Friday, May 31, 2019
Cloning :: essays research papers
Cloning humans is a threat to our society. It presents a vast number of problems that splay with each new discovery. The first is the decrease in distinct genetic make-up. Cloning also brings up umpteen ethical points dealing with creation and psychological well being of clones. Cloning is such a new area of study that it requires a large amount of money and offers a lot of direction for mistakes.The biggest problem with the use of cloning is the decline in genetic diversity. The biological definition of a clone is "an organism that has the very(prenominal) genetic information as another organism or organisms". This means that gene donors would obviously have the exact same DNA as their clones. If large groups of people have the same genetic information, a disease could instantaneously wipe out the entire population.Our genetic make-up is what makes us unique. It gives us a sense of individuality and distinctiveness. If many people had the same DNA, how would we preserve our diversity and sense of self?Human cloning also raises many ethical and moral issues. Different religious groups suppose cloning in different ways, but most agree on one point. Cloning puts the work of God into our own hands. The creation of life thus becomes a manufacturing of duplicates instead of a "creative act of God".It is also important to consider the repercussions of cloning on the cloned individual. Numerous psychological problems may spring up if a person discovers that he or she was cloned. How would a child feel if they found out that they were created to be used to donate organs or switch a lost loved one? A cloned child may also feel obligated to follow the pre-determined path of their gene donor. This would bring somewhat a lot of confusion and emotional damage for the individual.There is a great margin of error in the new technology of cloning. Because we are unperturbed developing these scientific procedures, there is a lot of room for mistakes. T his means that in the process of experimenting, clones with great genetic abnormalities could be created. What would happen to these degenerate individuals? Should they give out life as rejects of society or be disposed of as mistakes?Cloning is currently a very expensive process. It requires large amounts of money and biological expertise. It took 277 tries to create Dolly, the first successfully cloned sheep. New techniques are constantly being developed, but even they have a success rate of 2-3%.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Homeless and Alienated in Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot Essay
Homeless and Alienated in Waiting For Godot Jean-Paul Sartre (1957) once verbalise Man is condemned to be free because, once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. (23) Whether this is good or bad is not an issue, whereas the implications derived from this are profound. Life, in this case, has no fixed purpose, and we are free to give it one perhaps it is more appropriate to say that we are condemned to give it one, instead. One look at todays Hesperian modernized fraternity makes it seem as if we strive to learn about everything and invent the ultimate tool to carry out all conceivable tasks for us (however artificial the task may be.) Writers, like Albert Camus, describe how waiting, or more generally, boredom, causes the individual to put serious effort into thought of questions regarding ones identity. It is easily seen, thus, that with the way our society has developed, it was inevitable that things like the existential philosophical mov ement and the literary absurdist movement would emerge from an era of modernism. Perhaps one of the more famous absurdists was the 1969 Nobel Literature loot winner, Samuel Beckett. His most popular flirt, Waiting For Godot, is easily classified as an absurdist work by its properties, or lack thereof, as pointed out in a 1955 review of the play Beckett defies every known law of playwriting, his play is about nothing... Each Act is interrupted by a big bully and a fool he keeps on a chain... That is all. There is no climax, no sense of anticipation and the situation becomes obvious in the first five minutes. (Barker, qtd. In Butler 22) This reviewer naively added I think that people are wrong in trying to read a philosophy i... ... us aside, making us impression homeless and alienated no matter where we are or try to go, For reasons unknown. Works Cited Astro, Alan (1990). Understanding Samuel Beckett. Columbia University of South Carolina Press. Beckett, Samuel (1954). Waiting for Godot. new-made York Grove Press. Beckett, Samuel (1958). Endgame. smart York Grove Press. Beckett, Samuel (1974). First Love and Other Shorts. New York Grove Press. Butler, L. St. J. (ed.) (1993) Critical Essays on Samuel Beckett. Brookfield Scolar Press. Jeffares, A. N., & Bushrui, S (Eds.). (1981) York Notes on Waiting for Godot. London York Press. Sartre, Jean-Paul (1957). Existentialism and Human Emotions. New Jersey Citadel Press, Inc. Sartre, Jean-Paul (1946). No Exit and Three Other Plays (Vintage 1989) Webster Online Dictionary, (1986) Formatted 1994.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Space Flight: The Dangers of Weightlessness Essay -- Research Paper Es
Space Flight The Dangers of WeightlessnessIn the awe-inspiring event of composition experiencing interstellar travel many detrimental problems arise. Before 1970, the majority of biomedical studies on space flight were conducted immediately before and after flight. They examined the changes and readaptation processes for astronauts from a weightless to a gravitational environ-ment. After the successful Skylab space station projects from 1973-1974 and the Soviet Salyut missions from 1977-1982, biomedical research and experiments commenced in space. These experiments in space have shown that the physiological aspects arsehole be deadly if not prepargond for correctly and adequate medical support is not available. Although problems callable to weightlessness and lack of exercise have been good researched and new machines and procedures have been developed to overcome these difficulties, there is still the opportunity to further understand weightlessness. The majority of difficulties that arise can be traced back to the vigour gravity environment in which humans experience physiological changes which can be detrimental to their health. When humans enter weightless space they become dis-oriented due to the neurovestibular interactions, those that are processed in the brain cavity (DeHart 840). These cause side effects, such as space motion sickness or Space fitting Syndrome (SAS) (Shipman, human race 99). As astronauts enter zero gravity they experience a nauseous sensation which returns with fast actions or movement from a small to a large space in the space vehicle. Those who are more susceptible to this illusory sensation develop space motion sickness and have personalities that are introversive, neurotic, or fearful (DeHart 840-841). Thi... ... Space Flight October 1997 350-354. Harris, Philip R. Living and Working in Space Human Behavior, Culture and Organization. New York Ellis Horwood Limited, 1992. Measuring Bone Response to Spaceflight. 26 Nov. 1996. ORBD NRC News You Can Use. Online. Netscape. 8 Oct. 1997. Pirie, N.W., ed. The Biology of Space Travel. New York Hafnet Publishing Co., 1961. Seedhouse, Erik. The Use of Biological Response Modifiers by Astronauts. Space Flight October 1997 357-358. Shipman, Harry L. Humans in Space 21st Century Frontiers. New York Plenum Press, 1989. ----------. Space 2000 Meeting the Challenge of a New Era. New York Plenum Press, 1987. Siconolfi, Dr. S., Dr. S. Fortney, Dr. V. Mikhaylov, and Dr. A. Kotov. Aerobic Capacity Using class-conscious Bicycle Ergometry. NASA Shuttle-Mir Web NASA/Mir Experiment. Online. Netscape. 8 Oct. 1997.
Terrorism and the Survival of the Species Essay -- September 11 Terror
Terrorism and the Survival of the Species Terrorism is simply a violent form of political communication. The message of September 11, 2001 ran as follows America, it is measure you learned how implacably you are hated. The airplanes used were the terrorists version of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles aimed at Americas innocence. That innocence, the terrorists loudly declared, was a luxurious and anachronistic delusion. A year after the attack, wiz is free to taste the bile of its atrocious ingenuity. It is already trite - but stringently necessary - to emphasize that such a mise en scène would have embarrassed a studio executives storyboard or a thriller-writers notebook (What happened today was not credible, were the words of Tom Clancy, the author of The Sum of All Fears). And in so far in broad daylight and full consciousness that outline became established reality ten dollars worth of box-cutters produced ten million tons of rubble. Several lines of US policy were bankrupted by the events of September 11, 2001 among them national missile defence. Someone realised that the skies of America were already teeming with missiles, each of them primed and cocked. If the architect of this destruction was Os... ... from to a higher place will replenish the source of all terror from below unhealed wounds. This is the familiar cycle so well caught by the matter, and the title, of VS Naipauls story, Tell Me Who to Kill. Our best destiny, as planetary cohabitants, is the development of what has been called species consciousness - something over and above nationalisms, blocs, religions, ethnicities. During this time of incredulous misery, I have been trying to apply such a consciousness, and such a sensibility. Thinking of the victims, the perpetrators, and the near future, I felt species grief, then species shame, then species fear.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Eleanor Of Aquitaine Essays -- essays research papers
Eleanor was one of three grandchildren born from the dishonest relationship between William IX of Aquitaine and Dangereuse, wife of the viscount of Chtellerault. William IX had stolen Dangereuse from the viscount, and even though the two could not officially marry, they had allowed their oldest children to marry each other. Dangereuses oldest daughter Aenor had married William IXs oldest son, William X. They had three children, two daughters, Eleanor and Petronilla, and a son, William Aigret. Of the three, Eleanor was unique in that she resembled her grandparents more than she did her parents. She had the same traits of an conjure will, gaiety, restlessness, and intelligence possessed by her grandparents. These are the trains which will help her be generate the queen of two nations in medieval Europe. Eleanor of Aquitaine has been a very influential soul in medieval Europe. Though her name and accomplishments are not universally recognized, they were nevertheless important in sha ping Europe into the continent today. She had been born into wealth, and it had never left her side. Eleanor had been married to King Louis VII of France, which was when she had received her first taste of great powers. However, after several years of debilitating problems, the marriage had obviously come to its end. Eleanor had requested an annulment from the church so that she and Louis VII would still remain r...
Eleanor Of Aquitaine Essays -- essays research papers
Eleanor was one of three grandchildren born from the dishonest relationship between William IX of Aquitaine and Dangereuse, wife of the viscount of Chtellerault. William IX had stolen Dangereuse from the viscount, and even though the two could not officially marry, they had allowed their oldest children to marry each other. Dangereuses oldest daughter Aenor had married William IXs oldest son, William X. They had three children, two daughters, Eleanor and Petronilla, and a son, William Aigret. Of the three, Eleanor was unique in that she resembled her grandparents more than she did her parents. She had the same traits of an beseech will, gaiety, restlessness, and intelligence possessed by her grandparents. These are the trains which will help her be scram the queen of two nations in medieval Europe. Eleanor of Aquitaine has been a very influential psyche in medieval Europe. Though her name and accomplishments are not universally recognized, they were neertheless important in shap ing Europe into the continent today. She had been born into wealth, and it had never left her side. Eleanor had been married to King Louis VII of France, which was when she had received her first taste of great powers. However, after several years of debilitating problems, the marriage had obviously come to its end. Eleanor had requested an annulment from the church so that she and Louis VII would still remain r...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Succubus on Top CHAPTER 21
I woke up the next morning with the worst hangoer of my life, and thats saying nearlything.It was rattling the cold air that woke me, blowing in through the shattered windows and whipping the curtains more than(prenominal) or less. Seattle had mild winters, nonwithstanding it was take over November. I shape-shifted on a heavy sweater and thusly noniced that Sols blood had not disappe bed from my skin during last nights transformation, the blood had dried to fine, glittering red crystals on me and everything else. I picked up his discarded silk shirt and sight it did a pretty good job at wiping them dark.The previous night was a blur, and I had hustle come bunsing the fine details. I supposed I could blame whatever mystery liquid Id drank for that. Looking around at the wreckage brought a kitty of the events backward to me, and the rest I pieced together. Not commanding to loll around in this place, I found my cell ph angiotensin-converting enzyme and c tot whollyy ed for a cab.As I rode back into Seattle, I decided I desireed nothing more than to go home and sleep nigh more. My shift didnt start until later Doug was opening. Wait. No, he wasnt. Doug was in a hospital bed. Sighing, I directed the driver to ride me to the bookstore.Three voice-mail messages waited for me when I arrived in the top executive. One was from the author we had doing a signing that night, E. J. Putnam. All was in order with his flight he expected to be hither as scheduled. The second message was Beth calling in sick. Jesus. Couldnt anyone stay healthy anymore? That put us d bear dickens muckle now. Warren cloaked up the messages, saying hed be back from Florida later today and would stop in tonight. I decided to be mad at him protrude of switch off principle. Id spent the last week dealing with chaos hed been golfing in eighty degree weather.I got the store onslaughtning and w presentfore staked out a register. Short-staffing will keep a person busy, at least. It gave me little fourth dimension to reflect on last nights events. Or Doug. Or the fact that lot hadnt survey in today. Or my fight with Bastien.Are you Georgina?I looked up into the face of a pretty Japanese-Ameri sewer woman. Her face and build in force(p) barely crossed over into plumpness, and she wore her black blur in a high ponytail. Something just about her smile seemed familiar.Im Maddie Sato, she explained, extending a hand. Dougs sister.I shook her hand, astonished. I didnt distinguish Doug had a sister. Her smile quirked a little. Lots of them, actually. Were kind of sp shew out around the country. We all sort of do our own thing.So you came tosee Doug? I hesitated to bring up such a delicate subject, and why else would she be here?She nodded. Ive been with him this morning. Hes doing great and said to tell you hello.That was the best freshlys I could have received. He woke up.Yes. Hes particular and punchy precisely otherwise fine. He said he has n early CDs in your office he wants. He asked if I could pick them up.Sure, Ill show you, I said, confidential information her toward the back. Wow. Dougs sister. Howd you find out about Doug?Seth Mortensen called me.I stumbled and nearly walked into a dis behave of gardening books. How do you lie with Seth?I write for Womanspeak magazine. Seth had roughly questions about a feminist organization that he needed answered for his book, and Doug gave him my e-mail address about a month ago. So, weve been in touch a couple durations. When Douggot sick, Seth tracked down my number in capital of Oregon and called last night. Part of me felt a little jealous that Seth had an e-mail correspondence with her that I hadnt known about, exactly I immediately quashed such retrieveings. What hed done had been terribly considerate. And typical of him. Quietly efficient and kind. I led Maddie into the office and found the CDs in a drawer.Did you drive up last night or this morning?She shook her straits. Actually Seth picked me up.Iwhat? In Salem? Thats, alike(p), four hours away.I know. It was really nice. I dont have a car, so he drove right down after he called, got me in the sum of the night, and then brought me to Doug.My God. Seth had made an eight-hour round-trip last night. No wonder he wasnt here hed gone home to crash. That also meant he hadnt necessarily taken off from the hospital to get away from me. Hed done it to function Doug. A pleasant flutter spread through me at this, half of it relief, half of it a reaction to still more evidence of Seths continuing decency and consideration of others.Maddie left me her cell phone number and promised to send my good wishes to Doug. As she was leaving my office, Janice entered it.Hey Georgina, Lorelei Biljans here.Oh, okay. Wait. I did a double take. You mean E. J. Putnam. No. Its definitely Lorelei. E. J.s a guy.I know that, I said. plainly her signings a week from today. Putnams is today. I had a message about it and everything.I dont know. I just know shes here.A horrible sinking feeling built up in me. I followed Janice out and shook give with a keen, solidly built middle-aged woman. Id seen Lorelei Biljans pictures in her books. Everything was the homogeneous from her brown pixie haircut to her characteristic black clothing.Im way out to see some sights today but wanted to check in first, she told me.Oh. Okay. Great. I smiled thinly, willing myself to keep breathing.We chatted a little bit more, and as soon as she was gone, I tore back to Paiges office and ransacked her desk. Sure enough, her schedules showed both authors coming in today. On the master staff calendar, however, shed put them on separate days. Our own in-store posters also had them on separate days, but checking newspaper ads, I saw them again scheduled for the identical day. Our website declared both appeared today, which meant wed have fans of both here tonight.Good grief. This was like some bad, clich?d sitcom. We had two dates for the dance.I sit at Paiges desk and rubbed my temples. How had this happened? How had perfect, efficient Paige messed up? I quickly answered my own questions because she had other things on her mind. She had an increasingly mixed pregnancy on her hands, one that had kept her out for almost three weeks now. A distraction like that would let anyone make mistakes. Unfortunately, I had to deal with them.Andy stuck his operate inside. Oh, hey, on that point you are. Bruce said to ask you if any of us can help in the caf?. Theyre short. And Seth just called the stores main line. Said to tell you he cant do the thing tomorrow. Seth called? I asked stupidly. So he wasnt asleep. And the thing tomorrow had been a date to see a topical anesthetic Celtic band play at a pub. But he was cancelling. The noble reasons I had attributed to him for keeping away from me suddenly seemed less altruistic. Okay. Thanks.I stared into space. My world was falling apart around me. I wasnt speaking to the two men I cared about the most. I was in charge of a bookstore that didnt have enough people to run it. Two authors were coming tonight, each expecting to have center stage to promote their books. We didnt have room for that. And to top it all off, I felt like shit. The equalizer effects of that drug had left me with a wicked headache, and I hadnt gotten nearly enough sleep. Killing a god will really wear you out.I had likewise practically to do and not enough energy or willpower to do it. Let alone the means. I needed a miracle. prognosticate intervention. And as feasible as that might seem in my line of proceeding, it probably wasnt going to happen. UnlessDivine intervention?I found my purse and pulled out one of the packets of bristly oxtongue. Those weird crystals pulsed out at me as I stared at them. What would happen? Nocturnal Admission had risen to stardom in a short time on these. Could I survive one hellish day at work? Would these give me the stamin a and know-how to get through it? Or would I just turn into a slobbering sex kitten? I no longer believed Sol had given these to me last night. That had indeed been a date-rape drug. But thesethese might be able to offer me some sort of inspiration to get out of this mess.Of course, there was the whole dangerous addiction and withdrawal problem. But this was my first time. all the same mortals had to go through a couple doses before things got nasty, and Carter had said it would take even longer for me to hit the downside. I was probably safe, so long as I didnt get too into whatever it was I was about to become.Maybe it was the fatigue, but I didnt hesitate further. Dont overthink it, just act. I ordered a white-chocolate mocha coffee from the caf? and dumped the crystals in once I was back in my office. Bottoms up, I muttered, just before knocking it all back.When Id finished, I rested my head on the desk and waited for something to happen. Anything. in the main I still felt sle epy. I yawned. When did this stuff kick in? How would I know? And good grief, what would I do if this turned into a happening too? What if it made my day worse? I mean, not that it could get worse. I had two authors booked for tonight. The jealousy Tammi had once joked about could very intimately occur. Two was a bad number. Two led to rivalry. Add more, and it becomes a friendly group matter, not a one-on-one competition for space and spotlight. Id been to braggart(a) events where lots of authors radius and read. Sometimes they sat on a panel and answered questions together about writing, inspiration, and publishing. Getting those perspectives was neat. It was a cool opportunity for fans of all the writers, and then later, said fans could have books signed by multiple authors. Those events were colossal deals. They took a lot of planning and a lot of advertising, not to mention a lot of staff.I sat up a couple minutes later, realizing Id long since jolted to alertness. I didnt have time to note when that had happened or what it meant. I had too many things to do. My mind raced. In a flash, I was out on the main floor, hunting down Andy. I handed him a staff roster.I need you to call every person whos not working today except for the sick ones. See if theyll come in. Preferably for the rest of the day. If not, well take what we can get. Then ask everyone here whos not closing if they can constrictive. Tell them theyll get time-and-a-half.Andy stared as though hed never seen me before, but I didnt give him time to question me. I went back to my office, paged Maria, and called Maddie Sato while I waited. When Maddie answered, I explained to her what I hoped she could do for me. She sounded surprised by my request, but she agreed nonetheless. She also promised to make another(prenominal) phone call for me that I wasnt too keen on making myself.Maria appeared just as Maddie and I hung up. Maria worked part-time and was shy and quiet. She prefer to avoid the registers if she could, being much happier lost in the shelves. She was also an amazing artist.I handed her a piece of poster board from our supply cabinet. I need you to make a poster for tonights event.The signing? she asked. Er, signings? Everyone had heard about the double booking by now.Not just a signing. Its a literary extravaganza. Its I came up with and then promptly rejected several possibilities. Its the Emerald Lit Fest. Boring, but straightforward. Sometimes that was diddleter than a gimmick.Yes. The first annual one. And put on here that these authors will be there. I handed her a list Id already made up. Mention that theyll autograph books. And that well have drawings for prizes. I thought some more, making it up as I went along. The ideas just leapt off my tongue. And that 10 percent of all sales will be donated to the Puget Sounds Literacy Project.Wow, she said. I didnt know all this was going on.Yeah, I agreed briskly. Me either. Draw it, type it, cut and paste, whatever. Just do it. I need it in twenty minutes. And it needs to look good. She blinked and then immediately set to work. While she did, I made phone calls. Print ads were a no-go, but almost everyone had a website. I called the big papers and the small artsy ones. I also called the local writers groups and convinced them to e-mail their members. Finally, I called radio stations. They were less willing to do anything on short notice, but they were my best bet at immediate advertising. I could have the DJs mention us without a formal commercial. That took a bit of finagling, but we had an account with most of them already that guaranteed payment, and the freehearted angle was hard to resist. Okay, I was hard to resist. thus far over the phone, I could hear myself wooing and persuading with an unholy skill. Maria stopped working at one point to stare at me with an almost hypnotized look. Shaking her head, she returned to her poster.Andy popped in with the annotated roster. We hadn t roped in quite as many as I would have liked, but wed definitely increased our numbers. And most of the current staff was staying.Maria finished her poster just then, and it did look good. I drove to the print shop that usually handled our clientele and turned the poster over to them.No, the manager told me flatly, making my manic flurry of activity come to a screeching halt. I cant do all that in under an hour. Three hours maybe. Hour and a half? I cajoled. Its for philanthropy. An emergency situation just came up.She frowned. An emergency literacy situation?Literacy is always an emergency. Do you know how many children in the Puget Sound area struggle with reading due to lack of resources and education?Fortunately, being in the book business, I knew all the ignominious stats. By the time I was done with her, that battle-axe was nearly in tears. Shed do my order, she promised, and shed do it in my original hour.While those were being printed, I travelled over to Fosters Books . Locally owned, that store wasnt as big as Emerald City, but it had the same sort of reputation as a local landmark. Technically, we were rivals.Garrett Foster, the owner, looked up when I entered. Looking for a job?Ive got one for you, I told him sweetly, leaning on his counter. I need you to get in touch with Abel Warshawski for me.Abel Warshawski was a reclusive local author who wrote wildly popular books about the Pacific Northwest. He and Garrett were longtime friends, so Abel except did appearances at Fosters.Garrett arched a grizzled eyebrow. Abel only comes here. You know that. I do. Which is why I didnt ask for his number.I laid into Garrett then about how half of Emerald Citys staff were in dire health. I talked about charity and literacy statistics. I pointed out that we werent technically rivals anyway, since he was in Capitol Hill and I was in Queen Anne. Besides, the book industry was like a family. We all had the same goals.My God, woman, he murmured when I finished . I didnt think Id taken a breath during my entire spiel. Are you sure you dont want a new job?I just want Abel for the night.He bit his lip. Think we could get Mortensen over here for a signing some time?Hmm. I considered this. Bartering was in my blood. That depends. You guys close a few hours earlier than us, right? Think we could get a few of you to help us out tonight? Paid, of course.Youve got some balls, he muttered. He stared at me, still thinking, but I knew I had him. He couldnt resist. Okay, but only if we get Mortensen during a hot time around his next release.Done. I didnt like sharing Seth, but lots of big authors made multiple Seattle appearances when a new book came out. I hoped Seth didnt mind being whored out. Oh, well. That was for later. in the first place I left, I bought all of Fosters American Mystery and Womanspeak magazines. He hesitated a moment as he rang them up. Hey He looked me over. I dont suppose you read that fable Mortensen wroteWell, I said with a breezy smile, no longer caring about my doppelganger, Genevieve, lets just say hes not the first man Ive given some inspiration to.As a parting gift, I also gave Garrett one of our advertisements since Id had the print shop make me a few to take with me before starting the big order.He stared at the poster incredulously. You already put Abel on it Before you even talked to meI left him gaping and went to pick up my posters. I returned to the bookstore and distributed them among three of the staff, arming each with a list of places to hang them. I sent them off and then managed the bookstore end of things, which mostly involved go a lot of furniture and assigning employee duties for tonight.When six oclock rolled around, it really was like a miracle had occurred. Signings normally occurred in the second floor caf?. That spot still made up the heart of the show, but Id had the rest of the second floor cleared out. That meant a lot of shelves and displays got crammed together while the speakers were on, but it didnt matter so much. Most of the people there wanted to hear the authors, not browse books quite yet.And what people we had. E. J. Putnam and Lorelei Biljan had each drawn in their respective science lying and literary fiction crowds. That was big enough, but my advertising had drawn in even more. We were packed. We needed every inch of space rearranging the furniture had allowed. I couldnt remember ever having this many people in the store.Putnam and Biljan had been a little shaken and initially unhappy to find themselves in the midst of the Emerald Lit Fest rather than an mine run signing. I passed off the confusion as a miscommunication with their people and thanked them for helping the charity. I also reminded them this was a good opportunity to show off for people who normally read other genres, and it wasnt even like either writer was slightedtoo much. Each of them got to read a ten-minute excerpt and then field 15 minutes of questions. It w as a bit expedited for a signing, yes, but it worked and gave us time to then have a Q&A session with our full panel of authors, consisting of the two headliners plus Seth, Maddie, and Abel. Prize-drawings occurred throughout it all, and I emceed everything myself, not even lettered what I said half the time.I cant believe you gave Seth second-billing to Putnam and Biljan, Andy remarked softly to me during the panel. Only those two authors had been given exclusive spotlight. Hes bigger than both of them put together.Hes also extremely good-natured, I murmured back. Now that I had a momentary breather, I couldnt stop inebriation Seth in. I felt like I hadnt seen his whimsical smile and brown eyes in ages. In fact, I hadnt ever seen that particular lord and Tennille shirt he wore. I wanted to run up to him but held back. Maddie had been the one to ask him to participate, on my behalf. It was one of the things Id asked her to do this morning.When all the speaking was done, I had the staff more or less move everything back. We left the caf? cleared out and set up a table for each of the authors to do signings. Even Maddie, who was fairly obscure, had some takers. Womanspeak had sort of a cult reputation, and I think shed gained a few fans during the panel.Passing by Seth as he spoke to a fan, I caught his eye and paused. A moment of awkwardness hung between us that even my ambrosia-induced mania could not overcome. We had too much unresolved business between us yet.Thank you, I said simply. Thank you for doing this.Well, he said after a moment. You know me. I havent missed an Emerald Lit Fest yet. Im not about to start now.The store was nowhere near emptying when closing came, so we let them stay, especially since we were doing a hell of a business. It was around then that Warren showed up.He stood next to me and joined me in a survey of the crowd around us. Why, he said after a moment, do I feel like a parent who has just returned home and found his teens thro wing a party?Paige double-booked Biljan and Putnam. This seemed like the logical solution.And when did you discover the double-booking?This morning.This morning, he repeated. So, instead of, say, go furniture on the first floor and simply having two concurrent signings, you decided with less than a days notice to have a star-studded, massively publicize soiree with more people than this store can hold?I blinked. Wow. That really would have been a simpler solution. Its a fest, actually. Not a soiree. And dont forget its for charity.Warren jerked his head toward me. Were donating this to charity?Only 10 percent, I assured him. But theres actually a woman here from the Literacy Project who was so impressed that she wants to talk about us getting involved in a much bigger fundraiser with them. It probably wont be until next year in the spring, of course. We wouldnt want to conflict with the next Emerald Lit Fest.The next one?Well, yeah. Its a tradition now. Id been riding the high from all of this pretty steadily all night. I was still so high, in fact, I probably could have arranged and implemented the second Emerald Lit Fest for tomorrow morning. Something suddenly occurred to me. Hey, am I in trouble?He rubbed his eyes. Georgina, you are He shook his head. Beyond words. And not in trouble. Definitely not. We wont do this much business on Black Friday. He gave me one of his nicer smiles, reminiscent of our more intimate days. Why dont you go home now? You need it. Your pupils are really big.Are you throwing me out? Are you sure Im not in trouble?Youre not in trouble. But Ive heard about how much overtime youve been putting in, as well asother things. Paige is going to be here next week, and well sit down and talk then. He suddenly did a double take. Is that Garrett Foster working one of our registers?I walked home reluctantly. It wasnt easy abandoning ones brainchild. I still felt high and giddy, like pure adrenaline ran in my veins. I couldnt just go home. I needed to do something. Plan something. Anything active. A few guys glanced at me as we passed each other, and I smiled provocatively at them, nearly making one run into a garbage can. Maybe there were other ways of being active tonight.My cell phone rang, and I answered without thinking. It was Bastien.Damn it. I forgot I was supposed to be screening my calls. Im still not speaking to you.Dont hang up. I have to talk to you.No, I told you Fleur ,Im leaving.I heard a strained, weary tone to his voice. He wasnt talking about going out for the night. My euphoric glow dimmed a little. Youre leaving Seattle.Yes.Why?Because it isnt going to work with Dana. We both know it.I stood in front of my building now and stared at it blankly, waiting for some ambrosia inspiration to give me the insight that would help Bastien finally woo Dana. Nothing happened, so I did the only thing I could.Ill be right over.I found his door unlocked when I arrived and walked inside. Mitch stood in the kit chen with his back to me, hands resting on the island, entire strong suit slumped. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head against his back.Im sorry, I whispered.Me too.The cooking thing didnt pan out? I almost laughed at my own pun. God, this ambrosia was great.No. Although, I can make a lovely creme brulee now. I have some in the refrigerator if you want to try it. He sighed. But no, it wasnt working. And you knew that, didnt you? He turned around so that we faced each other.I looked away. Yeah. But I didnt want toI dunno. I hoped, I guess. Hoped it would work out.We stood there in silence for a while. No matter how angry I was at him, I hated seeing him like this. Devastated. Defeated. Fleur, I want to apologize about that night No, its not all your Just listen to me first, he admonished. Theres something I have to tell you. Something about Seth.And then, just like every other time I visited, the doorbell rang. The incubus waved an annoyed hand .Leave it.It could be her.I dont care. I dont want to see her.Maybe he was pessimistic, but Id eaten the Food of the Gods. I felt like I could do anything. I knew I could do anything. My confidence and cleverness knew no bounds. I had created a new tradition at Emerald City in a matter of hours. Surely I could still find some last glimmer of hope for Bastien if I had a chance to speak to Dana face-to-face.There still might be a way, I told him as I walked to the door. Go invisible if you want. I want to talk to her. If its even her, he called after me.But it was her.Tabitha. She smiled. I thought I saw you come in.I returned her smile with my own. A dazzling one. I wasnt going to be shy and idiotic around her anymore. I should never have been that way under normal conditions, let alone now, when I was at my finest.Im so glad you could stop by, I told her, warmth oozing out of every pore. I beckoned her in as though I lived there. As much as she saw me over there, I might as well ha ve. Please, come inside. Let me get you something to drink.For the first time, I saw Dana off guard. I was not the Tabitha she knew, and she didnt know how to handle it.Bastien stood in the kitchen, invisible, arms crossed defiantly over his chest. I winked at him and then turned back to Dana.Mitch is out for a while, if you wanted to see him.Oh. Thats fine. I can, um, stay for a little whileI guess.She seemed unnerved by my sway of the situation. I poured us both iced tea, and we sat down at the table. I led us into conversation about our days, telling her about an awesome charity event Id been to at a downtown bookstore. Dana recovered some of her composure and returned to her smooth and controlled self. Her bigoted nature aside, the woman could manage a decent conversation, and we clicked. Too bad she didnt channel her intelligence into more useful areas, I thought.As we talked about assorted things, the solution to the whole Dana situation struck me it was so obvious. I dont know if it was the ambrosia or not, but I couldnt believe how blind wed all been. How had none of us figured out the problem with her? What kind of seduction experts were we? Bastien was right. Dana was a lost cause.For him.Dana, I off-and-on(a) in a most un-Tabitha way, Im really glad you came over tonight because theres something Ive needed to ask you.She choked on her tea. Yes?I propped my elbows on the table, resting my chin in my hands so I could have solid eye contact. You said a little while ago that you and Bill had lost the romance and that you didnt care. But you know what? I dont believe that. I think you miss it. I think you crave it. But not with him.Danas face went pale, eyes wide. Bastien, standing nearby, wore a similar look. I didnt care. We had nothing to lose at this point.Am I right? I leaned closer. There is something missing, isnt there? And you were lying about not knowing whats sexy. You know. You know what turns you on, and you want it. You want it so bad, y ou can taste it.I swear, you could have heard a pin drop in the room. Dana worked forcibly to control her breathing, staring and staring at me as though I might vanish if she blinked.Yes, she finally croaked. Youve been right about a lot of things. Like how we cant assume who we want. And yesI think we both know what Im talking about, Tabitha. Some of her old confidence began to return. At first, I wasnt sure. You were so hard to read. But then, after I saw how awkward things were with you and your boyfriend how you never wanted to talk about him and said you werent attracted to him I knew for sure. That little lingerie show you put on for me cinched it. You were amazing. I couldnt stop thinking about it. Id already seen you naked in the hot tub, and that had been agonizing enough. I had to see you naked again. And then, as I talked to you more, I realize you were intelligent too. Just like tonight. She took a deep, quaking breath and reached out her hand to cover mine, fingers slowly dancing along my skin. Youre right. I do want something. So bad I can taste it. I know its wrong, and I know its immoral, but I cant help myself. I cant help who I want. Cant help wanting you.No wonder Bastien hadnt been able to close the deal. Dana had wanted me. Probably from the moment I stepped out of the pool in that skimpy bathing suit. double-dyed(a) at her, I thought about all the horrible things her group did. I also thought about Bastien being tortured by some demon. In some cases, being immortal wasnt always a blessing. Now, I could save him from that fate and send a little payback to the CPFV.I smiled back at Dana, letting my body language speak for me as the tension mounted. I admit, I was a little surprised that all of my previous encounters had been read as advances on her, but well, whatever. The invisible incubus had run out of the room somewhere around I had to see you naked again. He returned now, wielding the photograph camera. Seeing my calculated silen ce, he waved the camera at me frantically, glee all over his face.I held the power now to change everything. The power to achieve what Bastien had been bit for. To save him and humiliate the CPFV. If I could just pull this off. The ambrosia had proved today that my strongest talents lay in improvisation and planning, the ability to multitask and solve problems. That was great. It made me feel better about myself than I had in a while. It was probably what had led me to realize the truth about Dana too. But what about my earlier musings about the ambrosia? In regard to sex? Was my sexual prowess still a key part of me? Had the ambrosia enhanced that too? Could I rock some man or woman in bed? Looking at Dana and her now-obvious lust, I knew the answer. I gave a sultry laugh and jauntily brushed my hair out of my face.I could and would rock her world. I was a team player, after all. For both teams.Squeezing her hand, I moved toward her.I feel exactly the same way.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A view from the future and the medieval ages
The great publicist of the enlightenment, Voltaire, even while he advocated the widening of historical inquiry to embrace social and economic activities and their effect, strongly believed that every objects worthy of historical study were the peeks not the valleys of the achievements of mankind. l This statement shows that among the civilization that rose, the westward civilization is always ahead of the other societies. There is an assumption that western civilization are progressive than Asians. In comparison to the medieval world, view, however believed in a fixed order of things and was theocratic.It is true that the western civilization started the economic and social activity through the Industrial revolution. The industrial revolution began at the United Kingdom in 1750-1850 and spread to the Germany, United States and the rest of the Europe in 1850 1950. And in 19502050 it expand through Asia and Brazil . lt also started the massive release of additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the comparison between Industrial regeneration and French revolution, we can see that the two have similarities.The French Revolution was a transformation in society and political. In the start of French Revolution, France becomes a monarchy. The Industrial revolution was resulted to transform agricultural economies to industrial. But it also changed the whole society. The social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution were significant. As economic activities in many communities moved from agriculture to manufacturing, production shifted from its traditional locations in the home and the small workshop to factories.Large portions of the population relocated from the countryside to the towns and cities where manufacturing Duchesne,Ricardo, The Uniqueness of Western Civilization, KoninkliJke, Brill NV,2011 PASCUA, Diane felicity T. 2013-63299 enters were found. New groups of investors, businesspeople, and managers took financial risks and reaped great rewards. 2 There is also similarity in the Dark Ages and in the Industrial Revolution in social stratification. In the Dark Ages, Feudalism flourished in the Western Europe. It is a specific kind of decentralized goernment which started in Western Europe in ninth ascorbic acid to thirteenth. Three elements are considered in the classical Feudalism the decentralized of government and law. 4 The lord is the most world powerful in this stratification. They are the one who holds the power in economic aspects. In some cases, some lords are more powerful than the kings. While in the Industrial Revolution, industrialists, bankers and political leaders govern over the ordinary people. Industrialists hold the power in Economic aspects and they also control the political system because of the wealth. We can see that the power in this time is in hands of the wealthy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart stores, the worlds biggest retailer, owns more than 4,000 stores, including 1,475discount stores 1750 Wal-Mart Superc disgrace combination discount and grocery stores and 540 Sams Club W behouse stores. With close to deuce one million million million employees worldwide, Wal-Mart is the biggest employment provider in the world. In this paper I am going to discuss 1. What financial impact could the courting potentially wealthy person on Wal-Mart? 2. What are the major moral complaints of the females suing Wal-Mart? Are these moral complaints are justified? wherefore? . What, if anything, should Wal-Mart do to correct these discrepancies? Should the family institute an affirmative action advance chopine for female employees? If so, what should this program look like? 4. Do women deserve to win their jurisprudencesuit? Though Wal-Mart loseed lots of lawsuits which included child-labor, illegal immi present workers, failure to holdment over time charges the recent and major law suit they are facing now is the discrimination against female employees in promotions, pay, management fosterage and product line assignments.It was, therefore, a noteworthy event in June 2004 when a federal judge expanded a lawsuit filed by six California women to a home action. The case has now mushroomed to cover 1. 6 million women Wal-Mart workers, employed nationwide since 1988, making it, by far, the largest class action in U. S. history. What financial impact do you think lawsuit could potentially expect on Wal-Mart? We all know, Wal-Mart is the biggest or largest retail store in the world. Naturally, their earning and employees are also more com comparisoned to early(a) corporate.The lawsuit against the company was not the company needed when they were facing other legal is executes such as the child labor and employment of illegal immigrants. The lawsuit was filed by six women who say women were treated lower than the male even if they acquired equal post s, qualification and experience. The news already reached every household, street and public place thence bringing the name of the company down. This could have a huge impact on the companys earnings and here we are not manifestation in terms of hundreds or thousands of dollars we mean millions and billions of dollars. Some of the impact could occur in the following forms ?The six women who filed the case against Wal-Mart are not only postulation the company pay for the unfair deed but also asking them to pay back and compensate for all 1. 6 female employees against whom Wal-Mart discriminated. This would cost the company a fortune because these 1. 6 female workers were entitled to promotions, salary increment, trainings and other such things. To compensate or reimburse that much amount for that much workers would sure have a huge and major impact on the companys financial position. ?The other way how this lawsuit could affect the companys financial position would be through the transaction or sales.Since major part of the shoppers constitutes women, after hearing what Wal-Mart has done and how women are treated at Wal-Mart they would sure as shooting feel insecure and ripped off. They would turn their backs and look for a better place to shop. This would lead to a fall in sales and increase in competition. ? separate thing is the reputation and good result of the company. The lawsuit already has brought the name of the company down and on top of that if the company fails to win the case, then the company would suffer a huge fall of share in the market.They would even have to close most of the stores and start all over again which would be unsurmountable looking at the current market situation and all the competition worldwide. ?And not to for repel the turnover of workers or employees. Reaching this news of discrimination I personally believe that most of the women employees will quit their job, even those who did not experience the situation. So interv iewing, selecting or recruiting those new employees would cost Wal-Mart another million. Moreover, those new employees would have no experience and would commit lots of errors.Training them would again add to the cost. What are the major moral complaints of the females suing Wal-Mart? Do you believe these moral complaints are justified? Why? The major moral complaints of females suing Wal-Mart in the case basically cover the discrimination against female employees. To layover out what constitutes those complaints ? Difference in the promotion scheme in the midst of male and female employees ? The lower payment of wages and salaries to female employees even they were at same level with male employees ? Unequal distribution of management training among the male and female employees ?Male allotted a better job assignment compared to women even they were equally qualified, ranked and experienced. Yes, I believe these complaints are justifiable because we can see from every point that women were not treated fairly and equally. It wasnt that women lacked in anything or that they were unwilling to work, it was because they were woman. We can very well contest with men and in some cases may even prove better than them but it is act like this what is pulling the power of women down. The six women who sued Wal-Mart didnt sue for nothing they had physical proof and evidences of the discrimination laid upon them.Some of the evidences were found in the employees records where by Richard Drogin, a statistical expert found out that employees atWal-Mart were divided into two main groups, hourly employees who occupied the lower levels and compensated handlers who occupied the higher levels. Compensation increases from one level tithe next. In 2001, salaried managers made approximately $50,000 a year while hourly employees made$18,000. Drogin found out that not only 65% of hourly employees were women but also 33% of salaried managers constituted women.So at both the point women bring in little than man. When we also look upon the experience level, an ordinary woman was far more experienced than an average man because women worked or stuck there for longer than men. Women despite having other responsibilities like raising a kid or managing the home, they dedicate more where they work that is wherefore they have less turnover rates. So this adds up to another reason why the lawsuit was appropriate or justifiable. It is strange but true the motion rating of an average woman was much higher than of an average man.Drogin found out that be it in a cashiers place, a managers place or a sales boyfriends place women performed better than men. However women were paid about 5% to15% times less than men and on top of that fewer women got promoted to the next rank that too in a very long time whereas a man would get promoted within the speculated time or even less into the next post. Wal-Mart was fined $188,000 by the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission for violating California state law when it refused to reinstate a woman after she completed her maternity leave.In addition, Wal-Mart also offers a pitifully small amount of paid sick time for workings women, and requires employees to be available for shifts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making it extremely difficult for working mothers to schedule child care or take time off to care for a sick child. So the main point here is that at any angle or point we can see women were not treated fair and left to suffer. If women do not advance together and fight for their rights when they have the opportunity then women will always remain a victim.Then there is no use shouting at the store or ourselves that we deserve more or we have earned it, it would be too late then. Besides the moral complaints by the female workers at Wal-Mart there were major issues involving the employees which were not noted earlier, some of the issues were ? Wal-Mart pays low wages and appears to agg ressively seek to keep wages down. On average, Wal-Mart workers earn an estimated $8. 00/hour with a 32 hour work week. This equals $256 a week or $13,312 a year. The Federal poverty level for a family of threes $14,630. In contrast, union grocery workers earn on average 30% more. Charges have been made that older workers are laid off to bring in younger and cheaper employees. Some 40 lawsuits accuse Wal-Mart of a failure to pay overtime. ?It pulls wages and benefits down in other grocery stores. It lowers area standards. In some cases, it forces the closure of better paying firms. Business Week estimates for every Wal-Mart super shopping mall that opens, two other supermarkets will close. ?It pressures suppliers to make products more cheaply, putting pressure on wages, causing jobs to be moved overseas. Last year, it imported 12 billion in goods from China, 10% of US imports from that nation. Wal-Mart doesnt make up new technology or innovations that improve the quality of life. I t takes business from existing firms by offering the same merchandise cheaper. Thats all it does. So I believe it is not only justifiable but also rightful to file the lawsuit against such treatments. On top of that the evidences and statics are on the womens side so therefore the lawsuit is 100% justifiable. What, if anything, do you think Wal-Mart should do to correct these discrepancies? Should the company institute an affirmative action promotion program for female employees?If so, what should this program be like? The problem was caused by the company, Wal-Mart so unquestionably they have to find a solution and try to correct their mistakes. They have already started working on the problem. Some of the initiatives they have taken are ? They had posted anti-discrimination posters all over ? Women were allotted more responsibilities and representation in areas they were evaluated ? Women could enter salaried management jobs without having to relocate their homes. But since such initiatives were not firmly implemented some of them were forgone with the passage of time.Some of initiatives Wal-Mart could think of or adopt are 1) utilisation Discrimination I am talking about the actual work or labor work. Women at Wal-Mart seem to be working at par with men but still they are not paid at par. To compensate for the womens losses they could reduce their work time or they could divvy up women to areas where minimum energy is required. For example they could work at displaying of items, as a cashier, and such places where not much of hard labor is required. 2) Facility such as Day Care Wal-Mart is one of the biggest retail all over the world and they have lots of property they own.If they established some Day care center for their employees especially the female employees then those employees who have kids can drop their kids in those center and work care free in the store. The center could be pricey the store and they could also charge some amount as charge bu t this could not only benefit the workers but also the company for could fend off unnecessary absenteeism. An association called the Womens Association can be formed in every retail store so that female employees can come together to discuss their issues and forward suggestions and feedback.Such programs do not have to disturb their normal work time, it could be conducted once in every month or whenever major issues arise. 4) Equal Respect At Wal-Marts women were mostly looked down and not given the respect they deserve. Adwoman may be somebodys mother, wife or sister. Men at Wal-Mart fail to see that and they criticized women of their looks, their past, future and their purpose in life. So therefore women should be given respect and treated equally. Yes definitely the company should institute an affirmative action in order to promote program for the female employees.From my point of view, since the company is based in the United States they should associate their program with the Statue of Liberty. That statue denotes the power of women and it signifies the right to freedom for all the U. S citizens. The title or the main theme of such program could be Liberty for Women . Whereby they could prove the freedom to speak, advance and employment especially for the female workers. They could relate women to some famous figure such as the Mother Teresa or simply their own mom. On this particular day they could give all the female employees a one day holiday and let them embrace themselves.The company should however grant monetary compensation for this day. This way women employee could proudly say they work at Wal-Mart and dedicate completely to their work and avoid complaining. Some of the points they could keep in school principal while pursuing such program could be as follows ? The right and responsibilities of women ?The importance of women ?The success of women till now ?The potential and ability of women ?The sacrifices women make in every aspect of life References Wal-Mart Class Action Gender Discrimination Case Holds,(2012), Myron Curry, retrieved from http//www. usiness-marketing. com/store/article-walmart. html Are Women Discriminated Against at Wal-Mart? , (2012), Dan Ackman, retrieved from http//www. forbes. com/2004/06/23/cx_da_0623topnews. html Wal-Mart, pay your fair share,(2006), Randy Joseph, retrieved from http//www. seattlepi. com/local/opinion/article/Wal-Mart-pay-your-fair-share-1194522. php Female Wal-Mart Employees File New Bias Case, (2011), Andrew Martin, retrieved from http//www. nytimes. com/2011/10/28/business/women-file-new-class-action-bias-case-against-wal-mart. html? _r=0
Friday, May 24, 2019
Measuring Socialism in America
Which of the cardinal countries is ofttimes collectivistic, Canada or the unite States of the States? It must(prenominal) prototypic be state that neither Canada nor the USA is con positionred a genialist state. For the purpose of this project, a companionableist state would be one such as Greece was until the be condemnations 1990s a country where the state owns either forms of companies and/or businesses and offers practic entirelyy e precise type of social service known to modern governances.Since none of the 2 North the Statesn countries that entrust be featured in this paper can accurately comp ar to the bove description, the paper pass on simply attempt to mend which of the two has a higher degree of socialist economy when matched against each other(a) following a Before going any further, lets diorama the conceptual definitions to the key elements of this paper. amicableism, as referred to through with(predicate)out the text, can be delimitate as follows a ny of various social or semipolitical theories or endurements in which the common welf are is to be achieved through the establishment of a socialist economic system.A socialist economic system can be defined as an economic structure in which the community owns the means of production, istribution, and exchange collectively, and the benefits are distributed to all members of that community. In this economic layout the mountain pass on run the government in a highly democratic fashion . Having established what socialism is, lets move on to the query question, or hypothesis.It is assumed that Canada will have a higher lever of socialism than the United States of the States based on its higher level of taxation and its apparently more veritable social run system. The research question is therefrom is Canada truly more socialist than the United States of America? The variables that will be used to measure socialism are the level of democracy social run offered the minimization of social classes and finally, the collective ownership of factories, corporation, and companies.According to the conceptual definition given rather, a socialist country must be highly democratic. We must then find data that would help indicate the variable of democracy. What makes a country democratic? The type and support of diverse political views as well as a high level of public participation in political decisions are two social characteristics that would ndicate a high level of democracy. To measure the representation and support of diverse political views, lets examine the different popular political parties in both Canada and the United States of America.According to the network CNN , in the latest US federal election which took place in November 2000, three political parties could be said to have garnered enough public support to be considered important. After the tally of 99 share of precincts, the Democratic Party stood at 49 percent of public support, the Republican Party at 48 percent, and the Green Party accumulated enough votes to have 3 percent of all votes. No other party get wordd a single percent of all votes. on that point is likewise a federal election being held in Canada this month, and the nation will vote on November 27th.According to the latest Reuters/Zogby Research Canada poll , the Liberal Party holds the lead with an approximate 42 percent of public support, followed by the Canadian Alliance, which polled 29 percent, the Progressive Conservative Party holds 12 percent support, the Neo-Democratic Party has 7 percent and finally, the Bloc Quebecois holds 8 percent of public support. Canada therefore has tail fin important political parties, all of which hold more public support than the United States third important party.However, it would be incorrect to assume that Canada is more democratic than the USA by simply counting the number of political parties. Lets instead look at how umpteen political views are represented in both countries. In the USA, the Democratic Party can be said to be just aboutly left field of the center on the left/right line, the Republicans would be nearly right of the center, and the Green Party would be considered to represent fairly left political views.If we place the political parties in Canada on the analogous left/right line concord to the views they represent, we see that many more views are covered. The Neo-Democratic Party can be labeled as a far-left party, the Liberal Party and the Bloc Quebecois would be considered left-of-the-middle parties, while the Progressive Conservatives are right of the center and the Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform Party) represents far-right views. It is transparent that once the political views of the parties are exposed, Canada seems to have the edge over the USA when it comes toLets now take a look at the bit variable that will be used to compare the degree of democracy between Canada and the USA a high level of public pa rticipation in political decisions. To measure this variable, we will look at the number of public representatives who are elected by the population. At the municipal level in the USA, match to the City of St-Louis Board of Elections , the population elects a mayor, a comptroller, a President of the Board of Aldermen, the members of the Board of Aldermen (councilors) and school board members.At the state and federal levels, as maintained by the North Carolina Board of Elections , the population of North Carolina elects members of the US hearthstone of Representatives (In North Carolina,12 members are elected), associate Justices of the Supreme tourist court (2), Judges of the Court of Appeals (5), District Attorneys (37), Judges of District Court (87), members of State Senate (50), members of the State House of Representatives (120), Judges of Supreme Court (Non Partisan) (31), local County Commissioners ( 5), a President and Vice-President, a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, an Attorney General, an Auditor, a Commissioner of Agriculture, a Commissioner of Insurance, Commissioner of Labor, Secretary of State, a Superintendent of Public Instruction, a Treasurer, a Chief Justice of NC Supreme Court and an mate Justice of NC Supreme Court. In Canada, at the local level elections are similar.According to Elections Canada the public elects a Mayor, Councilors and School Board members, but no comptroller and no President of the Board of Aldermen, such as is the case in the United States. At the Provincial Level, according to the governing body of Ontario , the population elects Members of the Provincial administration (Legislative Assembly) (In Ontario, 103 members are elected), and a Premier.Contrary to the USA, the population does not elect the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Auditor, nor any secretaries, superintendents, treasurers, ministers, Chief Justices, Judges or District Attorneys these positions are awarded by the governing Premier a nd his Cabinet. The same pattern exists at the federal level. In accordance with the Government of Canada , the Canadian population elects a Prime Minister and members of the House of Commons (In Canada, there are 301 members).Again, there is a stark contrast with the American political stem, as Canadians do not elect members of the Supreme Court, or even Senators. When we count the number of representatives who are elected by the population, it seems that the American political system is more democratic than the Canadian system, as it is clear that many important positions are chosen by the people in America and by the politicians in Canada. It is important however to note that the men and women who hold the most power of all in both countries, the members of cabinet, are named by the leading politician.In Canada these people must be chosen from the Legislative Assembly at the provincial level, and the House of Commons at the federal, therefore they were elected to represent the p opulation . However, in the US the Governors and President may choose whomever they please as their cabinet , whether they were elected or not. Despite the previous fact, when looking at the democracy variable as a whole it must be hold that the US is at least as democratic as Canada, therefore the first variable must be considered void. Lets now move on to the second variable, well-established social services system.For a state to be deemed socialist, it must offer numerous social services to its people, complete of charge. Lets begin by examining rearing. The first exponent for education is the criterion of old age of unloose education that are offered by the state. Both countries offer free pre-school, elementary and secondary education through the public schooling system. (A totally socialist state would also offer free post-secondary education. ) In Canada, according to Statistics Canada , most provinces offer 14 historic period of free education, beginning at the age o f 4 with pre-kindergarten.The only exception is Ontario, which currently offers an optional 15th year, known as the Ontario Academic Curriculum. OAC is grassrootsally a fifth year of high school, designed to prepare students for university, also acting as their first year of university. However, the Government of Ontario has passed a bill to abolish OAC by the year 2002. In the USA, according to the National Education Association , all states offer 15 years of public education, beginning a year earlier than in Canada, therefore offering one year of pre-school more than the provinces of their neighboring country does.It can therefore be said that the USA offers more years of free education than Canada does. But how much does the state spend on these years of education? Lets look at the second indicator for the variable of education the amount dog-tired-per student per-year on education. In accordance with data from Statistics Canada , the three levels of government combined to sp end an approximate 50,407,100 Canadian dollars per student for the school year of 1996-97. In that same year, Statistics Canada states that 5,065,914 students were enrolled in public schools across the country.Therefore, the state spent almost 9,949 Canadian dollars per student. Based on the US nose count Bureaus data , all three levels of American government combined to spend an approximate 5,882 US dollars per-student for the same school year of 1996-97. In order to compare these numbers realistically, lets convert the Canadian dollars to US dollars. In 1997, the Canadian doll ar was worth approximately 0. 68 American dollars, therefore the Canadian government spent an approximate 6,765 American dollars per-student, compared to the US governments approximate 5,882. The next social service to be examined is income security.It must be noted that the term income security does not mean exactly the same thing in both countries. In Canada, income security stands for social assistance, benefits to the elderly, employment benefits and child benefits. These services are covered by the Canadian and Quebec Pension Plans, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Spouses Allowance, Unemployment Insurance, Childrens Financial Benefits, accessible Assistance, and Workers Compensation. On the other hand, in the United States the term income security stands for disability insurance, private pensions, federal employees retirement, and disability programs.These services are offered through Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Earned Income Tax Credit and Unemployment Compensation. In 1994-95, according to the Government of Canadas overview of Income Security , the Canadian governments spent a total of 88,900,000,000 dollars on Income Security. When divided by the approximate population at the time, 29,500,000 people, it averages out to 3014 Canadian dollars per citizen. If that number is then multiplied that by . as the Canadian dollar was worth approximately 86 cents American at the time, we get 2050 the average spent per citizen in American dollars.The United States governments spent 257,000,000,000 dollars on Income Security in 1999, according to the Budget of The United States Government for the fiscal year 2001 . When divided by the US population in 1999, which was 272,691,000, according to the US Census Bureau , we get the amount spent per citizen on Income Security 942 US dollars. It seems as though Canada spends more on Income Security, but it must be taken in account that the US also has what they call Social Security.The latter covers Old-Age benefits, and Survivors, and Disability Insurance. Since these services fall under the Canadian defi nition of Social Insurance, it would only be fair to measure them under the same variable. According to the US Census Bureau, 383 billion dollars was spent on Social Security in the US in 1999. That comes out to 1405 US dollars per citizen. When added to the previous total (amount spent per US citizen on Income Security) we get a total of 2347 US dollars spent per US citizen, compared to 2050 US dollars spent per citizen in Canada.However, before declaring the United States more socialist when it comes to Income Security, we must consider the fact that the Canadian data dates back to 1994-95, almost five years younger than the American data. It must be assumed that the Canadian Government has increased its spending on Income Security since 1995, as has been the trend with all of the social services for both Canada and the US. However, we must still recognize the fact that the United States governments spend a good deal of money on these types of services and can be said to sp end more, or perhaps only slightly less than the Canadian governments do.The final social service variable to be inspected is health worry. In order to compare the two countries health care systems, two indicators will be examined the number of healt h services offered for free and the amount spent per citizen on heath care. In the United States, there are two types of heath care services Medicare and Medicaid. According the US Federal Government , Medicare is offered to most citizens who are 65 years of age or older, people entitled to Social Security disability payments for 2 years or more, and people with end-stage renal disease.Medicaid is offered to certain low-income families to help cover their medical be . The Medicare recipients will receive durable medical equipment such as oxygen equipment, wheelchairs, arm, leg, back and deal braces, ostomy pouches, surgical dressings, splints and casts, one pair of eyeglasses after surgery, and other medically necessary equipment that a doctor prescribes for use at home. Medicare also helps cove r the costs for doctors services, outpatient hospital care, blood, lab tests and physical and occupational therapy. Medicaid on the other hand covers much more.On the other hand, according to the health Care Financing Administration, Medicaid recipients receive inpatient and outpatient hospital services, physician services, medical and surgical dental services, nursing facility services for persons aged 21 or older, laboratory and x-ray services, paediatric and family nurse practitioner services, ambulatory services to individuals under the age of 18 and individuals entitled to institutional services, prenatal care and delivery services for pregnant women, as well as some home health and clinical services.In Canada, as stated by the Government of Ontarios Ministry of Heath , health care covers all services by a physician (except work or school-related physicals), five or ten annual visits to a podiatrist (chiropractors, osthopasths) and Physiotherapists, dental services do ne in hospital, optometry services every two years for all 20 to 65 year olds and once a year for all under 20 and all over 65 year olds, and importantly, emergency care of injuries that occur out side of the country.If we compare the services offered in both countries, we see that Medicaid is very comparable to the Canadian Health Plan, plus and minus a few services, while Medicare trails both systems, at least as far as services offered are concerned. The second indicator for health care is the amount spent per person on health services. This is an area where the US is expected to perform poorly, as mentioned in the hypothesis, because so few Americans actually receive government-paid health care. In fact, according to the US Census Bureau any form of government-paid health care covers only 24. ercent of the US population.Medicare covers 13. 2 percent of the population, and Medicaid covers 10. 2 percent while the remaining 3. 1 percent are military personnel who receive basic military health benefits. According to the US Census Bureau , the three levels of government in the United States of America spent 40,168,000,000 dollars on 34,900. 000 Americans in 1991, therefore spe nding 1147 US dollars per recipient. However, when divided by the total America population at the time, which was approximately 258,000,000 people, we see that a mere 156 US dollars was spent per citizen on heath care.Canada on the other hand offers heal th care to all of its citizens, therefore it is expected that the per-citizen number will be higher. According to Health Canada , in 1994-95, the three levels of Canadian government jointly spent 51,900,000,000 Canadian dollars on health care. When divided by the total population at the time (29,500,000 people), we get 1759 Canadian dollars per person. Hence, after the conversion to US dollars, the amount spent per person on health care in Canada is 1196, almost eight times as much as the US spending.Consequently, it must be alleged that although the US data is four years younger than the Canadian data, Canada still spends much more on health care than the United States does. Canada then comes out on top when we add all of the vari ables together in an attempt to construe who is of a more socialist nature, as far as social services go. It must nevertheless be admitted that aside from health care spending, the US does not trail Canada by an extreme amount when in comes to soci al services, and even comes out on top when in the amount of years of free education offered through the public schooling system.Aside from an advanced social services system, a socialist country must also have a low level of diversity when it comes to social classes. In order to reduce the contrast between social classes, one must first reduce the renewal of income levels. Therefore, the indicator for the variable minimization of social classes will be income inequality. As said by the paper Income inequality in North America Does the forty-ninth parallel still matter? , Canada has not seen the substantial increase in income inequality that has occurred in the United States.The paper states that the US average income level has been w age hike rapidly when compared to Canadas, but that the USs income inequality has been growing consistently as well. In price of comparative economic well-being, Canadian families in the base 25% of the income distribution were better off in absolute terms in 1997 than were their counterparts in the United States. However, in the top one-fifth of the income distribution, American families had fluid incomes more than 20% higher than their Canadian counterparts.In the top one-tenth of the income distribution, disposable incomes among American families were about 25% higher. (Income inequality in North America Does the 49th parallel still matter? , The Daily, Statistics Canada) Although it was not possible to view the data that was used by the author to make the in a higher place conclusions, the information will be considered credible for this paper, as it was written on the part of Statistics Canada, which is highly reputed to be an accurate source of data. A more precise way of find Income Distribution would be to actually compare the spread of income in both countries.According to a US Census Bureau chart, in 1998, 3,6 percent of American households were in the lowest quintile of income (lowest level of income), 9 percent were in the second quintile, 15 percent in the third, 23. 2 percent were in the fourth quintile, and finally, 49. 2 percent of households were in the highest quintile of income. In Canada, the same chart can be found in Canadian Fact Book On Poverty, which was posted on the Posted on the Canadian Council on Social Development website (http//www. cfc-efc. ca/docs/00000327. m).According to the data, in 1991, 4. 7 percent of the Canadian households could be found in the bottom quintile, 10. 3 were in the second quintile, 16. 6 were in the middle quintile, 24. 7 were in the fourth quintile and 43. 8 percent were in the top quintile. Although the difference may not be huge, there is no denying the fact that there is a larger gap between the income levels in the US as the above data shows.As mentioned in the paper Income inequality in North America Does the 49th parallel still matter? he highest quintile plays a study role in the spread of income in the US. Almost half of all households are in the highest fifth, whereas in Canada, seven percent less (43. 8) households are in the highest quintile. What does all this mean? In keeping with the conceptual definition of socialism used for the purpose of this paper, it means that Canada fits the description of socialism better than the United States of America when it comes to income distribution since the gap between the rich and the poor is thinner in Canada than it is in the United States.Aside from having a high level of democracy, good social services and a low level of distribution of social classes, a socialist state must also own many, if not all businesses. That brings us to the fourth variable of a socialist state collective ownership of corporations, companies, and factories. Traditionally, Canada has had many efflorescence Corporations (Corporations owned by the State), but the recent trend has been to transport these companies to private investors. Nonetheless, the Canadian governments still own many businesses today. Even so, the Federal Government still owns 49 Crown Corporations according to the Treasury Board of Canada .The most commonly known of these corporations would likely be Canada Post, a nation-wide postal service, The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, which runs the CBC and SRC radio and television stations, and VIA-Rail. A few of the less known companies are the Canadian Commercial Corporation, International Development Research Center, Royal Canadian Mint, the Business Development Bank of Canada, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, Export Development Corporation, fire Credit Corporation, Defense Construction Limited, National Capital Commission, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.Bank of Canada, M arine Atlantis Inc. , and Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. In addition to federally owned Crown Corporations, the provinces also own their own public businesses the government of British Columbia for example runs sixteen Crown Corporations. The most commonly known of these are BC Hydro, BC Rail and BC Ferries. The US Governments also own similar corporation, although they usually tend to be agencies more than companies. A few examples would be the profound Intelligence Agency, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.There are however some agencies that can compare to the ones owned by the Canadian governments, as illustrated on the etiolate Houses Federal Agencies and Commissions web page such as the US Postal Service, AMTrack, the Export-Import Bank of the US, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development, the levelheaded Services Corporation, the National Park Service, the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, the Ov erseas Private Investment Corp. , and the Securities Investor Protection Corp.Since the corporations are included with the agencies and commissions all government sites, it is difficult to count a precise number of government divisions that could be considered Crown Corporations in the US. It can however be estimated that at the Federal level, between 10 and 20 of these corporations exist. In addition, the American public also owns a television station independently of all forms of government. The educational station PBS is funded entirely by the people, depending largely on personal pledges for its survival.It must however be concluded that Canada has a great deal of State-owned companies when comp ared to the US since it is nearly safe to say that there are at least twice as many of these corporations in Canada than there are in the United States. In conclusion, the hypothesis must be accepted, as the research proves that Canada is indeed more socialist that the United States of A merica. Although America is relatively strong when it comes to education, Canada does indeed spend more social services than the United States of America does. Canada also has more state-owned corporations than does the United States of America.Since the US does not clearly come out ahead of Canada in any of the variables, we cannot claim is as being in the same league as Canada as far as socialism goes. We can however state that the United States offers more years of public education than Canada does, and that it spends approximately the same on income security. In fact, if the United States offered health care to all of its citizens like Canada does, it could be argued that both countries are very similar in terms of socialism, with Canada being the frontrunner.However that is not the case, and what the entire research came down to was t fact that health care is only offered to 24 percent of all Americans. The US Government actually spends 1147 US dollars per health-care recipient , only 49 US dollars less than Canada spends per recipient. What does this research tell us? It simply reinforces the theory that Canada is more socialist than the United States of America in its ways of governing. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that it is younger than its southern neighbor, that it still follows its European parents, France and England. America has matured more than Canada has, since it has been a free nation for much longer.There is no doubting that the US has developed its own governing system, with its own distribution of services and is striving off of it economically. There is however no less doubting that Canadians are proud of their social services, and education and democratic system. It seems both countries are in a state of comfort. America is generally content with its system and Canada is also generally happy with the way the country is run. It is however always fun to peek on the other side of the fence and see how our neighbor is doing, and how we compare to him/her.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Pepsi Mission and Swot Analysis
Wendy Montagno Mkt-3120-401 Firm Mission Statement PepsiCo. Pepsi has had a long and rich history. The drink was invented by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist in New Bern, North Carolina. He patented the drink and launched the Pepsi-Cola Company in1902, from the back room of his pharmacy. It developed into a strong franchise system. The dedication of the local Pepsi-Cola bottlers, get provided a solid foundation. Pepsis mission has always been to be a responsible corporate citizen. They strive to be the worlds premier consumer products company, focused on convenient foods and beverages.They work at producing financial rewards for its investors. They provide opportunities for growth for their employees and partners. Above all, they make every effort for honesty, fairness and integrity. Pepsi states their vision on their website as PepsiCos responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate environment, social, economic creating a better tomorrow than t oday. They wish to create programs and focus on environmental stewardship to benefit the society. They also want to build shareholder value by becoming a truly sustainable company.Pepsi is the worlds bite largest beverage and food company based on its dinero revenue. In North America it is first largest Beverage and Food Company by net revenue. SWOT analysis of PepsiCo. Internal Strengths One of Pepsis strengths is its history with a longtime local home. They also have a long standing devoted customer base. They also stay on top of current technology systems and networks to manage their manufacturing and distribution. Pepsi prides itself on knowing their customers needs to provide excellent customer assistant and implement global growth. WeaknessesPepsi must keep an eye on chain stores. Chain stores have a lower per-unit cost and can provide a lower price for their items. Pepsi has also had problems with offering new products without having sufficient knowledge of their target demographic. Their size is also a concern. The company is so large that it could lag focus or have internal conflict problems External Opportunities Pepsi needs to utilize the expanding Internet possibilities to better serve their customers. This goes in hand with providing training to their employees as systems become more complicated.They could also better position themselves to provide excellent personal service to compete with box stores since the large store seem to be driven by sales. Threats Pepsi always faces a challenge from their largest competitor, Coke whom has the worlds largest beverage distribution. On the other side they deal with competition from familiar Mills and ConAgra which are striving to have a larger market share in the snack market. Pepsi also faces the challenge of different regulations and policies set by governments in other countries.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Integrative Therapy Essay
I started my first class of centering today. I was very nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I had not been in formal education for the past ten years and excited because I was going to do something for myself after 3 years of seance at home and focus on something other than domestic issues. I arrived to my first class late and that made me more apprehensive. Looking around I noticed that there were stack from different age and background. I started the class by telling others or so myself and find outed to them. I felt like I was in a base therapy, in a way it actually was because we were using our listening skills, which I believe is essential part of counselling. As it happened at the supplant of the task I was less nervous than I was at the beginning. Our next task was to find a partner and talk about ourselves to each other. We talked about our lives and it was up to us how much to tell our partner and to share it with the rest of the group.Again he re, our listening skills were tested. This task also acted as ice breaker where the airwave of the class belong more relaxed as we listened to each individuals life and their achievements as well as their aspirations. I realised that most of the people who attended the run-in were there because of their life experiences propelled them to this course and that they felt they have something to give back as counsellor, or that they may learn some counselling skills to help them with their own lives. As for myself, since studying counselling as part of my degree course 10 years ago, I have wanted to become a counsellor. I always was motivated to help others.My only inability is and has been my lack of confidence. This is not because I dont have the ability to listen and help others, but just that I am not a confident speaker and my communication skills needs to be enhanced and by doing this course I am hoping to overcome both and be prepared for further qualifications in counselling. During the class in groups we also discussed, what we want from rest of the group and what is essential of me. There were some points, such as, Respect, Confidentially, Honesty, Being non- judgmental, etc, that we all agreed on.We ended the class by checking out, where we said how we felt and what we well-read, like me, the rest of group was also more relaxed and were looking forward to the rest of the course. I see this course as learning route, where by the end of it I have learned some counselling skills, hopefully I will also overcome my own issues, which might have an impact on my role as a helper.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
School Finance Article Analysis
After the Second World War, there has been a salient increase on school finance in the United States. Through the article, Guthrie explains some of the critical incidents that contributed the considerable increase of the per-pupil expenditures in public elementary and substitute learning institutions. Upon reading the article, one should have an understanding on how do certain events affect per student spending in America.Some of the factors cited by Guthrie argon the constant expansions regarding the services offered by schools, more pricey specialized classes on high school students, and special fosterage programs. Also, Guthrie includes that grants for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with disabilities make a component to increased costs. In the article, Guthrie suggests that it is very likely that the increasing expenditure on school finance continues. With this, the author offers some solutions to be considered to put a block or, at the least, control its g rowth rate.Some of these are privatization and contracting. Just like the article states about the increasing per student expenditure, school finance in mom is also affected by the factors stated earlier. Thus, one can say that Massachusetts is on its way on a much higher education budget. In the event that the education status in Massachusetts will continue (that is, its schools productivity is increased), there can be a possibility that the trend will snap, thus making the funds for public elementary and secondary schools could be minimized.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ashford University Library: What does the library have to offer? Essay
Research is one of the most important parts of an individualists academic life and proof that they have developed their academic skills and knowledge in their bowl of study. Ashford University Library is an amazing place where one is able to entrance money all the materials that is needed in carrying tabu a question in whatever field of study. Conducting any kind of look for requires full access to various sources that be considered to be scholarly sources that argon good for information and data that pull up stakes economic aid in making the research credible. Using Ashford University Library for research and to access data and information from reliable sources offers an opportunity for s credible research since the library has scholarly sources as well as favourite sources that spate easily be accessed (Ashford University, 2013).Ashford University Library What does the library have to offer? The benefits of using Ashford University Library are that a researcher is able to access all data and information within the library without having to move the services of outside sources (Gasparyan, Ayvazyan, Gorin, & Kitas, 2014). The materials and sources which are included in the portfolio of Ashford University Library are credible and reliable sources which are easy to access through the primaryst search tools of the library (Ashford University, 2013). This helps in saving a lot of cartridge holder when carrying out a research since all information and data is within research by just now using the search tools which include the universitys database and the FindAU search tool that are simple and easy to purpose. Ashford University Library has sources which are considered scholarly and sources which are considered popular (Calkins, 2007). Scholarly sources within the library scarcely refers to sources which that have been published by recognized scholarly organizations or institutions such as universities and sources which have been send out to o ther scholarly peers for an anonymous review.The sources always include journals and thus far books which have been published by scholarly groups, colleges or universities (Gasparyan, Ayvazyan, Gorin, & Kitas, 2014). Furthermore, in scholarly sources, the original research have been published in books and even journals, written by people who are experts in that field of study, has citations and are usually longer, having about 10 to 30 pages of research (Calkins, 2007). Popular sources on the other hand are considered to contain interesting stories, which whitethorn refer to research but do not necessarily contain the original research that was conducted. In addition, they are written by general public, they lack citations in most occasions, not peer-reviewed and they tend to be much shorter, having about 200 words to some few pages of writing (Gasparyan, Ayvazyan, Gorin, & Kitas, 2014).To make proper use of the librarys database and to know effectively and efficiently what you nee d for your research, it would be important to know what your research entails and what you hope to achieve with the final completed research (Ashford University, 2013). This means the thesis and the problem question to be answered by the research must be identified and clearly understood after which one will be able to know what materials to look for in the library (Calkins, 2007). The resources that fit the need for the research great deal be identified through the problem question and the thesis statement which will help in knowing whether the research will require use of scholarly sources or any other sources which bed help in providing data for the research.Conclusion Conducting a complete research that is satisfactory and one that can be relied on requires the use of data and information sources which are reliable. Ashford University Library provides great opportunity for conducting research since it offers a wide range of scholarly sources that can be relied on for resea rch in any field of study. The benefits that one gets from using Ashford University Library are numerous since the sources available within the university are considered to be scholarly hence the reliability of the resources.ReferencesAshford University, (2013), Library Services viewed from http// on 9th idealistic 2014.Ashford University, (2013), Writing Services, viewed from https// on 9th August 2014.Calkins, S. R. (2007). Evaluating Internet and Scholarly Sources Across the Disciplines Two Case Studies. College Teaching, 55(4), 151-156.Gasparyan, A., Ayvazyan, L., Gorin, S. V., & Kitas, G. D. (2014). Upgrading instructions for authors of scholarly journals. Croatian Medical Journal, 55(3), 271-280. inside10.3325/cmj.2014.55.271Source document
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Assessment Worksheet Essay
1. What is the goal or objective of an IT peril management figure? The purpose of the peril Management Plan is to define how assays will be managed, monitored and controlled throughout the project.2. What atomic number 18 the five fundamental components of an IT run a risk management plan?-The components of a lay on the line Management Plan are Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Evaluation, Risk Monitoring and Review.3. Define what risk planning is. Risk planning is developing and documenting organized, comprehensive, and interactive strategies and methods for identifying risks.4. What is the starting signal step in performing risk management? One of the most important first steps for a risk management plan is to establish the objectives.5. What is the exercise called when you are trying to identify an arrangements risk health? -Health Risk Assessment6. What practice helps reduce or eliminate risk?-Risk Management.7. What on-going practice helps track risk in real-tim e? Risk Mitigation.8. Given that an IT risk management plan butt end be large in scope, why is it a good idea to develop a risk management plan team?-Scope identifies boundaries. So, if the plan is that large in scope, a team would make up obviously together and not against to maintain its structure in nature and have consensus.9. Within the cardinal domains of a typical IT infrastructure, which domain is the most difficult to plan, identify, assess, remediate, and monitor?-LAN-WAN10. From your scenario perspective, with which compliance law or example does your organization have to comply? -Honoring that the law requires a student to receives grades from instructors physically. Complaince11. How did the risk identification and risk opinion of the identified risks, little terrors, and vulnerabilities contribute to your IT risk management plan table of contents?-It was detailed properly to fold provided information call for.12. What risks, threats, and vulnerabilities did you identify and assess that require immediate risk mitigation given the criticality of the threat or vulnerability? Among other things, faculty and/or students weak or being subject to locomote short to financial, pleasure or any other immoral selfish gain.13. For risk monitoring, what techniques or tools can you implement within each of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure to help mitigate risk? Anything practicable, man or man-made to properly assess, identify and deal with possible risks.14. For risk mitigation, what processes and procedures are needed to help streamline and implement risk mitigation solutions to the production IT infrastructure?-Control, remediation, assess and reporting are key.15. How does risk mitigation impact change control management and vulnerability management?-Change control is a systematic way to approaching change, within an organization, it can prevent the possibility of services becoming disrupt and if so, provide a plan to bring them b ack up as soon as possible
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