infrastructural or ICT penetration in Ghana. Problem Statement Ghana Electoral Commission (EC) has conducted six (6) elections since the fourth republic, and in each of these instances we have been faced with challenges of bloated electoral register resulting into some voters voting more than once. There have been several reforms to ensure a credible voter register [3]. But after all these reforms multiple voting still exists. Secondly, our current paper base voting comes with several challenges which include the following: Delay in vote counting after vote has ended at polling stations Voters travelling long distance to polling stations to vote Low voter turnout as a result of voters queuing for long period at polling stations Multiple Voting Tampering of voting results High percentage of spoil ballot papers due to wrong thumb printing Overall cost of electoral materials (ballot boxes, ballot papers etc) The main focus of this research is to investigate and come out with suitable electronic voting system and improve upon the existing features for our national elections to curb these challenges. The research will investigate the suitability of remote electronic voting systems like internet voting and or voting electronically at various polling stations using a Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) something called a voting kiosk. Objective of the study The main objectives of this research is to investigate and discover the various methods of e-voting system that can be implemented for national elections, give a wide overview on the potential benefits and associated challenges in implementing Electronic Voting (E-Voting) in the Countrys general elections. The study has the following specific objectives: To identify the various e-voting system that will be feasible to implement for our national elections To find out which of these methods is more acceptable by the voting populace To improve upon the accepted e-voting system To examine the potential challenges that are likely to surface for each implementation Research Questions: What are various E-Voting Systems that can be implemented for National Elections? What will be the preferred e-voting methods for voters? What improvement or enhancement can be added to the preferred e-voting system? What are the potential benefits associated in implementing Electronic Voting (E-Voting) in the Countrys general elections? What are the associated challenges in implementing Electronic Voting (E-Voting) in the Countrys general elections? Significance of the study Implementing electronic voting system for national elections will reduce drastically the amount of resources we spent on manual voting systems [11]. It will also increase voter turnouts and delays in vote counting and declaration of results. It will also eliminate multiple voting and tampering of voting results. Voters will not have to travel a longer distance to a voting center to cast his/her vote; it will not require geographical proximity of the voters. Scope of the study This research is to investigate and improve on the current E-Voting systems that can be implemented for Ghana general elections, but considering the limited time and resources available I will focus on Internet Voting system and Direct Online Voting at polling Stations (Voting Kiosk). I intend to limit the scope of the research to the voters around the regional capitals only and Internet security expert and System Developers from Expresso Telecom Organization of the study The research work is organized into five (5) chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the introduction, the background of the study, problem statement, the objectives of the study, the significance, and scope of the study and the proposed methodology of the study. Chapter 2 of this thesis is a literature reviews some of the various methods of electronic voting techniques which have been used during elections around the world. The methods I employed to collect information about various e-voting systems are described in Chapter 3, and the results of this information collection and the responses to this survey which were received is presented in Chapter 4, analysis of the Case study is presented in Chapter 5 and the conclusions drawn from those results are summarized in Chapter 5.
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