Monday, September 30, 2019
International Marketing Essay
Executive Summary The main purpose of the report will be to analyze Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation’s (HSBC) Premier proposition (PP). The author will be analyzing the product proposition using a SWOT analysis frame work on HSBC Premier. Based on the result of the analysis the author will highlight as to why HSBC has chosen to cater the high end society. The report also showcase as to why the PP is focused on this particular market segment. Followed by the author conducting a study on the requirements and expectations of Premier Customer (PC). Based on the identified factors the author will illustrate how the PP has being designed to address the client’s requirements by using the concept of relationship banking through their specialized employees. The report will also emphasis on the importance of HSBC being customer centric. Supported through changes done to the marketing mix in order to achieve the goal of customer care. In conclusion the author has conducted a research to track the total customer experience. Introduction HSBC is a leading multi-national organization which has been operating in the financial industry in Sri Lanka for over 120 years (Refer Appendix A.1). Being an organization which has both local and international expertize, HSBC has a competitive advantage in positioning their products and services in the market. HSBC caters both corporate and Retail Banking segments with a wide range of product propositions. As the newly appointed marketing consultant for HSBC Premier (Refer Appendix A.3), the author will be conducting a market research to find out the factors as to how HSBC PP can be improved. During the market study the author will be conducting a research on areas like working business culture and marketing concept, segmentation of the product in line with its customers, analyzing the customer’s needs wants and value expectations of the proposition, creation of customer-based value propositions for each of the segments, developments through relationship marketing and customer care, the organizations branding strategies, research studies related to customer experience and the outcome of been an organization which is more customer centric. The working business culture and marketing concept Considering the business culture, HSBC is an organization exposed to many international trends and working environments. From retaining years of experiences in the financial industry HSBC has identified how the organization should adopt itself according to the local culture and trends. In order to localize the organization has invested in the areas such as product development, pricing, branding, market research and relationship marketing. Which eventually covers the marketing concepts of HSBC. These concepts are used by the top level management as strategic concepts in order to make decisions and processes to cater to customer requirements and expectations. Through these concepts HSBC has being able to align the Premier Proposition (PP) according to the current market conditions. Product development and Pricing In order to sustain their market share HSBC PP is been reviewed and developed annually by the marketing department. Product development has being focused based on the following market conditions. The emergence of local and international competition: In the recent past there have being many number of financial institutes starting to introduce similar product propositions as HSBC Premier. Eg :Nations Trust Bank : Private Banking Standard Chartered Bank: Priority Banking Fragmented markets and sophisticated customer needs, wants and demands: The emergence of sophisticated customers such as investors, directors of multinational companies, businessmen who each have diverse needs wants and demand expectations from the bank. Technological advances in the financial sector: HSBC has being successfully been able to achieve this by offering the best consumer internet. The organization has being offered the award by Global Finance. HSBC uses a price premium strategy in the PP which has made the product to be exclusive and appealing to the high end society of Sri Lanka. By using this strategy HSBC has been able to acquire over 6000 Premier Customers (PCs) who each maintain over Rs 7,500,000 in a portfolio. This in return has given them to generate Rs 45 Billion in deposits. Branding Every product requires a strong branding technique. HSBC uses the following branding methods to showcase the benefits of PP. Online marketing Billboards Electronic Direct Mails New paper and magazine advertising Corporate sponsorships Consumer sales promotions As per the methods mentioned above HSBC has focus in showcasing the lifestyle of a PC and the benefits that could be achieved by being part of the growing PP. The next goal by branding would be to acquire potential customers through displaying benefits compared to the competitors. Market Research and Relationship Marketing HSBC invests a large proportion of resources on market research and development. Which eventually result HSBC a cutting edge among competitors. This market research and development is conducted through HSBC head office in Hong Kong at regular intervals. By doing so HSBC has being able to identify new global trends and investment opportunities which they have being able to include within the PP. In order to customize and align the global trends and investments according to the Sri Lankan market, the local marketing department conduct research. These researches are conducted through client survey calls, mystery shopper programs and customer feedback forms. This has provided the opportunity for the management to gain a descriptive insight of the service pros and cons offered to the PC. Customer being treated as king in today’s business world HSBC believes customer centric relationship marketing is the critical selling factor of the PP. In order to complement this factor Relationship Managers (RMs) have being groomed to be customer oriented, which will enable to provide a personalized service package. Based on the study carried on HSBC Premier the author will explain the current position of the organization and explain the desired position to be in through his suggestions. Understanding customers and segmentation A PC is an individual who banks at HSBC for the purpose of receiving exclusive customized service, global recognition, safety of their funds and investment advice. By performing a SWOT analysis on HSBC Premier the author has being able to highlight why HSBC has selected the particular segment of high income earner both locally and internationally. Strengths HSBC is a brand which provides their clients a global recognition through HSBC Premier. Expertise in the financial industry both locally and internationally. Including modern technology into their services. Priority services for all international banking services through Global Premier Centre’s. Customizing the products and services according to the local culture. Dedicated RMs who would manage the clients financial requirements 24 hour Premier Call Centre (PCC) Emergency credit facilities. Exclusive promotions for PCs both locally and internationally. Weaknesses Limited bank branches around Sri Lanka. Offering low interest rates on fixed deposits and savings accounts. Being an International brand the organization is vulnerable for strict government rules policies. Having only 2 Premier Centre’s in Sri Lanka to cater to over 6000 PCs. Unavailability in developing new wealth management products for clients with high investment appetites. Having a low workforce to attend to each PC’s requests. Limiting the eligibility criteria for HSBC Premier. Having only one PCC to attend to over 6000 PC calls. Opportunities By growing the premier portfolio the organization will be able grow the HSBC brand Value. Developing newer technological advances in line with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka would assist in making the product more attractive. HSBCs Global recognition which would attract clients. Constant R&D provides new dimensions to a growth. Individuals who aspire to become a PC. Global international support through the HSBC group. Threats Competitor banks starting to offer similar propositions. Central Bank regulations which limits cross border transactions. Losing customers who are rate sensitive Reputational risks from miss selling HSBC Premier. Vulnerability to attract money launderers who would tarnish the HSBC Premier brand name. Global recession impacts on HSBC High priorities given to local banks. Table -SWOT Analysis Different PC individuals have diverse expectations from HSBC. In order to meet these high client expectation levels HSBC conduct thorough staff trainings, workshops and knowledge sharing sessions. Based on the product exclusivity it shows that HSBC has segmented in clients who seek global recognition and quality service even though they do not offer competitive return on investments. Further the client base can also be segment according to the below listed eligibility PC criteria. 1. Clients maintaining a portfolio balance of Rs7,500,000 In Sri Lanka 2. Overseas PCs maintaining the required balance in their home country All though this protects the products exclusivity it has limited the organization expanding their market share. In order to overcome this limitation the author suggests that HSBC to introduce new entry criteria to become a PC. Market research shows competitors also offering similar products under the following entry criteria. Nations Trust Bank (Private Banking eligibility) -Rs 5 million or equivalent in foreign currency, in deposits Total relationship of Rs 10 million in both deposits and loans Repurchase Agreements (REPO’s) and/or investments of Rs 20 million. Standard Chartered Bank (Priority banking eligibility)-Total relationship in Fixed deposits Rs5, 000,000/- Commercial Bank (Elite Banking eligibility)-Total deposit relationship in excess of Rs 7.5 Million in a savings or fixed deposit account. In order to gain the completive advantage and grow the profit margins for the business sustainability the author’s suggestion is to remake entry criteria’s to become a PC. This will also open doors for potential customer segments and new business opportunities where competitors have still not approached on. Authors entry criteria suggestions: Maintaining Rs5,000,000/- in a non-interest bearing current account and granting of an interest free overdraft facility of Rs2,500,000/- which would attract Islamic Banking clients. Maintaining Rs5, 000,000/- in a fixed deposit and granting an overdraft facility against in which will attract clients who like to invest in the Stock market and other instruments. Offering Premier for top Directors of Companies such as MAS, Nestles, Fonterra, MIT so that they would be brand ambassadors for the Product. Introducing Premier for clients with large credit facilities which are more than Rs10, 000,000/- these clients would give a high income to grow the premier portfolio. Analyzing needs, wants, values and Expectations of Customers As indicated above a HSBC PC contains diverse set of expectations and requirement through this package. This requirements and expectations vary from individual to individual. HSBC has being able to identify these client expectations based on the research performed by their research and development team. Analyzing needs and wants The success of HSBC PP is based on how the organization meets the customers’ expectations. Based on the market studies performed on the client base the author has being able to identify what are the needs and wants of the clients. Needs Wants Easy access to their funds. Ability to withdraw funds at any given time. Reliability on the invested money at HSBC. To have the assurance that the invested money is secured at HSBC. Return on investment. Preferential interest rate for savings accounts and fixed deposits. 24 hour assistance in financial needs. 24X7 customer support. Commendable customer relationship. To receive a tailor made service from HSBC. Ability to obtain credit facilities. Ability to request for credit cards, loan facilities and overdraft facilities on demand. Priority services in transferring funds globally and assistance in opening accounts overseas. Global assistance. Hassle free money transfers with global accounts Table – Analyzing needs and wants Values and Expectations of a HSBC Premier customer The relationship between a HSBC PC and the bank is built around the values presented by the organization. In order to achieve clients expectations HSBC works hard along with their set values. The below list contains the relationship between the PC’s values and expectations. Values Expectations Fairness Offering a fair Interest rate on the Fixed deposits within the bank. Honesty and integrity. To create transparency on the fees and rates of the bank. Ability to understand and address the client’s requirements. Excellent two way communication with the RM and client for a better service. Assurance Assurance for the client’s financial safety. Service. Customized clients service package. Dependability High dependability on their personal and official financial matters. Recognition. To be recognized as a valued Premier client. Table -Value and Expectations of a HSBC Premier Customer Creating Customer-based Value Propositions for Customer segments Creating customer-based value propositions is a widely used strategy to create awareness on different customer segments. Having looked at the researchers conducted from inception of HSBC Premier the author believes the most significant factor is to address PCs expectations. Also the author believes, through catering these requirements will influence the client’s decision making ability. This will result to grow the market share and generate business incomes. Relationship Marketing & Customer Care Relationship marketing has become one of the current important concepts of today’s business environment. Relationship marketing is mainly dependent on organization policies employee skill and capabilities. Each employee plays a vital role in the process of delivering an exceptional customer service. Starting from the front level customer support to the back office support the same service level should be maintained. Factors that influence Relationship Marketing for HSBC Premier: Convenience in accessing the Premier Centre’s. Efficiency of the RMs. Strong bond between the client and the RMs. Consistent service delivery. The luxurious Premier Centre facilities. Extensive Friendly support provided by the employees. Understanding the customer requirements. Playing honestly and winning customer trust. Assurance of investments. Management of customer care Knowledge : The employees should always maintain high knowledge level regarding customer portfolios, requirements and up to date with organizations processes. Service Level : All staff engaged directly or indirectly with clients should always provide same service standards. Operations : Maintaining consistent operations according to the set guidelines in order avoid any service lapses. Customer Care : Providing the best customer experience through exceptional customer care. At HSBC the management believes in building strong relationships between the business and its clients is vital. In order to full fill the above influences HSBC has built the PP around customer relationship marketing and exceptional customer care. A PC of HSBC is entitled to a RM who caters to their every financial requirement. The RMs are often closely engaged with their clients, this allows them to win the trust and understand the client. It enables the RMs to provide a better service to their clients. A satisfied customer will always improve their portfolios and recommend the product and service to others. However during the research conducted it is evident the concept of relationship banking is blossomed from the point a client becomes a PC. Although the author strongly believes regardless weather the customer is Premier or not the bank should provide customer relationship banking. HSBC should extend their focus towards all segments and expand their exceptional customer relationship. Through conducting the above mentioned new concept the organization will be able to identify the potential clients and grow them to become aspiring qualitative PCs. Reinforcing the organization’s Identity through changes to the Marketing Mix Variables What is a Marketing Mix? A marketing mix is traditionally referred to as the 4P’s, which consists of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. With market evolution 4Ps has grown itself towards adding 3 more concepts like People, Process, and Physical Environment. The combination of these elements will contribute towards providing successful of the products and services. Figure -7 P’s Concept The Product It can be a tangible good or an intangible service. The successfulness of a product or service is based on how it is developed and how it will cater the customer needs. HSBC has developed HSBC Premier to cater to the high end niche market. The product offers exclusivity, recognition and a wide range of benefits to its clients. Although the PP appeals to the specific pricing category it restricts HSBC in acquiring new clients. The author belief is to create a sub category under HSBC Premier to grab the clients who cannot meet the HSBC Premier requirement and not allowing them to move towards other competitors. Price The price is the amount a customer is willing to pay for the product or service. It will also determine the organizations profit or loss as a product or service is only worth for the price that the chosen segment of customers is willing to pay. The price should be competitive when compared with competitors. In the end customers would choose the service which offers the best value for their money. HSBC uses a price premium strategy for the eligibility of becoming a PC. The product offers exclusivity for clients who seek global recognition and quality service. The eligibility in becoming a PC has being set at Rs7, 500,000.00. This will restrict majority of new clients in enrolling for HSBC Premier. The reason being for the author to state that HSBC uses a price premium strategy is because HSBC historically has not offered high return on interest rates on their fixed deposits or investments, but compensates it with a superior service which retains the client from moving to competitors. However in order to grow the Premier portfolio held at HSBC the author suggests that HSBC increases the interest rates paid on the fixed deposits in order to retain the existing client base and also be able to attract the rate conscious clients from competitors. Place Place is the physical location where a product or service will be offered or distributed to the customer. It should be easily accessible by the customers. HSBC Premier is offered to the clients through the HSBC Premier Centre’s, HSBC PCC’s, the HSBC retail branch network and also through HSBC Internet Banking. Since HSBC has only 2 Premier Centre’s and 15 retail branches it has limited the accessibility to the public. The authors suggestion is introduce new retail branches in new locations where HSBC will be able acquire new PCs and grow their market share. Promotion Promotion is the method used by marketers to communicate information on products or services. It includes elements such as advertising, sales campaigns and awareness programs. HSBC uses the following modes to do their promotions. Branding Advertising Special Offers Electronic direct mailers Brochures Most of the promotional methods used at HSBC are prepared based on the market studies performed by research teams. However at times the in accuracy of the market study and poor promotional communication methods would fail to meet the customer needs. Based on the authors experience he advises that HSBC use a two way communication method when setting up their promotions. This will enable to get the clients feedback on the promotion as well as to answer any of the queries that the client has regarding the promotion. People People play a vital role in the service industry. They create a positive or negative impression toward the client which will eventually impact the organization. It is always important that the staffs are well groomed and motivated when they deliver their service to client. HSBC Premier is built around addressing the client’s requirements through relationship banking. Therefore it is important that HSBC recruits the right people with right skills and attitude to carry out their processes. The level of support and service granted by the RMs will determine whether the clients will retain at HSBC or weather the will move to other financial institutes. Process The processes set within the organization contribute to the end result of customer satisfaction. A PC is not interested on how the set systems work at HSBC, but what they are interested is only to get their job done. It is important that HSBC evolves their system up to date with high efficiency and productivity. This will lead toward satisfied customers. This is the ultimate goal of HSBC Premier. Physical Evidence The physical evidence is what a Premier client would experience from the moment they step in to a Premier Centre. During the stay at the Premier centre the customers would experience luxurious facilities. These comforts and benefits will capture potential customers through branding and through word mouth. The combination of each of the above elements will contribute to the success of the HSBC PP. Research Requirements for the organization to track the total customer experience What is Marketing Research? It is a systematic module which is used to collect data for analysis and reporting purpose on a specific marketing situation faced in an organization. Companies use these research results in various situations. This helps the organization to measure the customer experience. The research results will enable the marketers to improve their products or services. Commonly organizations have their own in house R&D team and however some companies tend to conduct this market research through 3rd party specialized organizations. Importance of Marketing Research for HSBC As the time past banks have gradually evolved themselves to introduce new products and services. This has increased the competition amongst financial institutes who are striving to be the best. While each bank offers similar products and service packages. The differentiation is dependent on the services and after sales. While HSBC understands the importance of marketing research they have sub contracted high level research studies for specialist such as AC Nielsen Corporation. At the inception of HSBC Premier the organization used research studies from the Primary data acquired through Surveys, data collections, focus groups and interview. Based on these research studies carried out HSBC was able to develop the global proposition. For further development and changes to HSBC Premier the organization carries out secondary data research studies by purchasing research studies done by specialists, collecting data of customer courtesy calls, mystery shopper programs, branch observations, suggestion boxes and testimonials left by other PCs. Once the information is collected HSBC uses it to understand the lapses that they have in terms of service, competitor interest rates, product features and benefits which affect the total customer experience. Based on the experience at HSBC the author suggests that the research should be carried out by using the Primary research studies in order to track the total customer experience. Although collecting of data can be costly through primary research methods it is accurate and easy to understand the customer as listed below. Primary research can be obtained by research performed on existing PCs. The research can be tailored according to the requirement of the organization. It helps you understand the type of client which does business with you. Since it is an in-depth research done the data would not be available for competitors. The organization has the freedom the set the parameters of the areas they wish to perform the research studies on. Collected data would be qualitative and quantitative. Figure – Research frame work Defining Objectives: The objective of the research is to identify the total customer experience that a HSBC PC under go. Research Design: At the research design stage, the marketer or the organization would follow a set of guidelines carried out the research. The different stages of a research are as followed. Figure -Research Design Data Collection: Data collection to be done according to the above research design using the existing client based and the potential client base. Data Analysis: Data analysis is a process of transforming acquired data in to qualitative and quantitative information for the use of the marketers. Research Report: The research report will be the end result of the research process. The report would highlight the areas which require development and the areas which have service lapses. This will enable HSBC to develop them self as an organization. The author believes it is vital that HSBC continues and improves their research methods in order to be on top of the financial industry. Through performing and tracking the total customer experience which a PC goes through HSBC will be able to adjust and make changes to the processes which are in use. The outcomes of becoming more customer centric In every organization the customer is treated as the king or queen. Therefore each organization wishes to be customer centric. They build their businesses around the expectations of the targeted customer segments. At HSBC the working business culture and marketing concepts are aimed and designed according to its target market. The process of choosing the segment of high end customer and to cater them with the product HSBC Premier was done under the customer segmentation process. Once the segmentation was done HSBC choose to analyze the needs, wants, values and expectations of a PC. This enable the organization to tailor make the benefits for a PC at HSBC. This in return creates a global value proposition for each PC. A key area in being a customer centric organization is the capability of building strong relationships with the clients. At HSBC Premier the concept of using a RM has enable the organization to identify in-depth information regarding their base of PCs. It has also enabled HSBC to discover the clients hidden needs and also create needs within them in order to grow the Premier portfolio. By addressing these requirements HSBC has being able to enhance the customer experience derived through HSBC Premier. The author suggests that HSBC continues to conduct primary research which gives the organization in-depth information regarding how and where the organization is heading towards. The conducted research would stand as an indicator to identify on the changes that the organization could do to its marketing mix variables to achieve customer satisfaction. Becoming an organization which is customer centric would contribute to the sustainability of the company. It will act as a guide in the company’s long term vision to enable them to align the business and its processes accordingly. By doing so the organization would be able to increase the customer experience levels and values. Conclusion The overall report is a critical analysis on HSBC’s PP. The author has identified the working business culture and marketing concepts used at HSBC. Based on the study the report illustrates the importance of designing HSBC’s PP in line with the chosen customer segments expectations. Having being a customer centric organization, HSBC has being able to identify its customer requirements through market researches and adaptation of relationship banking. Having identifying a PC’s necessities the organization has being able to make changes to its marketing mix variables in order to increase the total customer experience. The PP in general, can be measured as one of the most consistent propositions which offer exclusive financial services. In order to sustain HSBC’s PP the author recommends that the organization develops its strategies and reduces the service lapses based on the suggestions made. References 2013. Applications of Marketing Concepts to Candidate Marketing by Avraham Shama. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 11 Nov 2013]. 2013. Untitled. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Nov 2013]. 2013. Chennai Consulting Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2013]. 2013. Savings Sri Lanka | Internet Banking | Commercial Bank Sri Lanka. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 Nov 2013]. Google Books. 2013. Product Development Performance. [online] Available at: TiVnH&sig=ARVFe8GFf7- [Accessed: 11 Nov 2013]. 2013. JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 Nov 2013]. Kotler, P. 2005. Principles of marketing. 2013. Lanka Business Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 12 Nov 2013]. 2013. Nations Trust Bank, Sri Lanka – Personal Banking, Corporate Banking, American Express, SME Banking. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13 Nov 2013]. Unknown. 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13 Nov 2013]. Unknown. 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Nov 2013]. APPENDICES A.1 About HSBC HSBC is a financial organization which opened in Sri Lanka on the 1st of July in 1892. The bank initially opened for business under the name of â€Å"Hongkongbank†thereafter was named as the â€Å"The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation†and in the more recent years operates under the name â€Å"HSBC†. HSBC currently has over 6,600 offices in over 80 countries and territories and assets of US$2,692 billion as at 30 June 2012 according to (HSBC, 2013) This Makes HSBC one of the largest Financial Organizations in the world. Since 1892 HSBC has supported and contributed to the Sri Lankan Economy and is currently one of the most Profitable Banks in Sri Lanka. A.2 Products and Services offered by HSBC HSBC uses the influences of their international expertise, their local knowledge and experience in order to build the Products and Services they offer. This puts HSBC in a good position to compete with the local financial organizations. HSBC offers propositions to its clients. They have come up with 2 main propositions which are called â€Å"HSBC Premier†and â€Å"HSBC Advance†. A.3 About HSBC Premier This product is offered to HSBCs top end clients who are the high income earning segment of society. It would be clients who are well established in life and lives a lavish lifestyle. HSBC Premier comes with a bundle of value additions and exceptional service standards. Such as a Relationship Manager who will look in to the clients every financial need, preferential rates, fee waivers and preferential promotions positioned only for Premier Clients. HSBC has set the minimum eligibility of becoming a Premier Client at maintaining Rs7, 500,000/- in a client’s portfolio.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Impact of Technology on Young People
As a kid I would beg and beg to use the computer. †No. I'm on Facebook†, my sister would say in exasperation as I moaned at the unfairness of it all. She would sit in the corner of the room for hours upon end, her expressionless face lit up by the bright screen of the family computer. Always sulking with anger and frustration, yet enthralled by the on-goings within the world of the web. I wondered how something she enjoyed so much could affect her mood in the way it did. I would soon learn to understand this and experience the same teenage angst; a feeling that is certainly maximised by the negative effects of technology.Teens of the 21st century have grown up in a society where technology is constantly developing and upgrading. Its use in everyday life is becoming ever more prominent and it is used to such an extent that it is bound to have a considerable impact on the lives of the young. Mobile phones, games consoles, laptops, iPods. We are encouraged by giant corporati ons to demand the latest gadgets, often without considering their importance to us. As The Black Eyed Peas recently said, ‘this is the NOW generation’.The most popular application of modern-day technology is undoubtedly the internet. Young people are particularly keen on using social networks. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter are fantastic in the way they allow us to keep in touch with our friends. But what impact do these sites actually have on us? Well, I’ll begin telling you by dismantling the name ‘social media’. Ironically, these sites have more of an anti-social impact on teens than they do a social one. Their use is addictive by nature. Users often find themselves glued to the screens of their phones and laptops, while communicating with their friends online.Some teens don’t understand that you can actually have a real conversation with these ‘friends’ by getting off your ass and meeting up with them in the real world! It is laughable that a large number of teens genuinely believe social networking suffices as a form of real social activity. You can send people as many messages as you want, it won’t improve the people skills that you will need later in life. As entertaining as social networks may be, I believe that addictive technology like them is isolating individuals from society and nurturing a new generation of young adults with substandard social abilities.When I was originally introduced to Twitter, I saw it as a wonder of the internet. It was and still is a wonderful website. You can carefully tailor the information that is supplied to you by choosing who you wish to ‘’follow’’ and it works by bombarding you with a constant stream of information in a matter of seconds. Believe me, it has a very rich entertainment value. However, it can become extremely addictive and is often used excessively. I experienced this for myself last year. Very frequently, I wou ld come home and spend my time scrolling through my twitter feed for the remainder of the day.By over-using it, Twitter became a hindrance to both my school work and social life. So when I realised that I had to control my usage, I decided to take a break from all forms of social media. The 6 months that followed were hugely refreshing. I began to feel a lot happier and generally more energetic when I wasn’t glued to my laptop. Without a doubt, I advise other students to try out a similar solution. The cold turkey made me realise how technology impacts adversely on young people. For the first time in my life, I felt fortunate to still possess my ancient, battered Sony Ericsson. I was and am no longer jealous of those who flash about their expensive touch-screen whatever megapixel phones. I am glad that I’m unable to download the latest ‘’ios4 update’’. I use my phone to ring people because that’s the function that Alexander Graham Bell decided it would have.Children growing up today are immersed in technology while they are developing and still experiencing the joys of childhood. Many believe that it is vital they are taught about I.T. from an early age as it is such an integral part of modern society. As the internet is becoming ingrained in our lives, computer skills are clearly becoming vital. However, can we justify the encouragement of technology in a child’s life when the long-term effects of its use are yet to be uncovered? I don’t think so. Experts believe that technology can elevate a child’s exasperation, diminish their patience levels and hinder their writing and communication skills. I would go as far to say that parents who encourage and allow their children to use technology excessively are morally in the wrong.When we think back to our childhood, what memories stand out for us the most? For me, it is those long summer days that were spent outside. Being active. Exploring. Racin g go-karts. Building tree houses. Playing sports. These activities shaped us and built our characters. Without them we would be boring. And the truth is that overindulging in technology halts an active life. This technological generation endangers children from missing out on an important stage of their development. No one says ‘’remember that time I shot a load of Nazi zombies on Call Of Duty’’ .It is seriously worrying that a child would choose to confine him/herself to the realms of a virtual world rather than experience childhood as it should be. The impact of an unfulfilled childhood can be devastating in later life. This is another reason why the influence of technology should be controlled and moderated, especially in relation to young people.I expect the impact of technology on the young generation to become clearer at a later date. A divide may well emerge between the characteristics of those who were brought up under a technological influence and those who were shielded from technology during their childhood. A neurological divide, to be precise. In a survey released in 2011, 55% agreed with a statement that in 2020 the brains of young people would be â€Å"wired†differently from those over 35.The excessive use of technology may effectively cause this to happen. Because internet access is becoming increasingly efficient, we are constantly gaining a thirst for instant gratification. Online, we have access to innumerable content at incredible speeds. Our concentration span must be deteriorating as we now rely on a constant feed of information to satisfy our shallow brains. It’s quite sad that the immediate reaction to our problems is often simply ‘’I’ll google it’’ or ‘’Yahoo Answers will know this’’. We’ve stopped thinking about these problems ourselves. What’s the point? The answers are already there, on the internet. Perhaps, the deep thinking skills our ancestors once possessed are becoming lost upon the youth of today. Computers have begun to re-wire us with different intellectual capabilities.The same 55% in the survey of 2011 predicted that the youth of today would excel in mental processing and in searching effectively for information online. I would label these qualities as traits of a robot. Technology takes away our spirit and our ability to think for ourselves. And by glancing around a typical group of students, you may observe a certain lack of atmosphere. You will notice some students who choose not to interact with each other, instead, all attention fixed on their phones. The sad reality is that these devices are responsible for de-humanising our society.Despite this, technology is constantly developing and often for a good outcome. But some might say that we were better off in the days when apple and blackberry were just fruit.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How do Hardy and Wordsworth explore The theme of Nature and Childhood? Essay
Nature is beautiful. This is views of people in the 18th century. Nature was loved and appreciated back in time, true life based poems were written about it, two of them were Thomas hardy & William Wordsworth. These two poets were in love with nature not only did they write about it they fell in deep love with nature that they expressed their feelings within their poetry to the world. There is a quote in Hardy’s poem â€Å"I could live on thus till end†, point is that he could live with/sacrifice all his life for nature, just like a man sacrifices his life to women when he takes a marriage vow quote is â€Å"until death do us part†this shows the personification from nature to a human being Whereas Wordsworth has a different way of expressing his feelings which is describing nature with obsession such as â€Å"Small circles glittering idly in the moon,†Hardy’s poem ‘Childhood among ferns’ shows six different sides to nature which are: Beauty (â€Å"ferns spread out luxuriantly†), power (â€Å"The rain gained strength†); it acts like a: parent (â€Å"tall ferns sheltered me†) and friend (â€Å"brought forth a sweet breath†), and also he is at one with nature. William and hardy use a wide range of punctuation and description for effect and also for description of their wonderful nature. This is a very strong quote showing the beautiful side of nature â€Å"The sun then burst, and brought forth a sweet breath†¦Ã¢â‚¬ this quote is a personification of a human breathing and usually its friends that are sweet to you so it is also showing 2 faces to nature the other side is power â€Å"burst†this is a very strong word to use to explain the power of nature which gives a dramatic effect clearly shown to the reader as in Wordsworth poem he also shows the power of nature in his words â€Å"with voluntary power instinct†as if using a lot of its own power is sounds like a lot of power is being used by nature on its own. Childhood is also exposed by both poets but in individual ways such a Hardy wishes to go back to his childhood whereas William just has memories on his childhood â€Å"A schoolboy traveller at the holidays†and Hardy’s quote showing the point is â€Å"making pretence I was not rained upon†. This is showing Hardy’s childish acts for example when a child is having fun in the rain he does not want to go in the house just the same Thomas is pretending that there is no rain because he is refusing to take cover. In the prelude the childish act that the schoolboy does is he finds a boat on his way and immediately starts to own the boat and call it his possession. â€Å"A skiff that to a willow tree was tied within a rocky cave, its usual home†¦discovered thus by unexpected chance,†and soon after â€Å"my little boat mov’d on†. The personification used in ‘The Prelude’ is the boat which he says â€Å"surely I was led by her†, the her is the boat and it also shows the relationship of nature, well usually at one glance her could be a mother which usually would be first thoughts, because a boy is usually only led one women; his mother. After Thomas Hardy expresses his feelings at the end he also wants to stay in his childhood and live with nature for the rest of his living life â€Å"Why should I have to grow to man’s estate, And this afar-noises World perambulate?†. This quote shapes the writer telling us that he still hasn’t left his childhood he wants old memories back and he still has as much love for nature as he did as a child. Thomas also ha a view that he is at one with nature, the last side of nature where quoted â€Å"I sat on†which also compare William Wordsworth where he is also at one with nature when â€Å"went heaving through the water like a swan†. William calls himself a swan, the way he pushed his boat with difficulty through the water on his journey.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Data Analysis Methods and Tools Research Proposal
Data Analysis Methods and Tools - Research Proposal Example On the other hand, lower morals would lead to lower level of employee satisfaction from the job and thus negatively influence the performance of the organization as well. For this reason, the management of the businesses keeps a critical sight on the performance of each individual employee in order to identify the contribution that each employee is making towards achieving organizational goals and objectives. For this reason, the author of the proposed research work will try to identify and understand the effect of performance appraisal systems on motivating and retaining strategies of the organizations (Seldon, Ingraham, & Jacobson, 2001). In the literature reviewed for this research work, the researcher has identified the true meanings of job satisfaction. While elaborating on the concept of job satisfaction, a number of researchers has agreed that it is actually the addiction or fondness that employees inherit from the working environment within the organization, and those elements at work place which motivates employees to show commitment with the organization (Thompson & Phua, 2012; Maslow, 1943; Herzberg, 1966; Vroom, 1964; Adams & Freedman, 1976; Malik et al., 2010). For this purpose, businesses have identified appraising employees’ performance as an essential tool to provide them utter support and appraise their contribution in organizations’ progress and growth (Anthony et al., 1996; Schneier et al., 1991). While the employees are satisfied from their employer and working condition, their attitude towards job is positive and motivates them to put extra efforts in their work, so that they can rece ive greater benefits by the employer (Karimi, Malik, & Hussain, 2011). As for the proposed research work, these views and ideas of past researchers will be used by the author of this research proposal, to identify the relationship between performance appraisal system, motivation of employees
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Managing teams effectively Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managing teams effectively - Essay Example An obstructionist or a toxic group member is usually an individual who methodically and systematically impedes and blocks the progress of a project (Holpp, 1098). Hence, team leadership essentially involves the talent and the ability to deal with all forms of members in a team, be it the slackers or an obstructionist. As per the existing knowledge and theories of team management, the best way to deal with a slacker or an obstructionist is to follow a mixed approach, which aims at confronting the inherent propensities of such people, to bring them out into the open, while accompanied by soft tactics like acknowledging one’s best qualities and by motivating one to contribute to team effort (Holpp, 1998). Such a hot and cold approach towards the personality types under consideration is bound to yield the desired results, because of its moderation and versatility (Holpp, 1998). A slacker shirks responsibility or work does not mean that one is devoid of talent, skills, insight or a ptitude. So, simply speaking, a slacker stands to be a potential asset for a team if somehow one figures out a way to make one work (Holpp, 1988). Usually a slacker tends to avoid or by pass responsibility because one has a perception that the other team members are not consciously aware of one’s tactics of or predilection for doing so (Holpp, 1998). So the most effective way to disarm a slacker is to confront one and make one realize that the others are well cognizant of one’s talent for shirking work. However, confrontation here does not connote to aggressive or brazen interactions. In fact it means making a slacker realize that in a friendly and decent way, while giving one a chance to save face. A slacker is a talented person who cheats on work, and once one realizes that others are well aware of one’s propensity to cheat, one will certainly avoid repeating such a behavior, at least conspicuously (Holpp, 1998). Bringing things out into the open should be acc ompanied by meaningful soft strategies like defining the job responsibility of a slacker, appreciating one for one’s abilities and the immense contribution one could make to the team, allocating one short term targets with chalked out deadlines and the like. On the contrary, if a slacker continues to cheat even when one is revealed, then this calls for a timely disciplinary action. One way or other, sooner or later, a slacker will have to be confronted. There is no other way out, or is there? The team is bound to lose or face unrest if it indefinitely allows a member to be a non performer (Holpp, 1998). When it comes to an obstructionist, they are the team members who stymie projects while strongly believing that their stratagems are not obvious to other team members (Holpp, 1998). Again, bringing things out into the open by confronting an obstructionist is the best possible way to desist one. However, such a confrontation is bound to fail if not accompanied by a revelation o f the strategy and modus operandi of an obstructionist, as it will give one a chance to deny charges (Holpp, 1998). There are many ways in which an obstructionist operates. Some tend to withhold the information required by a team to succeed. There are others who bring in an element of aggression and controversy in the group meetings to mislead a team from its real objectives. Then there come obstructionists who play on resources by allocating resources to
The Hiring Process and Managing a Diverse Workforce Research Paper
The Hiring Process and Managing a Diverse Workforce - Research Paper Example Besides, managing a diverse workforce helps to create harmony among the employees and brings about the right organizational culture essential in bringing the employees on board the management plan. In my work environment, the human resource managers pay attention to issues of diversity right from the employee selection stage to employee appraisal. This explains why the company has experienced less internal conflict and no friction with the legal bodies responsible for regulating organizational behavior. Therefore, organizations that abide by government regulation in their employment practices are more likely to succeed than those that ignore such legal requirements. In our organization, the marketing officer is among those that possess in appointing the right person for the task. Evidently, a number of procedures of recruitment are available for such a position. The first option is internal recruitment, in which the company appoints someone from the organization. In this method, one may avoid discrimination by engaging a transparent mode employee promotion and providing equal opportunity for promotion (Slater, 2004). Alternatively, the human resource managers may advertise the position in the public domain, which will give opportunity to every citizen to apply. Citing the job requirements and subjecting each applicant to the same tests will ensure there are no incidences of discrimination. The last option would be using a recruitment agency to hire a marketing officer on the behalf of the company. This process reduces discrimination by ensuring the process is independent and that internal organization workers cannot introduce biasness into the process. Therefore, the organizational managers do not interfere with the recruitment process by selecting candidates that they have affiliation with such as relatives or even friends (Krieger, 2013). For effective recruitment, the human resource managers
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
U1 Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
U1 Discussion - Coursework Example The DCHP allows the network administrator to supervise and distribute IP addresses from a central point (Morimoto, Noel, Droubi, Mistry, & Amaris, 2009). The DHCP server manages a pool of IP addresses about client configuration. The server assigned IP addresses that conflicted with other addresses because, first, in a busy network environment, an offline computer might have been brought online with a lease that it believes has not expired. On the other hand, the DHCP server believes the lease has expired. The server only checks the list of current leases to establish if an address is available and does not question the network to determine if an address is being used by default. As cited by Morimoto et al. (2009), the other cause of the IP addresses conflict may be malfunctioning of the internal components of the DCHP server. This causes them to lose track of which systems are utilizing which addresses. Another cause may be a similarly configured DCHP server is handing out overlapping addresses. Lastly, the two systems might have been assigned identical static
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Stratigey and action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stratigey and action - Assignment Example Technological Analysis: Zara is recently enjoying a high tech environment which enables it to put ideas into market more frequently than its competitors. Zara has also provided its store managers a system to check real-time sales data. Store managers are also free to order designs from Headquarters of their own choice with preferable colors through their computerized system. Industry Analysis: The retail clothing industry is large and extremely competitive. With the strategy of global selling including East Asia and African countries, Zara left its many competitors behind. Presently Gap, and Hennez and Mauritz (H&M) are two direct competitor of Zara in fashionable retail clothing industry. This industry is always growing because of brand name recognition and dedication for it among people, and a continuous rise in population of specially developed economies. It is true that this industry is highly dependent on developed countries, but it is also very unstable in trends and consumer behavior. Legal Analysis: Zara has been recently accused of stealing design ideas from Prada and online magazines, but no serious action has been taken so far against it, because many ideas can be categorized as art reproduction instead of stealing. It is only a mater of where you want to draw line. Ecological Analysis: Like any other manufacturing concern, apparel manufacturing can also use additives that can pollute environment. However, Zara take their social responsibility very well. In 2007, it was publicly revealed that Zara is going to use renewable energy system including usage of biodiesel for logistics. Zara’s business model is highly innovative as it focuses more on customer satisfaction than competition with other fashion retailers. The customer’s feedback is not the end of the value chain but also a starting point for the new design proposals. Design centers at Zara’s take the feedback seriously and develop inspiration for new designs on that basis. In order to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Forage grazing system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Forage grazing system - Essay Example Naturally, livestock animals like cattle, sheep, goats and horses live by forage utilization because their digestive system allow them to gain energy and other valuable nutrients (Murphy, 2005). The most efficient way for these livestock to consume forage is to allow them to graze. Nevertheless, an appropriate grazing system is necessary for effective and efficient grazing. Developing a rotational grazing is the most effective way to maximize forage utilization as well as consumption on a limited piece of land. According to W.D. Pitman (2010), paddock grazing refers to a grazing management system whereby livestock is grazed in a rotational manner in a large number of paddocks. Depending on the size of the paddock and the number of animals grazing, a paddock may be used for a number of days before animals are moved to the next paddock. Although it is very intensive, it allows the farmer to prepare adequately in and out of the season. Routinely, rotational grazing takes up to 30 days. This allows the farmer to match the nutritional needs of the animals with the availability of feeds (forage). Rotational grazing will ensure that forage stock are not re-grazed or overgrazed on a particular cycle. This is advantageous to the farmer since it breaks the life-cycles of parasites and other pests. Farmers save a lot of money that could otherwise be used for livestock management. Rotational grazing also allows the farmer to allocate small portions of the land for conservation of grass (silage of hay) especially where growth of grass has gone beyond livestock requirements (United States. Bureau of Land Management. Idaho State Office, 2007). Increased production: - use of modern farm machinery and skills help to increase farm yields. It avails all the resources to the farmer that aids in all operations. For instance, the use of irrigations, farm machineries ensures that the farmer has
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Capitalism and World Countries Essay Example for Free
Capitalism and World Countries Essay Third world countries were seeking ways of making their erms of trade favorable and maximize its benefits from its involvement in international trade. NIEO aimed at overhauling international political and economic order so as to reduce the adverse effects of third world involvement in international trade. NIEO was simply seeking a reversal of the global trading practices institutionalized by the Bretton Woods system. The term was derived from the declaration for the establishment of a New International Economic Order adopted by the United Nations general assembly in 1974. It happened within the framework of North-South dialogue. It is very important from the onset to really excruciate what the New International Economic Order really is and its ramifications especially to the third world in the current global economic order. Primarily NIEO connotes policy directives adopted by the 6-77 with a view of stemming out the wests hegemonic influence in the global economic pecking order. The inspiration behind the NIEO can be traced to the came with the Bandung plan where optimism from the newly independent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America were looking for ways of reforming the global trading and political system. The main aim was to find a framework within which the third world would find the solutions to their problems of underdevelopment within the ideologue of interdependence imposed by the world economy. The crux of this essay is to make an inference whether economic parity between the west and third world countries is possible in the global capitalist system. The begging question has always been whether the world would move towards a more poly-centric economic balance of power or whether it would be locked indefinitely in the cocoon of mono-centrism, with USA as the axis of the estern capitalist camp in their bid to maintain the status quo as pertains to the resources often with inadequate financial remuneration. But as the third world were as passionate as ever about coming up with a new world order the west coalesced behind the so called Washington consensus and met the pro-third world movement with equal passion and desire to maintain the status quo. NIEO was an order that aimed at achieving the following; Ensure that third world countries were able to benefit from extraction of third world resources. Ensure that there was adequate capital flow from the centre to he periphery coupled with infusion of efficient and cost effective technologies in the third world countries. ? Rally for a reform of the global order and correct the mistakes arising from the Bretton woods order and institutions . Ensure that the third world got fairer terms of trade in the global trading system, together with reasonable value for exports to the periphery. Enhance the strength of regional organizations within the third world like the EAC, COMESA and others in Asia and Latin America, this was aimed at increasing t he volume of trade within the third world and improve general conomic and technology transfer engagements within the third world. And also enhance the third worlds right to set up regional marketing and producer organizations. NIEO also aimed at controlling the activities of Multi National Corporations, their activities and their roles as agents of transfer for ecology and capital to third world states. After a detailed study of the objectives of NIEO we can then begin the odyssey in discovering whether NIEO in its entirety was or is international and whether it qualifies to be referred to as an order.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Students Choice Of Stem Fields Education Essay
Students Choice Of Stem Fields Education Essay Abstract- In this paper we study the interest of students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from grade 9 to 12 in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Surveys were distributed to students who chose STEM tracks and students who chose non STEM tracks in public and private schools, as well as universities, across the country. The data collected revealed a number of reasons that make students like, or dislike, scientific majors. These reasons include the presence or absence of capable teachers, the influence of role models and the choice of the teaching language. The results presented in the paper also focus on differences between public and private institutions, male and female students, as well as nationals and non-nationals. We also compare our findings to similar research done in the USA. We show that several factors remain valid in both countries whereas others are specific to each of them. This paper also provides suggestions on the way to overcome the challeng es in STEM field. Although this paper is based on data collected in United Arabs Emirates, the solutions can be applied to any other region of the world. Keywords STEM; Students survey; Engineering; UAE; Self efficacy; Role models; Peers; Parents, K-12. Introduction Many countries are currently attempting to improve their school systems, making the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) more important. This is seen as the key educational ingredient that will ensure innovations in future [1-6]. The suggested trend for 21st century national economies is to reach the penultimate label of being innovation based or knowledge based [1, 2]. According to the much heralded and respected The Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum, an innovation-driven state of any economy is the most sophisticated level to which it matures [1-3]. An innovation-driven economy is judged based on the sophistication of business and its ability to nurture technological creations [1-4]. The scientific survey points to the fact that in order for economies to be innovative, they must possess an advanced education system. Without this, innovation will be unobtainable [1-4]. In a concerted effort to diversify and strengthen its rising oil-based economy, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken upon itself to revamp its whole education system, especially in instruction of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [4, 7]. The United Arabs Emirites is not a leading contributor in science and technology developments in the Middle East [7, 8]. Though there has been debate over the nature, scale, and to a degree the existence of this problem, most experts seem in agreement that the problem is real and increasing with time [9, 10]. In UAE, the lowering trend of STEM interested students attaining degrees will negatively affect the workforce available for industry [4, 8]. Therefore, UAEs educational system must provide highly skilled STEM workers in order to reach its 2030 Vision of becoming a self-sustaining and innovative economy [4]. Although STEM subjects may be taught with the utmost vigor and high aspirations, this does not guarantee that the studen ts will major in STEM fields and become innovative and productive members of STEM professions [5, 6]. There are many barriers or switch-off factors that affect students choices of studies for further education and/or future careers. This paper consists a starting point for an ongoing research into modeling the interest of UAEs students in the STEM, as done in [5] with regards to the USA education system. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we discuss previous results in literature related to the topic. In Section 3, we introduce the research methods adopted for the sake of collecting the required data. In Section 4, we analyze the results and compare our findings to existing ones. In section 5, we provide the results and the conclusions arrived at from the study In section 6, we provide various suggestions on solving the existing problems. In section 7, we provide the limitations of the study. In section 8, we conclude with several remarks and an outlook for upcoming research projects. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Recently, there has been existence of initiatives and publications related to the overall understanding and the experiences of minority particularly doctoral students. The University of Arizona researched the considerations that students take as they decide to apply to a course in a graduate school [11]. The sample population of the research comprised of students who applied in Arizona and the responses varied out by gender and race (Minority versus White). The top aspects for all applicants in the doctorate program included department reputation, correspondence between student interests and degree program, research conducted by an individual faculty associate, whether there is accreditation of the program, departments receptiveness to questions, overall school reputation, and other external forces. For the minority, on the other hand, aspects such as recommendations from faculty to other institutions, printed resources from the department, and propinquity to the home of the students were highly vital than they were for the overall population. For minority and women, the reaction of a program to the question posed by the applicant also played a highly crucial role. Therefore, the appropriate recruitment of underrepresented teams demands different training and techniques that what is crucial for the majority set [11]. The University of Maryland has published their judgments about victorious programs to create a diverse doctoral student institution on the organization [12]. Some of the programs include Professoriate (AGEP) and Maryland Alliance for Graduate Education. These programs are modeled around comparable successful programs for graduates at other institutions. From these programs, the researchers found some components to be particularly imperative in sustaining minor students before and after graduating. These components include: preparation of graduate learning (application support and GRE); graduate admission (changing the admission strategies); graduate program selection (factors to take in consideration); peer support (with a student who has advanced in the students disciplines and also through interdisciplinary circumstances); summer bridge programs (bonding of students and academic preparation assessment); faculty role models and mentors( from the students research advisor and from ot her department); stable and adequate staff support, professional development and financial support (support needed for the student to pursue in his desired discipline); and exposure to the occupation (funding to yield successful minority graduates to campus for a long or short period, funding towards travelling to professional conferences). It is significant to note that these components focus more on altering the doctoral programs in the university, other than of forcing the students to change [12]. In addition to the research done by these universities, some non-academic institutions have put focus on issues relating to students joining universities. The Woodrow Wilson Foundation produced a report in 2005 on minorities in doctoral programs [14] and doctoral programs in general [13]. The Foundation established four vital factors that institutions have put in use for improving doctoral education [13]. These are: new practices (the means at which they can make aspects of doctorial training be developmental); new paradigms (what promotes or discourages truly exploratory scholarship?); new partnerships (improved relationship between the sectors that employ doctorate recipients and academia); and new people (the doctorate should ensure that all people in the population feel incorporated and their researches are socially applicable). Putting these issues into consideration, the Foundation concludes that the doctoral experience will advance for all students despite their gender and rac e. Underlying the four factors are four principles studied in the report and that has practical application in the institutions. These principles include: Universities should possess a centralized and strong graduate school with imperative power and budge; the graduates should be seen in a vacuum with little or no concern for how the research is affected by or affects the society; students form different backgrounds should be included in these programs; and there should be regular assess of doctoral programs using rational rewards, objectives and consequences. While some institutions follow these principles, others do not follow them. Therefore, through the analyzed report, the Foundation anticipates causing change in the operations and mentality of these institutions so that they can alter the reality of education. Also, the Foundation recommends the use of seven principles to improve the experiences and recruitment of minority doctorate students: research, communication, intellectual support, professionalizing experiences, vertical integration, leadership, and mixture of race and gender [14]. It is crucial for programs to communicate efficiently so that they have a position to share best practices and resources. Additionally, students should conduct research in order to analyze how programs work and what to add so that they can perform better than before. Vertical integrations analyzes how k-12, undergraduate, and graduate programs should work together to ensure that students engage often and early with them. The Foundation recommends that, in intellectual support, the doctorate should be socially responsive ad should also improve the picture of the programs so that they can become attractive to a large audience. The issue of professionalizing experiences and monitoring consists of issues rela ted to the relations between a student and his or her advisors, as well as issues on finance that might push a student away form the chances to interact with his or her professional colleagues. Race and gender principal describes how graduates should try to take in consideration race as well as the requirement in admission, programs, and financial help, other than concentrating on the need as several programs do in order to evade negative views of confirmatory action. Finally, leadership principle focuses on the government and its agencies so that they can provide better oversight and assistance on the use of national funds. Leadership principle imperative for it ensures that there is right usage of funds on the desired programs and people. Whilst some of these principles are close to those suggested by the Foundation, some of them are specifically focusing to the minority experience [14]. The Council for Graduates Schools lately founded the Ph.D. Completion project to scrutinize issues relates to time to degree and retention of students in doctoral programs [15]. This program has corporate funding from Ford and Pfizer. Students in various degree programs from a group of universities were set as a sample population. Then there was the distribution of surveys to get an improved understanding of the experiences of students who graduates and who leave their studies without graduating. From the original research for the project, the satisfying practices that they put across were the utilization of the mentoring, program environment, research processes, mode, and procedures, and financial support. These practices support the points put across by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Finally, a private-public partnership referred to as Building Engineering and Science Talent (BEST) has an analysis of the practices that work well to maintain the underrepresented students in STEM fields [16]. These experimental practices include targeted recruitment, institutional leadership, peer support, personal attention, engaged faculty, bridging to the next point, enriched research experience, and personal evaluation and continuous program [16]. Science education among the United States residents lags extremely behind than that of other developed nations. Implicit notion of this statement is that the quality of science literacy in USA elementary and high schools is not as precise compared to European and Asian countries. Students, specifically those of ethnic and racial descents, have little perceptive of science terms such as DNA and photosynthesis, or even the straightforward fact the earth rotates around the sun. Reasonably, an understanding of a scientific idea is lacking among the entire population but particularly among low income and minority students [17]. Aggravating the circumstance is unawareness on the part of science educators of the slight misconceptions that these students bring to the classroom which make it complex for them to theoretically grab scientific resources. Consequently, the number of competent students to learn science, engineering and mathematics after secondary school graduation is remarkably ne gligible. There is the use of aforementioned best observations and practices to inform the questions used in this research. As discussed earlier in the Introduction section, this study seeks to better understand the experiences of STEM and non STEM graduates and the factors that facilitate their decisions to move along pathways leading towards professoriate. It also focuses on the underrepresented students in the STEM fields and clearly brings out the factors that make students pursue or not to pursue in STEM fields. In order to tackle this to completion, there is the distribution of surveys whose responses will conclude the findings of the study. RELATED WORK Various studies exist with different suggestions about the reasons why students choose to study or not to study STEM fields. These studies point out several reasons why students pursue or do not pursue with STEM fields after completion of their secondary education. There exist some cognitive factors that affect students choice of majors. Firstly, their attitudes and beliefs towards STEM disciplines play a crucial role on this. Emotional, psychological, behavioral and physiological propensities which reveal an individuals perceptions and responses to, interaction with his immediate background define cognitive dispositional features. Earlier studies found that there is relationship between two cognitive aspects in the completion and enrolment of unnecessary (or college preparatory) mathematics and science courses- students self efficacy concerning science and mathematics topics and their interests in both [18]. More studies [19] show that all ethnic groups possess similar aspirations a nd positive fields for STEM occupations. On the other hand, as minority students continue with their academic disciplines, their interest in mathematics and science related topics decrease as their achievement in these classes weakens. Self efficacy is another cognitive factor that affects the choice of students major. Empirical researches show that students have a high possibility to sign up for science courses if they maintain high ranks of self efficacy in the science area [18]. The possibility of choosing science or engineering courses enhances with students awareness that they possess mathematics background or a solid science and in the certainty that they have the capability to perform best in those disciplines. Self efficacy is the strongest forecaster in the consideration of STEM disciplines as a career choice. Reference [19] validates the motivation and significance of self efficacy in foretelling performance in science and mathematics. Minority students possess lower self efficacy in mathematics and science than the other students. Minority students in STEM fields have complication when it comes to perceiving themselves as scientists, even after expressing their interest in STEM careers [20]. One of the most commonly cited rationales for inspiring students to enjoy STEM subjects is good teaching that involves capable teachers [5, 6, 21-24]. The teachers capability can be defined as his/her role and personality in the approach to delivering the academic curriculum [21-24]. The learning environment, or the relationship between the learner and teacher, dictates the outlook of the potential STEM and non STEM interested students. For example, educators who are aware that memorization of content may not be the best method of assessment for learners and diverse methods of pedagogy should be taken into account to reach multiple intelligences tend to produce students who may be more successful [6, 21-24]. According to reference [25], anxiety of mathematics and science has its origins in teaching and in teachers of science and mathematics. Explaining this, they argue that students do not have anxiety before attending school hence, they relate this to the teaching method and the not ion that science and mathematics is somewhat dreaded from the first years learning of a child. Adults and teachers may emphasize that science related fields are hard, whereas they indicate that the skills attained from the field are vital for future accomplishment. If unqualified teachers are forced to teach science related courses, they project signals to students hence scaring students to pursue or complete theses majors [25]. Frequently, students encounters with STEM can force them to feel incompetent especially when presented by educators who do not like STEM. Some teachers may not possess the preparedness to deal with psychological fear of STEM, nor do they have preparedness to handle the defense strategies and mechanisms their students utilize to defend themselves from appearing to fail in STEM. Prior academic preparation often affects the students choice of fields to major. In most cases, student decides that a major in the STEM is not he would like to pursue. The uncertainty to stay enrolled in a STEM field is probably influenced by the students attending mathematic training prior to registering in an institution and his academic aptitude. More exclusively, student achievement in the structure of a grade point and math SAT performance is in association with the persistence of students in STEM majors [26]. Students who earn high math SAT score do not only perform high ranks of participating in mathematics and science clubs but also enrolled in more advanced courses and were more engaged in math and science activities in secondary school. Students with prior academic preparation in STEM have more chances to pursue in majors of STEM disciplines. Studies also show that lack of enough science and mathematical training at the secondary and elementary level has a negative effect on the students interesting secondary mathematics as well as academic preparation, science coursework and in majoring in STEM fields [18, 27]. In conjunction to the aforesaid prevalence of tracking of minority students into the lower class science and mathematics disciplines, it seems that the quality of the academic readiness many minority students receive has a negative impact from the differences among school funding, teachers quality, and money spent on instructional programs. Minority students in most cases get taught by teachers who do not major in that field or even inexperienced teachers who pursue the fields. Minorities have more possibility of receiving funding discriminations in the K-12 education compared to other students [28]. This is because the systems used for funding do not give equal amounts every student exposing minority students to risk of acquiring less funding. Hence, these students have a greater exposure to high quality, challenging mathematics instructions , further daunting their interest in science or mathematics [28]. Commitment of the student to STEM major also has a role in determining whether the student may pursue the major or not. The emphasis on the students involvement to a particular major one enrolled, as in STEM), is as crucial as developing an early interest in STEM disciplines in K-12. A tough involvement to a STEM degree is a persuasive predictor of student perseverance [26]. Minorities who express deep satisfaction with science and engineering as their field of study (or committed to STEM careers) have high possibility of persisting in STEM disciplines. Amazingly, though, researcher points that serving as a leader or role model on campus discouraged students commitment to STEM. The student who put more emphasis on leadership or services is more likely to turn to non STEM majors. One could contemplate that effort and time that is essential to succeed in mathematics and science related field is very challenging leaving less time for students social incorporation on college. Involvement in such areas like political groups, student government or athletic support teams pulls students away from their laboratory and study time [29]. Misperception of STEM disciplines also has an extreme effect on the students decision on the major to pursue. Minority students utilize various criteria when defining an effective curricular program [30]. Non minority student scrutinize general coursework as college or academic preparatory courses and start to develop occupational and educational as untimely as eighth score and start making occupational pronouncement like engaging in extracurricular activities and college-prep courses. However, minorities perceive overall coursework as separate from extracurricular activities taken at one time during secondary school [30]. Another commonly cited reason why students are turned off by STEM subjects is the obsession to receive high marks [31]. Due to the relative difficulty of receiving high grades in STEM classes in comparison to other subjects, students are often discouraged from taking STEM subjects. As a result, students emphasis on achieving high grades outweighs their interest in taking subjects related to Science and Mathematics. Consequently, they abandon their interest in STEM majors [32]. In addition, many studies provide insight into the switch-off factors, showing that they might come from the influence exerted by the parents, students peer groups within and outside school, role models and the media. Researchers in [33] suggest that families play a critical role in the career choice of their children. The educational background, occupations and aspirations of the parents are important factors, introducing the concepts of cultural and social capital to this process [34-36]. Encouragement from the parent is one of the strongest forces that facilitate the students early education aspirations. It is not surprising if a student whose parent studied and worked in STEM field decides to choose STEM discipline as his major. This happens because those parents help to instill the belief that STEM careers are successful and applicable in peoples lives. Though in [37] the researchers found no impact on female students from exclusively the level of education of their parents, the y did find a vital impact of parental encouragement and support. It is clear that children have a high possibility of choosing gender-atypical courses if their parents have slight education. It is crucial to note that gender stereotyping can result as an influence from parents. In [21, 38, 39] it has been shown that students are influenced by their peers who often stress the uncool aspects of STEM thus preserving negative stereotyping. Reference [38] found that peer achievement positively affects students achievement in academic. For instance, a peer attitude towards mathematics increases, so does an individuals attitude towards mathematics. At an early stage of development, parents sustain their place as the premier social power for their kids, but as the children grow, their peers take the influential role [39]. Deviant peers may expose the deviance behavior from one person to another in the peer group. This brings up the proposal of curriculum tracking: putting students in levels or classes based on their achievement or ability level, or particularly not doing so, turns out to be an appealing topic when scrutinized through the angle of influential peer support. If peers attend the same classes, they have a higher possibility of meeting than if they never shares classes. Added to the overall secondary school spectrum is homophonous character of social networks, a widely accepted phenomenon that measures the tendency of the English proverb that says that birds of the same feather flocks together. For all students, social life in secondary schools and universities becomes an entire world of challenges and issues [39]. The role of role model is clear when it comes to influencing a students choice on the career to major. The idea of role models partly cover that of peers, although a role model can be any other individual who puts inspiration to the student while a peer is a person with similar age with the student or with similar stand in the course of life. Role models in the life of a student can be teachers, parents, peers, people in same the neighborhood, or other kin. Just as with the capability of grouping in classes, some students selection of role models is advantageous while not in others. In addition, just like many others factors in life, socio-economic status often determine the opportunities and choices of role models. Role models possess the power to influence children choices of future careers, education, overall behavior, and can condemn or support gender biased judgments, which becomes particularly significant for adolescent girls. As reference [40] explains that, starting from fema le teachers to female professionals to mothers or other female relatives employed in STEM fields, they offer a tangible image of what is achievable for adolescent girls in their lives. Family support highly influenced the effect that the enrichment agenda had on female students. Perceptions and characterization of STEM in the media also play a significant role in the acceptance and rejection of STEM. In [36, 41] the media is accused of igniting and perpetuating negative stereotypes about STEM. There is a stigmatization of its degree of difficulty and a reinforcement of the perception that STEM is only for the academic elite. Nevertheless, considerable portions of youth are positively influenced by the media [42, 43]. Another often cited reason for losing interest in the STEM is the absence of technology based instruction in classrooms. Often, students report that they choose other majors simply because of the meager quality of instruction they get at the college level. However, a positive contentment of a students academic program is one of the foremost factor in attainment of degree for both major and non minor students. Research proves that as minority students identify their STEM fields as pleasant, they are likely to persist in studying those courses ignoring their complexity [44]. Researchers in [44] insist that the lack of modern technological infrastructure in the classrooms retards the growth of STEM-interested students. Active learning and positive use of technology to enhance professional developments, e.g. using online resources/mentors, computer-assisted instruction, service-learning, can help transform traditional, lectured-based pedagogy into well-received, interesting STEM classes [45-49]. A rescheduled consequence of the students interest and commitment in his field is that it helps the faculty in teaching classes and unlocks opportunities for students to carry out research independently or in conjunction with the faculty [45]. In response, these experiences serve to enhance the students fulfillment with their faculty members, majors and their general academic understanding. Among the majors in biology science, the presence of a student centered faculty is in question relating to the general fulfillment of student with the faculty and curriculum. Enhancement of satisfaction with faculty happens to follow various factors as, for instance, the anticipation that regardless of the major which the students choose. Among physical fields of system, the presence of a strong faculty research only helps to discourage students to pursue the major and to have dissatisfaction with their study program. While some researchers theorized that the finding is probably the outc ome of the principal utilization of teaching educators among research faculty, a more satisfactory assumption is that the major of attention paid to scientific investigation and findings is not what the students waited for in class [47]. Financial support also plays a huge role in determining whether a student will pursue in STEM major or in non STEM major. Basically, STEM disciplines take a longer period of time to complete than other non STEM fields. Therefore, intervention of financial aid has to be present to encourage the student to pursue in these disciplines. As such, the significance of financial aid on keeping students enrolled and interested in STEM careers or majors is clear. Adequate financial support is one of the main factors related to the perseverance of minority students in STEM disciplines [48]. The type of institution that a student attends is also of great significance when it comes to making a decision to pursue STEM disciplines . Students who attend community colleges are more probably not to major in STEM disciplines. From the research, it is evident that student who enroll in four year institutions are more likely to complete their STEM studies that those who attend community colleges [48]. Furthermore, researcher in [50] points to the role that gender and stereotypes play into the retention of women in STEM college programs. Researchers in [51-53] also point to the lack of women in STEM college programs due to negative stereotypes about women in STEM careers , e.g. STEM is a mens only field and women cant think analytically. Existence of negative stereotype in the society saddens students personal assessment skills, impacts his or her performance, and discourages the development made by them. Stereotypes impact students career aspirations and decisions, directing them away from degrees and careers in STEM disciplines. This can suggest that adjusting negative stereotypes about women in the STEM field by increasing the confidence of young women about their involvement in STEM may increase numbers of women successfully studying and working in STEM disciplines [50-55].  Following the lack of in-depth field research about the factors that cause UAE students to choose STEM and non STEM fields, this paper considers the starting point of a research project that aims to determine which barriers emerge as the most prominent for United Arab Emirates students, between grades 9 and 12, being switched off STEM and pursuing further education or careers in the field. research Methods The methods of research for this project consisted of the following procedures meted out to both public and private schools. Since the United Arab Emirates is a socio-cultural collage of people originating from different nationalities, these surveys were sent to both institutional sectors, especially since the majority of expatriates attend private schools. Although differences and similarities arising among public/private schools, male/female, and Emirati/non-Emirati were compared and contrasted, the overall goal of the research, as reflected in the questionnaires, was to investigate what motivates students to pursue a STEM related education. Students from a representative sample pool answered a questionnaire that consisted of twenty-five questions. These questions are separated into six major categories. These categories are: Usefulness and value of STEM for students. Effective motivation of students for STEM majors. Students views on STEM related careers and salaries. External influences on students to pursue a STEM related major. Language in which STEM
Friday, September 20, 2019
Evaluation Of Strengths And Weaknesses Education Essay
Evaluation Of Strengths And Weaknesses Education Essay Everyone has special qualities about themselves that give them their individuality. These qualities can be dissected into specific qualities called strengths and weaknesses. To grow as a person, we have to identify our own strengths to help us overcome our weaknesses. Understanding the learning types and behaviors of each makes me more aware of how I should pattern myself to learn more effectively, and not punish myself for thinking one way of learning would be better than another. I will discuss my personal strengths and weaknesses and explain how I plan to overcome my weaknesses in my personal and professional life. My strengths have always allowed me to be successful in everything I have attempted in my life. EVALUATION OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Life is a never ending learning experience. One of the most important lessons we can ever learn from comes from within. As we go through life, it is important that we learn who we are, and have the ability to identify and grow from our own personal strength and weaknesses. Knowing what we are good at and what we are weak in is the only way we can truly grow as individuals. This knowledge helps us to achieve the goals we set for ourselves in life. Through taking this personal inventory of my strength and weaknesses, I have determined what I need to do not only to better understand who I am, but how to improve my life. In order to assess my strength, Skill audits assessment has shown me where I can play to my strengths, and bring in others to fill my weaknesses. ( Marcus Buckingham (, a bestselling author and business consultant, defines strengths and weaknesses by the emotions that they evoke. Paraphrasing, he states: Strength is something that makes you feel stronger after you complete the task. It energizes you. A weakness, on the other hand, is something that physically drains you- in other words, you may very well be good at a particular task or skill, yet when you complete it, it leaves you more tired than when you started. ( I would like to show evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses below on the basis of the skills audit which is finished and submitted: Communication:- Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that persons needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes. ( I consider as strength my communication because I communicate effectively with the guest, colleagues and my managers. I understand the guest need either speaking or in writing. And I deliver the service according their need. As I work in Room Service so most of the time I communicate to the guest via phone. My colleagues and managers understand clearly what I am trying to say to them and there is more verbal communication than writing in my job profile and have never misunderstandings in communication with my colleagues and guests. Sometimes I write emails and reports effectively to my manager so it shows that I communicate effectively. Working with Others:- A tight knit team is a group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. They are fiercely committed to their mission, and are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. ( Usually I worked in Room Service. But I helped in the restaurants and bar as team member. I have always enjoyed working within a team of individuals that have come together to be more productive. Since joining the hotel, the experience of working within a team has enhanced my ability to work with others in a wide variety of situations. I often provide assistance to fellow employees when they are in bind. I am appreciated by my peers for always lending a helping hand when needed. If someone criticised me I have accepted because it helped me to learn from criticism because you wont do same mistake again next time. I always kept me looking for the opportunity to be involved in a productive team. Improving Own Learning and Performance:- I have handled my studies, part time job and social life because my college attendance 95% and I never got late to my job and social life is fine as well. As I worked in R/S alone without any supervisor but I worked in restaurant and bar as well at the same time. It shows us that I performer several task and I have ability to work alone. I always plan my own work and completed my work within deadlines. Sometimes, I achieved my goals but most of time I didnt achieve goal due to no time management and other reasons. But unfortunately I never got any delegate task. I always am willing to learn from my studies, managers, colleague and work. Therefore, I am able do multitasking job in F B depts. Problem Solving:- Problem solving is a set of activities designed to analyze a situation Systematically and generate, implement and evaluate solutions.( some time I have to dealt with awkward guests so, first it is necessary to understand the guest that what the guest is wanting and accordingly I deliver the service/solution to, while keep in mind my hotel policies and values. It is important to keep you calm in under pressure because it gives you strength to handle the situation effectively. It is important to identify the problem carefully and to think about best solution with alternative solution as well before you take any action or decision because it gives you more choices of solution to help you making good decision. I made good decision most of time but when I took wrong decisions then I tried to learn from them and converted into right decision. I consider problem solving is my strength. Application of Numbers:- it is necessary to make the appropriate calculations or interpret data when serving customers because it helps you to understand how many customer are coming to your restaurant and you make yourself ready accordingly in terms of Mise n place. Sometimes I do breakfast shift and I calculate early in the morning from the room occupancy/ guest list that how many guest will do breakfast today then I tell to chefs and they cook the breakfast according to the no. of guest which saves the energy and food wastage. I believe that its one of my strength. Information Technology Proficiency:- Information Technology (IT) has not left untouched most aspects of our business and life. Therefore it is necessary to have knowledge of IT for everyone in competitive world. I consider IT as strength of mine because I am very proficient while using Microsoft office and PMS. I know how to create chart and tables on MS Office. I use IT for making report, presentation, writing Email to guest, order taking, billing etc. Motivation:- Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. ( I am very motivated personally as well as professionally. It helps me to achieve the goals. I always try to learn new things from my manager and colleagues. I work every shift according to the Rota. I always show positive attitude to my managers. I believe in honesty and hard work which make me stronger at work. Flexibility and Adaptability:- A role with flexible boundaries can be enacted in various settings and at various times (Ashforth, Kreiner, Fugate, 2000, p. 474) another one of my strengths is my ability to adapt to nearly any type of environment, which allows me the flexibility to be comfortable talking to many different levels of people. I always shows can do attitude to my manager and keep positive attitude to work at any time and any place. I work according to Rota whether its morning or evening or night shifts. I learn new things being flexible and adaptable at workplace. Leadership:- Warren Bennis definition of leadership is focused much more on the individual capability of the leader : Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential. ( I do leadership sometimes but not often. Actually I do supervising in breakfast shift. I take responsibility my own work, whether its correct or not. Whenever, new entrants join the restaurant or R/S. I always approach and try to help effectively to new colleagues when they needed. I believe that leadership is my strength as well. Creativity Initiative Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create, to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make or bring into existence something new. ( I am creative and take initiative at work place. I like to give new ideas to my supervisor and managers. I have taken initiative to change my Room Service menu. I got an opportunity to rectify the breakfast setup. And I took initiative to set right setup of breakfast, lunch and dinner in R/S which was appreciated by my managers. Self Confidence:- Giacomo Casanova states that It is only necessary to have courage, for strength without self-confidence is useless. ( I am highly confident personally as well as professionally to talk and handle the customers. I got appreciation on comment card by guest so many times. I am confident enough to talk diplomatic way with my colleagues and managers when needed. On the other hand, I consider judgement and sensitive issues as a weakness due to lack of experience because sometimes I could not able to take right judgement. I couldnt able deal with sensitive issue. My time management skill is my greatest weaknesses because I know that this causes me great stress in my professional life. I often tend to stay up all night late. This leads to some fairly exhausted day. The home environment is just full of distraction, which cause me to procrastinate. There is always a reason to watch television, spend time with my friends, clean the house etc. My other negative trait would be that I likely to be a perfectionist. When I do things I do them in such a methodical way that I am not satisfied until they are just right in my eyes. When working on group project, I sometimes get frustrated when other does not put forth the same level of effort that I do. Often I find myself losing patience with those who dont share my same ideas. Conclusion Research has shown that life is a learning experience. The strengths and weaknesses I have discussed are part of what makes me an individual. By identifying them, I am able devise a plan to improve my areas of weakness, while using my strength to my advantage. My objective is that through reinforcing my strengths and overcoming my weaknesses, I will be more successful in both my personal and professional life. Recommendation I would like to recommend myself that I should have to check my strength and weaknesses time to time in order to check my strength and weaknesses in order to achieve my goals. I should set a personal goal aimed toward correcting my weaknesses. I should decide to work on my time management skills. I should plan to start this process by pushing myself to dedicate more of my free time to college work. This is the area that is most negatively affected by my delay needlessly. I will also try to be more effective in the way I manage my schedule at work. I should plan to work on my patience and understanding of others different styles and perspectives. Last, I should work on my judgement as well.
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